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  • Travel Poll: Has yahoo Answers inspired a virtual trip around the world?

    Tired and obviously bored. Can you use your country's site or do you have to go up north or elsewhere

    Goodnight Yahoo

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Have you ever become obsessed with a picture of someone?

    I recently answered someone's question with this photo He asked if we would seriously consider asking her out/if she was pretty. Not one to settle I used reverse image freeware to find and many more She is now a grown woman/model. When I saw that second photo it was mesmerizing. Her 'strikingly different angelic beauty' sorta captivated me. It's like a song I can't get out of my head. Have you ever seen something so very different but still so very beautiful that it stayed with you for a while?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Foodie Poll: What is YOUR most important meal of the day?

    Is YOUR most important meal of the day also the biggest?

    BQ: What is your favorite snack

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • How do I pick a profile pic?

    I am in the mood to conform. Is that you in your pic, a version of something that represents you or just a random beautiful pic you snagged of the internet?

    2nd time

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Which controversial or movie with color at its' core do you like the best?

    Malcom X, Roots, A Time to Kill, To Kill A Mockingbird, Django Unchained etc..

    I am curious if Yahoo is censoring our questions or yet another bug. I've heard about many questions not posting. testing...

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Humor Poll: How would you describe your type of humor?

    BQ: How would other people describe your sense of humor?


    It misses many other types as well but this is a easy question

    A wry sense of humor is a sarcastic one, combining amusement and irony for dry humor--sardonic

    1. Anecdotal: Named after the word anecdote (which stems from the Greek term meaning “unpublished”); refers to comic personal stories that may be true or partly true but embellished.

    2. Blue: Also called off-color, or risque (from the French word for “to risk”); relies on impropriety or indecency for comic effect. (The name probably derives from the eighteenth-century use of the word blue to refer to morally strict standards — hence the phrase “blue laws” to refer to ordinances restricting certain behavior on the Sabbath).

    A related type is broad humor, which refers to unrestrained, unsubtle humor often marked by coarse jokes and sexual situations.

    3. Burlesque: Ridicules by imitating with caricature, or exaggerated characterization. The association with striptease is that in a bygone era, mocking skits and ecdysiastic displays were often on the same playbills in certain venues.

    4. Dark/Gallows/Morbid: Grim, dark, morbid, cruel, offensive to some, and or graphic in nature or depressing humor dealing with misfortune and/or death and with a pessimistic outlook.

    5. Deadpan/Dry: Delivered with an impassive, expressionless, matter-of-fact presentation.

    6. Droll: From the Dutch word meaning “imp”; utilizes capricious or eccentric humor.

    7. Epigrammatic: Humor consisting of a witty saying such as “Too many people run out of ideas long before they run out of words.” (Not all epigrams are humorous, however.) Two masters of epigrammatic humor are Benjamin Franklin (as the author of Poor Richard’s Almanackand Oscar Wilde.

    8. Farcical: Comedy based on improbable coincidences and with satirical elements, punctuated at times with overwrought, frantic action. (It, like screwball comedy — see below — shares many elements with a comedy of errors.) Movies and plays featuring the Marx Brothers are epitomes of farce. The adjective also refers to incidents or proceedings that seem too ridiculous to be true.

    9. High/highbrow: Humor pertaining to cultured, sophisticated themes.

    10. Hyperbolic: Comic presentation marked by extravagant exaggeration and outsized characterization.

    11. Ironic: Humor involving incongruity and discordance with norms, in which the intended meaning is opposite, or nearly opposite, to the literal meaning. (Not all irony is humorous, however.)

    12. Juvenile/sophomoric: Humor involving childish themes such as pranks, name-calling, and other immature behavior.

    13. Mordant: Caustic or biting humor (the word stems from a Latin word meaning “to bite”). Not to be confused with morbid humor (see above).

    14. Parodic: Comic imitation often intended to ridicule an author, an artistic endeavor, or a genre.

    15. Satirical: Humor that mocks human weaknesses or aspects of society.

    16. Screwball: Akin to farce in that it deals with unlikely situations and responses to those situations; distinguished, like farcical humor, by exaggerated characterizations and episodes of fast-paced action.

    17. Self-deprecating: Humor in which performers target themselves and their foibles or misfortunes for comic effect. Stand-up comedian Rodney Dangerfield was a practitioner of self-deprecating humor.

    18. Situational: Humor arising out of quotidian situations; it is the basis of sitcoms, or situation comedies. Situational comedies employ elements of farce, screwball, slapstick, and other types of humor.

    19. Slapstick: Comedy in which mock violence and simulated bodily harm are staged for comic effect; also called physical comedy. The name derives from a prop consisting of a stick with an attached piece of wood that slapped loudly against it when one comedian struck another with it, enhancing the effect. The Three Stooges were renowned for their slapstick comedy.

    20. Stand-up: A form of comedy delivery in which a comic entertains an audience with jokes and humorous stories. A stand-up comedian may employ one or more of the types of humor described here.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Seasons Poll: Does today have any significance to you?

    With the beginning of fall officially welcomed by the autumnal equinox will you be out in your garden or refreshing your landscape today/tomorrow(day of rest for some) or anything else special? Is today just another day.

    BQ: Is the end of summer depressing to you?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Anime&Manga MOVIE addict Poll: What, iyho, are your top three movies?

    According to yahoo TOS opinions that expand my knowledge base are acceptable.

    With that out of the way on to the question....

    I love movies like Vampire D, Princess Mononoke, Grave Of the Fireflies:(, Porko Russo, Kiki's Delivery Service, Akira, Spirited away and the like. What are some freely available movies, that I don't need to download that you absolutely love that I absolutely must see. Anything from Romance to Horror are fine by me. I'm not looking for a gorefest just for sport but just some good movies for a late Saturday night. Also seen many of the Ghost in the Shell movies but I'm really not looking serials like that.Thank you very much, in advance , for this cultural enrichment/your suggestions.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Bathroom etiquette Poll: Do you flush and run or?

    wait and see. Gross but valid. I've too many times lifted the lid and saw somebody's leftovers whether at home or if I have no other choice in a public restroom and it grosses me out. I always make sure I leave it as clean as when I came in or cleaner. The smell usually greets me first.

    BQ: Do you keep your bathroom noises private with running water or your exhaust fan or act like a deaf & incontinent racehorse.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • How do I eMail anonymously through Y!A?

    I've only been using this site for about 5 years and my eMail option is on and I have the new format for now. Yahoo is idiotic in their behavior. Should I say they have many idiocentricities so it's sugar coated? Anyways everbody's page looks similar to mine as far as NO EMAIL LINK to the right of the name like in the old format. Please offer specific directions. I can navigate just fine but navigating to wherever that link is hiding in plain site I can not.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail8 years ago
  • Movie lover Poll: Which movie makes you FEEL?




    All of the above?

    Boy In The Striped Pyjamas

    Pay It Forward

    Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

    A Time To Kill

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Can strickingly different be beautiful?

    I posted a picture earlier with one person getting creeped out and the other person thinking she was angelic. Is she beautiful or? A third person deleted his post after his initial reaction was to call her a thing.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • First impressions: Are first impressions really the most important?

    What's the first thought or word or comment that this photo brings to mind?


    BQ: Did you think it was fake?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What do you do to wash away unwarranted stress?

    what the flying pig is unwarranted stress? You know those day where you could strangle Bugs Bunny and have rabbit stew for dinner with a side of Elmo? Those days where you just feel off and can't shake it because you have no clue what's wrong? Those days where both sides of the bed are wrong? What do you do?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Internet SECURITY Poll: How secure do you feel on the internet?

    It seems that in recent years there has been a downturn in worldwide virus attacks being reported in the mainstream media like the da Vinci virus. With FB and so many social networks people seem to be not so worried anymore.

    1 Not secure at all meaning you pay for Security suites, create your own security, have locks on your PC chassis, chassis intrusion sensors, have as many passwords as possible including your BIOS and never visit questionable sites.


    10 You will go where you want, when you want without any security and don't care who knows your name or sees your real selfies/pics.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Digs Poll: Do you have a pool at your house/apt/condo...?

    BQ: How often do you use it?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Food lovers poll: Do you like it HOT?

    How hot do you like your food? 1(cool)-10(Bring on the Bahut Joklia or the Trinidad Scorpion

    1000-1.5million Scoville units? - for foodies

    BQ: Do you enjoy just the heat or the heat and the high?

    The hotter the better for me.


    Hate vinegar based hot sauces.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Movie Poll: What is your favorite CLASSIC/OLD movie?

    This question is relative because one may like the 1911 Wizard of Oz and others, like myself the one with Judy Garland and still others The Wiz and others movies from the 80's or 90's because they are so young. This is a worldwide forum with those from 13-? so what's your best movie from childhood or even before.

    I have CDO. For you normal people that is OCD with the letters in alphabetical order, as well they should be.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • FOOD Poll: Do you think Wheaties is still the breakfast of champions?

    BQ: If yes are Ramen noodles the breakfast, lunch and dinner of losers?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Friends Poll: How important are friends to you?

    scale of one to ten. 1= what's a friend and why do I want them. 10= impossible to live without them and must have as many as possible

    BQ: How many people in your life do you consider friends?

    BBQ: Do you have a best friend who isn't "only" a friend or even very close friend. 0

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago