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Mid 40's, single and happy. Easy-going and humorous. Politically, neither conservative nor liberal...there are good points on both I always just go with common sense.

  • Leave dog at vet overnight?

    My dog had dental surgery and a couple of benign growths removed. The vet would like him to stay overnight so she can keep some fluids going in him. However, there is nobody on the premises of the animal hospital overnight, and the one time that he had to stay overnight he ripped out his own IV and managed to squeeze out of his cage and trash the place. (My son, the rock star) I'm nervous leavinig him there unsupervised but want to do what's best for him. The vet said I could bring him home if I really want to as long as I bring him back in the morning to be checked over. Any thoughts ? I know the fluids would be good for him, but I also know he'll be happier and more likely to get some sleep at home.

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Is it mean to set ground rules when my mother moves in ?

    I'm single, late 40's, and am probably going to be building an in-law suite onto my house for my mother. My father passed away about a year ago and Mom's been back and forth staying with me and my other siblings. When I move her in here permanently, I think it's highly likely that she will want to try to hang out with me all the time and only use "her" quarters at night for sleeping. But my point for building extra space is so that we don't HAVE to be together all the time. (She is still very capable of living independently...she doesn't need my help with anything.) I feel like a creep whenever I think about the idea of saying "you stay in your space and I'll stay in mine and we'll just get together from time to time", but that's really the way I need it to be to maintain my sanity. Obviously, when her health declines and she really NEEDS me, I'll be there for her, but right now she just wants company but doesn't want to go to the effort of getting out and having a social life with friends from church, etc. She likes to hang out with me. How can I keep some autonomy for myself without sounding like a horrible, bitchy, selfish daugher ? Or is that what I am for wanting my own space ?

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Can you borrow on a house that is paid off to do work on another house?

    My dad died last year and my elderly mother is scared to live in their house alone. (I don't blame's in a remote, rural area.) I am interested in building an in-law apartment or guest cottage for her to live in on my property. Our original thought was to sell her house and use that money for the new construction, but the housing market is SO bad right now, and particularly bad in rural areas like the area she lives in. Would it be possible to borrow on her house (it's totally paid off, free and clear) to do the work on a house for her on my property instead of selling it right now ?

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • Will all payments on a credit card made before the statement date be subtracted from the balance ?

    I know you have to pay the minimum before the payment due date, and I always do. However if I make another payment AFTER the due date but BEFORE the statement date will it be subtracted from the balance and reflected in the new balance on the statement ?

    The reason i'm asking is because I need to use my credit card to pay a vet bill, but would like to get the money back in before my next statement. My payment due date is 1/28, I get paid on 1/31 and hte statement date is 2/2. So I'm wondering if I make the additional payment on 1/31 whether it will show up as being subtracted from my balance in time for the 2/2 statement.

    2 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • Is it appropriate to say "in joyful memory" of someone who is deceased?

    My church is selling bricks that will be placed in front of our church building that can be engraved in honor or memory of someone. My dad passed away in 2010 and I'd like to buy one in his memory. My dad was a happy, smiling man who made everyone feel good, so I am inclined to say "in joyful memory of..." but I wanted to see if people thought that seemed inappropriate for someone who is dead. Please share your thoughts.

    3 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Can I make banana pudding a day ahead of time ?

    I would think it would almost be better that way, because the vanilla wafers will soften more. But I don't want the bananas to go totally brown (although I plan to soak them in lemon juice to slow that process)

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Need advice - went on date with guy who seems to be potentially dangerous?

    I went on a date today with a guy I met on a dating website. Met him in a public place, etc, to be safe. We really hit it off and I told him I'd like to see him again, he now has my last name, etc. because he seemed really "normal" and nice, and we even know some people in common. However, when I got home I looked him up on Facebook and his page is LOADED with drama...a recent girlfriend accusing him of beating her, another guy wanting to tell the world what a jerk this guy is because he screwed him in some recent business dealing, etc. I don't know whether this guy is really in the wrong on these things or if they are false accusations, but either way this guy does NOT seem to be a very well-liked person and, as I said, his life is filled with drama regardless. Now I really have no desire to see him again, but am worried he's a loose cannon and if I reject him now he might react really badly and next thing you know I'M sucked into his drama. Any suggestions for getting out of this situation in a safe, drama free manner ? He seemed to REALLY like me and was very excited about the idea of seeing me again soon.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • How to be less paranoid at work (even if I have reason to be...)?

    I'm a 48 year old female.I have a really good job that pays really well and the benefits are great. My coworkers are nice, my boss is nice, work environment is very good. However, I don't feel respected at all, although I feel "well-liked." To make it worse, I get the feeling they're grooming a young (25) male coworker for my job...they are putting him in charge of making changes to my processes, etc. instead of tasking ME with that. And yet they have not expressed any dissatisfaction to me about what I do. It's really making me feel miserable at work, but it's too good a job to just quit. I'd have a hard time finding another one that pays as well. I have hesitated to confront my boss about it because I don't want to sound whiny, and I had already told him awhile back that I did not feel respected sometimes and he said it was totally untrue and was just my imagination. So I know if I bring it up again I'll just sound paranoid (which of course I am...haha) and it will probably make things worse rather than better. Any suggestions ??

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • Why do I feel extremely cold if I wake up in the middle of a dream?

    I don't think it's just because my body temperature falls during sleep, because I don't feel cold if I'm not dreaming at the time I wake up. Last night I woke up in the middle of a dream and shivered so severely I never thought I was going to stop. (And it doesn't have to be a bad dream, BTW...I almost never have nightmares)

    Is there some sort of biological answer to this ? Or is it more of a psychosomatic thing ?

    3 AnswersBiology10 years ago
  • Juggling credit card balances?

    I have a few credit cards that are maxed out and one that has a lot of room left on it. I am trying to pay my cards off but can't seem to quite get by without using credit at least a little each month. Am I better to use the one card that has a lot of room on it and completely STOP using the others so those balances will start to finally go down ? I have been trying to spread my spending across all the cards to keep any ONE card from having too much balance increase, but I think it may be the wrong approach and might be better to have only one that is increasing while all the others are going down.

    Please no lectures about spending. Although I WAS frivolous in the past which is how I got into this mess, I have cut my spending SEVERELY and within a couple of months I shouldn't need to use credit at all. I'm just looking for the best way to distribute the spending until I get to that point.

    6 AnswersCredit10 years ago
  • Is it ok for my 84 year old mother to be on both Pradaxa AND low dose aspirin?

    She was admitted to the hospital overnight last week for Atrial Fibrillation. They got her heart regulated overnight with CorReg (not sure if I spelled it right) and released her with prescriptions for CorReg and Pradaxa and did not say that she should discontinue her low dose aspirin. However the Pradaxa info says that aspirin products may cause problems with using Pradaxa. Anyone have any thoughts ? She has had two minor nosebleeds since being released from the hospital with these meds (although they didn't last long)

    BTW, I am attempting to contact the doctor with this question as well, but just wanted thoughts until i can get hold of him.

    6 AnswersHeart Diseases10 years ago
  • Is there any way to capture the cursor in a screen shot without downloading any software ?

    I'm trying to create some training documents, and having the "pointer" on the screen would be helpful, but all I can find when I Google this is links to free software you can download to accomplish this. However, this is my work computer and i'm not allowed to download anything to it.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers10 years ago
  • Does my elderly mother have to report rental income?

    Having lost my dad last Fall, my mother, who is 84, wants to rent her remote, rural house and use the proceeds to get an apartment close into town where she will feel safer. (She would just sell it, but values are so awful right now) Will she have to report the rental income even though HER only income at this point is her Social Security ? What other considerations do we need to think about ? We already know a lot of the hazards of renting, and plan to use a property management company to handle it.

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • How to "thin" herbs that are planted in the ground ?

    I planted some herbs in a small garden space (about 2 feet by 4 feet) and now they have spread like crazy, especially the Thyme ! How do I dig portions of the herbs up to put in pots to give to friends without harming the plants or their roots ?

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape10 years ago
  • Extension cord for Electric Lawn Mower using 14 gauge cord?

    I recently bought an electric lawn mower that requires a 14 gauge cord, which I also bought. However, the 100 ft cord still does not quite reach the far end of my yard so I need a 25 foot extension cord. Does it also have to be 14 gauge or can it be 12 ? Or 16 ? For some reason I'm having a hard time finding a 14 gauge extension.

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Do certain kinds of charges on your credit card affect your credit differently?

    Does it look bad to pay for a cruise with my credit card ? Would it be better to pay for the cruise with my ready cash and pay other expenses with credit ? No lectures about taking a cruise if I need to use credit,'s an inexpensive one (just a few hundred dollars) and is a group outing for a friend's special birthday so it was hard to say no.

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Am I terrible for thinking my mom can still live alone?

    My father died last fall, and my Mom has been staying with myself and other family because her house is in a remote, rural area and we don't feel she is safe there. However, she is very healthy, still drives, is still very mentally alert, etc. In fact, she only retired from her full time professional job two years ago to care for my Dad while he was ill. I think Mom is getting really bored and depressed living with us in our houses, and she seems interested in the idea of getting a nice apartment in a very safe upscale suburb, so I've been helping her look. My sister thinks I'm terrible for even considering letting Mom get an apartment saying "this is the age where you bring them back home..." I honestly think Mom's health, both physical and mental, will deteriorate if she continues living with us because she's bored and doesn't have any real autonomy, so she just sits around and watches TV. If she had an apartment, I think she'd stay busier, like she did in her own house when Dad was alive. Am I crazy and/or inconsiderate for thinking she can live alone ? I honestly don't mind her staying with me, I just really don't think she's "there" yet....she's too independent. Although she seems to be losing that independent spark the longer she stays with us...

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Good vegetarian suggestions for dinner (that actually involves vegetables?)?

    I feel like I need to boost my vegetable intake a bit, and am looking for ideas for something good to fix for dinner tonight that will heavily involve vegetables. Not really in a meat mood, and most of the vegetarian recipes I have are mostly beans, cheese, rice and/or a lot of other things that aren't actually vegetables. Any ideas ? Not really in a salad mood....too cold out. I need comfort food.

    15 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Making an existing tile floor non-skid?

    The people who owned my house before me tiled the kitchen floor with slippery ceramic tiles (like the ones on your bathroom walls) and the slightest couple of drips of water create a truly hazardous situation. Is there anything you can buy to make such a floor "non-skid" without making it look hideous ?

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago