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  • OLTL: Mystery Guy is revealed?

    I just watched today's episode of One Life to Live. Did Elijah really kill Marty's baby and tried to killed Ford? I would have never thought that it was him or that he had anything to do with this. Do you think that Blair will find out about this? I mean Elijah seemed like a really great guy but I would have never thought he would have done anything like this. What do you think his motives are? He told Blair that he isnt nothing like Todd but to me, it seems like he is worse than Todd.

    6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Need help with a song?

    Ok.. I have been trying to find this song everywhere and I cant find it. Here are a few lyrics I know. It is kind of like a hip-hop/r&b. It has a guy and a girl in it.

    The guy goes:

    Where the good lovin'

    Where the good lovin'

    and other parts go

    Where the good loving at

    Where the good loving at

    Then the girl says:

    Right here right here right here

    And that is the chorus part of the song. I just cant seem to find it anywhere. At the very beginning of the song, he says Where the good lovin' and then the beat kicks in. I want to find it and find out who it is by.

    thanks in advanced

    And no it's not that song by Fantasia

    2 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Need help with a song?

    Ok.. I have been trying to find this song everywhere and I cant find it. Here are a few lyrics I know. It is kind of like a hip-hop/r&b. It has a guy and a girl in it.

    The guy goes:

    Where the good lovin'

    Where the good lovin'

    and other parts go

    Where the good loving at

    Where the good loving at

    Then the girl says:

    Right here right here right here

    And that is the chorus part of the song. I just cant seem to find it anywhere. At the very beginning of the song, he says Where the good lovin' and then the beat kicks in. I want to find it and find out who it is by.

    thanks in advanced

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite song?

    What is your favorite song and who sings it?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If you had one special power, what would it be?

    If you had one special power/ability, what would it be and why?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What country do you live in?

    What country do you live in?

    If you live in the USA, then what state do you live in?

    I live in the USA and in Alabama

    50 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • OLTL: who is your favorite?

    Who is your favorite character on the show and why?

    What is your favorite conflict(s)?

    What about your favorite storyline(s)?

    My favorite character is Starr and Kristen Alderson should never quit because she is very good at her role as Starr. I can relate to Starr's character a lot more. I also like Langston. I just dont like what she is doing in the show.

    My favorite conflict would have to be between Starr and Todd because he always tries so hard to protect her. Starr has been through more drama on that show than anything and I think her role is one of the hardest on there. It is always one thing after another and she has to put up with Todd all the time.

    My favorite storyline is the one that is going on now with Cole and the Hannah thing. I think they just need to add a complete twist to the whole thing and something unexpected happen.

    8 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • OLTL: Who do you think really pushed Marty down the stairs?

    I honestly do not think that it is Todd. I think that Hannah really is a big liar and is just making it up because she overheard Starr and Cole talking about Star's dad all those times and then that day that he walked in on Cole when Hannah had her shirt off. Hannah is just trying to see justice be done against Todd for all that he has done and just to get to Cole. Ya know I never hear them talk about Ross Rayburn anymore even though they said he died. I do not honestly believe he died. For all we know, he could be the one to have pushed her down the stairs since he doesn't like Todd and this could be his way of getting back at him.

    So who do you think did it?

    19 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Thumbs up or Thumbs down? Do you care?

    Do you really care if people give you a thumbs down on your answers to the questions that you answer? In my opinion, I really dont because all it is, is just an opinion or advice that we give. We see things our way and those people might not see it like that and just give you a thumbs down. People will give you a thumbs down but wont put their two sense in it.

    I see a lot of people who will thumbs down every answer but their own and you can tell because theirs is the only one with a 0 while everyone else has like a 1 or 2.

    The same goes for a thumbs up except that is a good thing to get.

    21 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is the weather like where you live?

    Where I live, it is raining like crazy, thundering, lightning, and there is a good chance of getting some really bad weather.. I am bored so that is why I am asking this question. There is nothing to do when it is raining..

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Mothers, I need help?

    Ok I just got a new house that me, my boyfriend, and our 4 month old son is fixing to move in within the next few days. The thing is, we have been wanting to decorate our son's room up since he is finally gonna have his own room. He doesnt have a room where we are living now so he sleeps in his bed in our room. My boyfriend wanted to do some kind of border in his room. I dont really have any ideas and neither does he. So any ideas would be great. Like what exactly do you need in a room for a baby and all of that good stuff? I am so excited about this and just need some ideas? We dont want nothing to baby-ish or too grown up.. We at least want his room to stay the way we decorate for a good while. We dont want to keep changing as he grows up.. So any ideas please? All help is appreciated..

    Thank you in advance....

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What are your views/opinions for...?

    What are your views/opinions on Sex before Marriage?? What about abortion??

    I just want to hear others opinions. I see so many negatives and then so many negatives on these subjects so that is why I was wondering. Sometimes it is good to have other peoples opinions as well.

    --I really dont have a problem with sex before marriage. I am actually guilty of I have a baby but am with that person and we have been together for almost 2 years. I believe it is ok as long as you love the person then it is ok. I mean we live together as well. It feels like we are married but we would rather stay bf and gf because it is more interesting.

    --With abortion I am both for it and against it. I am for it if someone was victimized or if the woman had no other choice because there could be something wrong with the baby or something wrong that could kill the mother. I am against it when they just go out and have sex knowing they could get pregnant but do not want to have kids. I think if they are going to do that, then the best option would be either adoption or keeping the baby.

    Those are my opinions so what do you think about Sex before Marriage or Abortion???

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Polls and Surveys: BQ...?

    What is your Favorite????


    Tv Show/Series:





    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • The random game.......?????

    Think of a word or phrase at the top of your head.. it can be anything...

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is your Favorite/Best?

    What is your favorite or best category/ies that you like to answer questions to? How often do you answers questions on Yahoo Answers??

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you think about yourself?

    Describe yourself in one word. It could be either good or bad..

    Or you could put something that you wish you could change about yourself..

    (Just for fun and to see what other people think about themselves, PLUS it's an easy 2 points..)

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • When do you think the world will end and why?

    Everyone keeps saying that it will end in the year 2012.. so do you believe that it will?? if you do, then why do you think that? If you dont, then when do you think that it will actually end and why?

    I just wanted to hear different opinions and views on this. I knows I honestly dont think that it will end in 2012 because it will be unexpected and since everyone says that it will and they are "preparing" for it then I really dont think it will. My mom told me that when she was 15 that they said it was coming to an end so many people sold everything they owned because of it. Then they said in 2000 that it would but it didnt.. So I just want to hear your view on it. I KNOW that it is unexpected but I just want other people's opinions..

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Ladies, I need help.....?

    I have basically been on my period for the past week and a half.. but before that, I would spot or after I use the bathroom every night and wipe, I would see blood. I kept thinking I was on my period but I never was.. One night there was so much blood that came out after I wiped. The weird thing was it only happened at night after I wiped, never during the day.. I had the mirena placed in about a month ago and never had this problem until now. I would bleed occasionally but wasnt on my period or nothing yet so I dont know if it is normal to have a period this long or not? There are times it is very heavy like it isnt going to end and I have to change a pad like every single hour just about. But then there are times that I could go a few hours without changing the pad because it isnt that heavy. It seems like everytime I go to the bathroom, it is very heavy though. My cramping isnt that bad like they were at the start of it but they are starting to go away. But is it normal to go through so much blood or be on my period this long when I have the mirena in?? I am worried that there is something wrong but my doctor wont answer my calls so I can find out.. I go back on the 12th of this month, to make sure it is still there because I cant feel my strings either.. So if any ladies could help with this or have had the mirena then I greatly will appreciate it.. I dont need that stupid website stuff either about the mirena b/c I have done read it. I would rather have someone who has experienced it before..

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • For girls... what has always been your dream date?

    This is just for fun and to see what cool and crazy ideas everyone can come up with... There are a lot of girls who picture what their dream date would be.. for example.. like on the beach with that specail guy with candlelight, etc..

    It may sound crazy but some girls even picture a dream break up... I have heard several stories about

    So what would be your dream date or your dream break up be and be honest...??? This is just for fun...

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago