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Lv 55,251 points


Favorite Answers29%
  • External storage options for Macbook Air!?

    I have a Macbook air mid 2011 13'' laptop and I know it has 2 USB 2.0 ports and a thunderbolt port for displays.

    This is a noob question, but I'm not familiar with Macs enough to know, but can I use the thunderbolt port to connect to an external HDD that has a thunderbolt interface? Since the Macbook Air I have only has the 128GB flash storage I'm running low on space.

    I primarily use it for large games (WoW as well as APP games), movies, and music; so I just wanted to use thunderbolt port since it's faster than the USB 2.0 ports.

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersAdd-ons8 years ago
  • Win 7 can't hear sound from speakers AND heaphones.?

    So this is bugging the crap out of me, I recently changed my motherboard and now I can't enable playback through my speakers AND headphones at the same time.

    My drivers are up to date, and when I set either the speakers or headphones as the default device then either one will properly play sound. So BOTH my headphones AND speakers work, but I can't get them to both play at the same time. Kind of annoying because I switch back and forth a lot, and I have a subwoofer with my speakers that I like to use while I have my headphones on, but of course without them playing at the same time it's either one or the other....

    It's a windows 7 PC, Home Premium 64 bit I believe. Thank you for any help!

    1 AnswerDesktops9 years ago
  • More factoring: solving an expression?

    I have to solve for x but can't figure out how to isolate x and get the answer. The problem is:

    7x^2 + 27x = 4.

    I've tried everything and I know it involves factoring, but even after trying multiple things nothing seems to work. I don't even need the answer if someone could just explain the process to solve it, thank you!

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Factoring variables, 1 question!?

    Does anyone know how I would factor out this problem?

    a^9 + (b ^12 * c^ 15)

    So, a to the ninth plus b to the 12th times c to the 15th. I just can't figure out what to do.

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • University? Bachelors degree? What should I do?

    Ok, I just completed my first semester out of four, at a two year community college and I was already wondering what I should do after I'm done. I'm going for a programming degree (Associates of Programming) and I figured I should pursue a bachelors degree, but they don't have those programs at my college.

    Also, would it be better to go into Electrical/Computer Engineering, or strictly programming? (I have to take a lot of CET - Computer Engineering Technology - classes for my current degree)

    Also, if anyone could suggest any good Universities or Colleges for this as far as Programming/Computer Engineering degrees go I would be very appreciative. Distance/Location is not too big of an issue, but I'd prefer somewhere in the Florida area (does not matter where in Florida). Thank you!!!

    Also, I currently have a 3.94 GPA at the end of the first semester and believe I'll retain that (or somewhere in the 3.5+ GPA range) until I'm finished with my Associates of Programming degree (if this makes any difference in college). I don't want anyone to search for me, I just wanted to know if anyone else has any prior experience with these types of colleges/degrees and could offer me a good college.

  • Microsoft Word starter Licensing?

    So I've had this computer for a little over 3 months now, and all of a sudden I try to open Word Starter 2010 and I get a nice little message that reads:

    "Microsoft Office has encountered a problem with licensing and will need to close. If the problem persists, uninstall and reinstall your product."

    So do I really need to uninstall and re-install? And it came pre-loaded onto the PC so I didn't receive any software CD's for Starter Office. Can someone suggest the best course of action for me? I am a college student and use Word a lot.

    2 AnswersSoftware10 years ago
  • What the heck is wrong with Windows Movie Makers?

    I just recently recorded something using xfire (which saves files as an avi file). So I tried editing it with Windows Live Movie Maker AND Windows Movie Maker (both the most recent versions) and whenever I copy paste/open the video file with them and try to edit all I get is a black screen with the sound. The video plays perfectly, except for the freakin video part. Also to help clarify what it looks like in the thumbnail view it shows one thumbnail with the first frame of the video and all other frames after that are kind of "greyed" out but they are the exact same frame as the first one too.

    Also, I have used a converter to get the AVI file to WMV file and did the same procedures and it still hasn't worked! So what do I need to do??

    3 AnswersSoftware10 years ago
  • Limits on answering questions?

    Ok, so I reached my limit for answering questions today (I used to have a level 7 account, but due to my e-mail being changed I could not keep that specific yahoo account because it required an active AT&T subscription plan, where I now have a different service provider). And I just wanted to know.... why is there a limit on answering questions? I understand why there is a limit on some things, comments, rating, asking questions, etc..... but why on answering questions? This seems almost like a penalty for answering questions, which IMO totally defeats the purpose of YA!

    I did some rudimentary math (did not check it because I am lazy) and found out that in order to advance through levels (assuming you did not get any points besides logging in each day and answering to your levels limit, and that you did not get any best answers). And assuming that once you reached the level you STOPPED for the day (no carry over points per day).

    From level 1-2 = 3.65 days to advance, so 4 days.

    from level 2-3 = 9.24 days to advance, so 10 days.

    from level 3-4 = 20.65 days to advance, so 21 days.

    from level 4-5 = 31.05 days to advance, so 32 days.

    Therefore with dutiful answering you can only advance to the level 5 (which allows unlimited answers) in 66 days, or about 2 months. In my opinion it's not as detrimental in the higher levels since 80 answers per day is a little high, but even then it still is for someone who answers a whole question in as little as 3 minutes, that's still little more than 4 hours (some people are obsessive/bored). Again, I just don't understand why, of all things, there is a limit on answering questions?

    Trolling is not a viable answer because there is not penalty for answering with a bad answer, if you looked in the rules. Granted you may get your account suspended or whatever, but still, if a level 1 is allowed 20 answers a day that's 20 potential clients to troll (and the troll can easily make a new account in less than 5 minutes.)

    And I just wasted 5 points asking this >>

    Sorry, the rage is strong in me, and I'm bored as hell.

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers10 years ago
  • If you had to pick one of these colleges which would be better suited for the major i desire?

    Western Michigan, Central Michigan, Michigan State, Ferris University, or Eastern Michigan?

    I want to major in psychology or pre-med (for psychiatry)

    I need opinions soon, Ive already been accepted to Ferris and Western and am waiting on letters from the other colleges. I need to make a decision pretty soon.

    Thanks for the Help :)