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  • Enter Whatsapp without verification?

    Hi, so basically I have changed to a new phone because my old phone got damaged and I also lost the sim to my old phone (like I literally lost it, I don t know where it is). I want to enter my whatsapp with that number as all my chat history and important official groups are on it but I won t be able to verify. What do I do?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans5 years ago
  • Things newbie graphic design interns should know?

    I'm going to start an internship on graphics design about 2 months from now (I'm 15) and I would like to know the concepts, tips, tricks or anything relating to the profession graphic designer that would help me out during my internship. Thanks!

    3 AnswersDrawing & Illustration5 years ago
  • What is Going on With Me?

    I'd say I pretty much act like a normal girl would, other than a few quirks.I hate to show strong displays of emotion to other people and vice versa.

    So, this is a huge problem with me, because, out of nowhere, I start having these odd seizures during the night time, last week. I feel an overwhelming amount of fear and all these horrible experiences in my life coming back to me, things I thought I got over. I used to get bullied when I was in America during Middle School and/or High School because of my strong British/ German Accent, one of the LESSER horrible memories that I have is being beaten and having my glasses thrown against a wall, while being called a "Nazi" and "Hitler Wanna-Be" because of my ethnicity. I remember being punched in the face, multiple times by boys and the times when girls made me go on to my knees to beg to become their "friends" so that I don't have to be alone simply because of my ultra-pale skin colour. I can't think of this again anymore. These "attacks" make me feel like I'm dying and I start shaking really bad and all I can do I cry as silently as possible. I CANNOT tell me parents about this thing going on with me, my brother has to choose whether to go to Harvard, Stanford or Duke and this is the hardest choice he has ever made, probably. My parents are already stressed out by this and I don't want to bring in more of it. How do I make it stop as inconspicuously as possible?

    3 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • On what grounds can a person be charged if they post a video for bribery?

    So there is a video on YouTube which somebody posted (it wasn t even theirs in the first place, somebody else had posted it and then made it private) and he/she is only using it to get subscribers and threatens to remove it if he doesn t get a least 100.

    As wrong as that is, it doesn t make sense to be charged to me, so what grounds?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • How do paid Android apps work?

    I want to buy an app but I also wanna know if it sells as an additional cost or takes the money already stored on my sim?


    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Two questions about Theory of Music?

    1) When playing the Minor scale, do we 'come back' natural after playing Harmonic or Melodic?

    2) Do we play the 4-3-4 format when 'coming back' for the F Major scale?

    Thanks! Even one answer is helpful!

    2 AnswersClassical6 years ago
  • What is FNaF rated?

    Like R rated or PG- 13.

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits6 years ago
  • How have Humans Applied The Three Laws of Motion to solve Real-Life Problems?

    Like not hypothetical stuff. And please can you give a link about it? Thanks.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • What did the Asian girl in 'Donnie Darko' have to do with the storyline?

    Even Wikipedia didn't mention her. I think she had some sort of crush on Donnie but it was so confusing. Like, she would appear in some scenes but what did she have to do with anything?

    Also, sorry I don't remember her name.

    1 AnswerMovies6 years ago
  • How to get out of feeling numb?

    I can't feel anything. Emotionally, I mean. I moved a couple months ago to another country and I was in a pretty bad state. I got acute insomnia and migraine attacks.I couldn't cope. Soon, my dad started noticing how detached and cold I was around people. He wanted me to go to therapy lessons and I couldn't have that. So, I lied. I started pretending I was back to normal, bubbly Mia and not cold and pathetic looking Sam. I guess I was a better actor than I thought because he ate it up. But, now its getting worse than before and I have no clue why...

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • What are some good movies to watch?

    I love anything from Romance to Science Fiction. It just needs to have good ratings.

    5 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • My 12 year cousin found my aunts pack of c0ndoms?

    My sister was going through my aunts things as a joke and then found her pack of condoms and came and told me. I told my aunt what had happened and she expects me to tell my cousin because she will freak out if her mom finds out. What should I tell her without fully lying to her?

    1 AnswerAdolescent7 years ago
  • Slender Man: The Eight Pages?

    I was playing the Eight Pages and while I was playing, my flashlight dimmed and darkened until it became completely dark. It wasn't letting me light it up again. Is that normal or was there something wrong with my laptop?

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years ago
  • Why is there a answer limit to yahoo?

    What? I like helping people :)

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • What type is best for a stereo, a BOSE or PHILLIPS?

    I love state of the art technology.

    2 AnswersOther - Music7 years ago
  • Would you do this too?

    So basically, I was talking to man and we were discussing about bullying.

    He stated teens bullying were "just kids being kids".

    I got so pissed off because that is exactly what he told his 14 year old child who told him that he wanted to hurt himself because of a particular group who consistently called him "piggy" and forced him to act like a "pig".

    I started yelling at him and said some pretty bad things to him. I'm not going to delve into what I said because as sick as this man is, I hate violence and try to be as calm and mature person as possible. Did I act rashly and would you do this too?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • How to help my 12 year old cousin?

    My sister, gets teased a lot, being a little chubby.

    I didn't think it got to her until, I heard her crying last night. I went to talk to her and she told me that she doesn't have a lot of friends because of that group and I felt so shocked and sad.

    Is there any advice I can give her or exercises she could do?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • My computer refuses to work without a charger?

    Whenever I take my charger out of my computer it keeps hanging and shutting down and whenever I'm watching a video it shuts down the whole window. What should I do?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers7 years ago