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i'm 18, i own a german shepherd, i'm a pianoman in the making. Well, a piano man who's a boss at every super mario theme known to man lol. Ive lost 20 lbs in the past 5 months, so if u want the real truth to weight loss done naturally, come ask me. Ive had experience with ocd, so if u need some help i'm open

  • Basic Relationship Problem?

    I've been seeing this girl for a month now, and Saturday was our fourth date. The first three dates were amazing; we never ran out of things to talk about, they lasted 7 hours each, and it moved pretty quickly physically. We've texted every day since the day we met.

    The past week, she was bringing up future sex, and the fact that we're seeing each other. Which I thought was great. And she kept bringing up our fourth date.

    Saturday was our fourth date; we were both tired from the night before (I had work, she was up til 8 AM with a friend who was leaving) and it was really crappy. The chemistry was gone, we were searching for convos, it was not fun. So she leaves at 8:30 cuz she's 'tired', and I don't hear from her.

    Sunday she didn't text me at all, and today she blocked me on Snapchat.

    I texted her this morning a little inside joke, and I sent her a Snap and she then full on deleted me from Snapchat.

    So I give her a call a few hours later to see what's up. Of course, she doesn't pick up.

    After I admit defeat, I text her that I was sorry for not being my usual self on Saturday and that it's alright if she doesn't wanna see me anymore. All i asked was for the reason why.

    She responds an hour later saying she wasn't into me. Fact, she'd hadn't been into me for a while now, and wanted to end it.

    I don't get it. What the hell did I do wrong. I have no idea where this came from. Advice?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What kind of motor would I use to drive a mass back and forth in a linear direction?

    I know that linear actuators and servo motors can push a mass linearly, but how could I do it fast? Say I wanted to push a 2 oz mass back and forth over a distance of 1/4 inch twice per second. Is that possible? How could I improve the frequency of the motion?

    2 AnswersEngineering5 years ago
  • Can ultrasound travel through glass or plastic?

    If I fire a 40 kHz wave at a test tube filled with water, will anything happen? Or will the wave just bounce off?

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • I want to date my ex's roommate/good friend?

    Me and my ex girlfriend dated for two months and broke up in april. She does not want to be on speaking terms with me, but all of her friends still like me and understand why we broke up. The thing is, one of her good friends (who is also her roommate and part of her squad) has a crush on me, and i on her. Everyone knows it. She's leaving to go home to europe in two months, and i'll never see her again after january. While I don't want a long term relationship, it'd still be nice to have a casual thing while it lasts.

    Thing is, I don't know what boundaries I'm crossing here. I do feel like scum for hitting on my ex's best friend, and I don't wanna come between them, but i've heard that my ex has been blowing up tinder, and has moved on (mostly) from april. I really like this girl, and don't wanna let this oppurtunity go to waste. Hit me with your wisdom Y! Answers, should I do it?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How to console my ex-girlfriend?

    I broke up with my ex in April. She was madly in love, but I wasn't. Unfortunately, instead of telling her that, I lied and told her I couldn't do long distance (as an easy exit vehicle). She is devastated and absolutely hates me for it. Thing is, I haven't seen her in four months because of summer vacation, but now she lives in my building; I can't avoid her.

    I don't regret breaking up, but I regret how I did it. I want to make things right, but I don't know how. I hate having enemies.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Is she playing hard to get, or am I just out of luck?

    I ve liked this girl for a couple months. She is very shy and only talks amongst her friends, and I used to always catch her staring at me when I wasn t looking. Above all, when we sat next to each other, I could feel a chemical force between us that I didn t even feel with my ex.

    So, I broke up with my girlfriend 2 weeks ago over other issues not relevant to this. A few days later, I friend requested my crush on facebook and she accepted in five minutes. Cool. So, the plan was to message her last night, then ask her out today.

    Last night I messaged her a generic text about a lab we were doing to eventually ease in to a more intimate conversation (since I haven t spoken to her much since I had a girlfriend).

    10 minutes later, I get the notification that she read the message. But, she never responded. I saw her in lecture today and caught her glancing over at me with this smug smile on her face, then she booked it the minute class was over

    So feeling pretty bummed and given up, I went about my day and during my lab, I opened up facebook just for kicks. And when I did that, I saw in my feed that she changed her profile picture

    Thing is, she hasn t changed it in a full year (me being the stalker went into her profile folder knows). And the minute I become friends with her, she changes it? I know I m 22 and acting like a 12 year old, but damn do I like this girl. My infatuated mind thinks she s messing with me, yet experience shows otherwise.I just don t want to give up

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Hiring manager wanted to speak with me, but never replied to my email?

    So I applied for an internship last week, and I got an email from the vice president of the company saying he wanted to set up a call with me. So I emailed him back asking if wednesday at 10 am was a good time for him. He never responded. Idk what to do. Do I expect a call tomorrow? Is it a rejection? Do I email him back? I don t know what this means

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • I'm really afraid of having sex for the first time?

    So I'm still a virgin, but I think I'm finally ready to have sex with my girlfriend. The thing is, I am absolutely terrified of becoming a father accidentaly. It haunts me at night, and has always lead me away from sex. But, I really just want to get it overwith. Is it normal to be like this? Literally, a week ago she dropped a 'pregnancy' joke on me and I didn't return to a normal breathing pattern for 2 hours.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Why does a cube of wood float at an angle?

    A rectangular prism floats face down, but a cube is tilted. Why?

    2 AnswersPhysics6 years ago
  • How to make a matrix from four looping variables in MATLAB?

    I want to create an F matrix with four components: F11, F12, F21, and F22

    F11...F22 are variables being created from a for loop

    that is,

    for i=1:240

    F11(i)=i + 1

    and so on

    Now, I want to create a separate matrix for each one of these four variables at each iteration of x

    that is


    all the way up to


    I can't figure it out, i keep getting a single F matrix that sums all the values up, which is what i don't want. Help?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • Magnitude of 2x2 matrix meaning?

    I've been asked to find the magnitude of a strain tensor, but I don't know what that signifies. Does it mean determinant?

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • Removing noise from a set of data?

    So I have a 2 dimensional displacement vector. I ve been told that if the magnitude of this displacement is less than 0.3 micrometers, I have to treat it as noise, and to remove it.

    What does it actually mean to remove this noise? Do I just put a zero in for that set of data, or do I just completely remove it from the set as if it never existed?

    1 AnswerPhysics7 years ago
  • How to make a filter?

    I need to make a filter that takes 35kHz signals and makes them audible to humans (20khz). I have no idea where to start

    3 AnswersEngineering7 years ago
  • Should i attach a cover letter to my resume at a career fair?

    My college is having a career fair tomorrow and I've been told to get my resume ready. Thing is, idk if I should get a cover letter because I don't really know who to address it to. I'm a junior in engineering

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • What is a convolution in signals and systems?

    Please, I just need a basic, fifth grade explanation as to what the convolution of two signals is. I have no idea, everywhere I look just gives me a complicated explanation, but I don't know what it is

    3 AnswersEngineering7 years ago
  • What's best to use in order to cut a pencil in half longways?

    I want to cut a pencil at both ends about 1/2 inch deep, in order to have a rubber band fit inside. What would be best to use? Bandsaw? Pocket knife?

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)7 years ago
  • Want to comfort grieving friend but don't know how?

    My friend lost her father a couple days ago, and I feel horrible. I've been wanting to text her to see how she is, but I really don't know what to say. What do I open with? What questions do I ask?

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • What else is causing my computer to be so slow?

    So, my laptop of 2 years is running horribly slow. I have done so much research on this, that I thought I could solve it on my own.

    So far, I have: stripped my comp down to its bare constituents, downloaded Wise Registry Cleaner to clear my registry, uninstalled every other antivirus software and installed my college's antivirus software, downloaded Wise Care 365 to tune up my system, used Revo Uninstaller to remove any unwanted programs including browser hijackers and other useless stuff, put all of my big files on flash disks, and cleared my browser cache (I prefer Chrome).

    The thing is, once I downloaded all these things, my laptop was working great until windows decided to do an update, and it crashed midway through. I ended up restoring it to its factory setting (as in, wiping it out completely) and starting over. Still, it's nowhere near where it used to be.

    Any ideas?

    3 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • What do op amps really do?

    I just need a simple explanation of what op amps do. In my textbook, and all over the internet, explanations are too complicated. I know that they 'amplify' the voltage difference between the two inputs and send it out through the output, but I don't know how, and I don't know why.

    I also don't see why we need to connect a power supply to the op amp. If the op amp amplifies voltage, and it gets saturated if it goes above the power supply voltage, why not just use the power supply? Help

    3 AnswersEngineering7 years ago
  • Friends always cancel on me when I want to go out?

    Ok, so I'm a transfer student at a university in a city. I have a really close group of friends that I predominantly hang out with. Of course, I have other friends too, but on weekends, these are my go-to ppl.

    I've always dreamed about going into the city and all the crazy nites we would have. My friends want the same too, they tell me.

    The problem is, whenever I make plans to go out on the weekends, my friends agree, seem really excited, then always cancel. And the thing is, they look at me as if they never agreed to go out in the first place.

    Honestly, I'll make awesome plans, my friends are really pumped, then on the day of the event, they cancel. Half of the time, I text them asking when they want to get ready, then they respond "oh, I didn't really think we were doing that. I'm kinda tired". Then, that night, they'll ***** and moan about how we never go out.

    I was really pissed this week because I made monster plans at this awesome party at the school next to ours; I even had friends coming in from three hours away just for Friday nite. Then, my friends casually say, "oh yeah, i'm not gonna go" last minute

    It really pissed me off because I was going to ask out this girl I really liked for a date on Sunday, but I figured I was gonna be too exhausted from raging this weekend, that I never called her. Now I have nothing to do all weekend except sit and reflect on lost youth

    How can I change this? How do I get people to stop cancelling on me like this?

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago