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  • Head trauma, worried!?

    Lately I've come on my period and study for exams, but about 5 day before my period I started to get a dizzy feeling, over the past few days I've still had a dizziness feeling and tension at the back of my head and slight queasiness but the queasiness soon passes over, I have been the doctor previously as he said that I had low blood pressure on my periods due to my body losing so much blood, but I have never experienced the tension and dizziness and nausea feeling before, I'm generally worried about this and my mum said to leave it a couple of days to see if it passes. Also I went the doctor back in jut and then the opticians in October for an eye test and it was confirmed I need glasses since wearing then I haven't had any problems until now, I'm really worried it could be something more. Has anyone experienced this before?

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • would you call this FATT ?

    if you were



    7st 11

    would you say it was fat ?

    24 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • right i might be having my first like "real" kiss soon ?!?

    right i've recently gotton with this guy and hes wondering if 'll kiss him soon. i havent actually had a proper kiss yet so i dont know what i should do.

    im really worried incase it goes wrong since hes a pro at doing it.

    any tip on what to do ?

    or how to make your first time better ? x

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What age did you have your first proper kiss ?!?

    when did you have your first "proper" like tounge kiss with someone ?

    16 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • help with food please !?

    can you cook potatoes for an hour, then wait an hour to cook them again ?

    i noo it sounds stupid but in school im making potato skins and i need to cook them first at home because i only have an hour to make then would it be ok to make then after and hour has past

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • why doesnt anyone know what pulling someone means ?

    why dont people know what pulling someone means.

    i thought everyone would know ? x

    18 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what if your first pull/ making out with someone goes wrong?

    right, i've just gotten together with this guy from my school, and hes wants me to make out/ pull him.

    i've never pulled anyone before, but im afraind it might fo completely wrong what do i do x ?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What are good dog names ?

    were getting a doog and we have no clue what to call it help x?

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • need help badly its serious !?

    right i;ve liked this guy for a while now and recently we became like best friends.

    he has lately broke up with his girlfriend, and has asked out my best friend. now they are together.

    ii really like him but i rather my friend be happy and have him.

    what do i do ? x

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Oliver Cromwell - Hero or Villain ?

    Can you please help i need help for my history essay

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • HELP ! kids party food ideas?

    my daughter is having a 13th birthday and im not too sure on what food

    i should put out for the party help please :) xx

    9 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Speech ideas for school ?

    hey does anyone know what speech i could do for my school

    on subjects simular to say

    drink drinving


    you important matters ?

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • yikes a mistake or not :S?

    It was my 17th birthday last week and as usual i drink alot on my birthdays. but this year i drank loads at my house and just happened to fall asleep so my best guy friend to me upstair and put me onto the bed.

    when i woke up he was on my bed with me and we were under the covers, so i moved closer to him and put my arms around him. i have a boyfriend already but im starting to fall for my guy friend

    what do i do ?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how do you flirt with your best guy friend ? :S HELP!?

    my best guy friend and i have gotten really close to each other

    and i've started getting feeling for him.

    how do i flirt with him to let him no i like him ?

    Help please ?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • stunning to a slag. HELP PLEASE. ?

    a couple of weeks ago me and my best guy friend became closer then usual.

    he kept telling me i was stunning, had nice eyes, so things i might of got uncomfortable about. but even though i was embarrassed of what he was saying i still liked it.

    i let him into my life more and so i told him he was making me fall for him and he said the same.

    but then a while after like 3 weeks he just completely ignored me, he told me i was a cow, and ugly as ****, and i make him annoyed.

    so im starting to wonder whats going on in his mind.

    one minute hes all over me the next hes insulting me

    what would you do. and guys do you do this if so what does it mean by doing it. ? x

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • best friends boyfriend, flirting with me !?

    my best friends boyfriend has made her so happy now and her school life great now.

    but recently hes been coming on to me when shes not around, he flirts and sometimes tries to even kiss me.

    im not interested in him and he knows that but is that making him want me more ?

    my best mate means everything to me and im afraid to tell her what hes been doing, what should i do ?

    36 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • was that night a big mistake or not?

    i was upset after my boyfriend and me had a little fight over him touching me in places when i dont want him to.

    so i went over to his best mates house to see if he thought something was up with him,

    i got really upset while i was telling him what happen and because he was helping me out i took advantage of my boyfriends best mate

    and kissed him, well one thing led to another and it got serious, i started stripping him and climbing over him, he got hormonal and asked me to leave

    i dont no what i should do help please

    37 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • was that night a big mistake or not?

    i was upset after my boyfriend and me had a little fight over him touching me in places when i dont want him to.

    so i went over to his best mates house to see if he thought something was up with him,

    i got really upset while i was telling him what happen and because he was helping me out i took advantage of my boyfriends best mate

    and kissed him, well one thing led to another and it got serious, i started stripping him and climbing over him, he got hormonal and asked me to leave

    i dont no what i should do help please

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend suffering with his control?

    my boyfriend is very hormonal

    i dont do anything serious with him but when i get close to his

    i can feel hes wet.

    i only feel up his leg and things like that but he lets it out too much

    whats happening ? x

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • a guy i used to go out with calls me names.?

    a guy i went out with now has started to call names.

    hes says im a hore and a slag and a cheap tart

    he says he should of never trusted me because when he broke up with me once on purpose i got with another guy quite soon after

    its as if he hates me, and im still liking him because of it.

    i dont get whats going on.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago