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  • What to where to Dunkin Donuts interview?

    So I currently work at Dunkin Donuts but I need to find one closer to my house because the semester is over. I have an interview on friday. I was thinking about wearing my uniform to the interview to show I'm ready to get started but is that to much? Should I go the regular dress pants and shirt route?

    3 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • Why don't we export natural gas and oil to Europe?

    Why don't we start exporting to Europe? Oh year because its global warming right? Why do hippies try to impose their will on us.

    10 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Whats a minimum wage hike if you don't have a job?

    It's simple economics. At these fast food joints the turnover rate is incredible. These people aren't skilled workers. They are asking for 15 dollars? Lets assume that they work 40 hours a week a McDonalds. Thats $600 before taxes and a year a little over $31k If working that same 40 hours at $8.25 which was the Connecticut minimum wage, the income would be around $17k. That seems great and all but if it goes through, there will be maybe 1 or 2 people working that 40 hours, while everybody else works 9-20 hours max. Not to mention many people will get the axe. Prices will go up to balance them. Thats just fast food now if you make it go to every business in the country than thats even worse. The free market determines the right pay and work balance and the free market which is not this artificial market of today has determined that you don't get 15 dollars for flipping burgers or cleaning floors. Those WalMart will be really disappointed when they get the axe because they are equally as replaceable.

    7 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why does the war on woman rhetoric never end?

    This whole war on woman crap that the drive by media likes to bring up now and again is ridiculous. There are many reason why on AVERAGE woman make less than man. Most of the neanderthals on the left have no idea what on average means. These include job choices, life decision, lack of education, etc. These job choices include teachers which make much less than many jobs that man hold. A lot of woman are dropping out of school getting pregnant and not eligible for high paying positions. There is a reason why woman SHOULD pay more for health care. Woman on AVERAGE over use their insurance plans. Men in contrast on AVERAGE barely use medical services from there insurance plans. Just like how teens must pay extremely high premiums for even minimal coverage. As a 19 year old I pay more than what my parents would pay. Teenagers however cause many accidents and don't pay nearly as much into their premiums to balances the lost from claims and death. As a man I will always pay more for life insurance which I do vs. a woman; because on AVERAGE men die sooner than woman. Its not the insurance companies job to care about what your issue is. They should be able to make money. The left needs to stop perpetuating this false narrative that woman are under attack. Of course there is a "smidgen" of foul play on woman HOWEVER!, not on the scale that the left keeps on trying to force us to think.

    6 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why do liberals keep African Americans blind to the truth?

    Who are you more likely to give a double take to, a man/boy (regardless of race) who is decently dressed with his pants around his waist just casually walking or the man/boy who has his pants at his knees saying ***** this ***** that? Is it racial profiling when I lock the doors on my Infiniti and move it to the garage because a group of black kids walk by talking like English isn't their first language or because black people commit a disproportionate amount of crimes vs whites and Hispanics combined? Does it make you unblack if you don't believe that the Zimmerman/Travon incident wasn't racially motivated? Why don't black people stop making excuses for their problems and change them. The race card is done. The slavery card is way over used its ridiculous. Stop trying to be like the degenerate little Wayne and act like a civilized human being and contribute to society. Is that to much to ask? Maybe racism would be at an all time low if the Hollywood liberals would cut the ****. 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock lets start there. Let's bring the family back together. But that's not what little Wayne would do. He would want many bitches on his dick

    5 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Do British people really care about the royal baby?

    Curious American. I mean no disrespect of course.

    5 AnswersRoyalty8 years ago
  • White people are not hunting black people!?

    Enough is enough! Liberals are running so wild with this Zimmerman case! Why is it that 92% percent of black deaths are do to other blacks killing each other? Why is it that in interracial crimes and overwhelming percent of the victims are white? Who is killing who? Black people! WAKE UP. STOP LISTENING TO Al Sharpton and his damn lies. The NAACP just wants to fuel the racism in America.

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why do black people think Zimmerman should have been convicted?

    I believed that Justice was served. The riots are bullshit and I hate how ignorant people truly are. People are entitled to their opinion but they do not have the right to undermine the justice system. The prosecution sucked from the beginning. This case shouldn't have gone to trial to start with. Murder has a definition. The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. The keyword is unlawful. He was standing his ground and self defending. It doesn't matter how old he was. I don't give a **** if Travon was 14 years old. Ghetto kids who are wannabe thugs who have guns and are in gangs like the bloods and crypts. Travon should have had his *** in the house. This whole investigating Zimmerman of civil rights infringements is also ridiculous. The federal investigation already threw out the idea of racial profiling. I love how even tho I'm a black man myself who is a republican whenever I post on YA blacks and far left whites think I'm an undercover white guy because to say something different then the majority is mutiny an I must not be black because I think differently. But I'm venting. What do you guys think?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Do you think the justice system in America has failed?

    I believed that Justice was served. The riots are bullshit and I hate how ignorant people truly are. People are entitled to their opinion but they do not have the right to undermine the justice system. The prosecution sucked from the beginning. This case shouldn't have gone to trial to start with. Murder has a definition. The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. The keyword is unlawful. He was standing his ground and self defending. It doesn't matter how old he was. I don't give a **** if Travon was 14 years old. Ghetto kids who are wannabe thugs who have guns and are in gangs like the bloods and crypts. Travon should have had his *** in the house. This whole investigating Zimmerman of civil rights infringements is also ridiculous. The federal investigation already threw out the idea of racial profiling. I love how even tho I'm a black man myself who is a republican whenever I post on YA blacks and far left whites think I'm an undercover white guy because to say something different then the majority is mutiny an I must not be black because I think differently. But I'm venting. What do you guys think?

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why are black people and liberal whites so upset about Zimmerman?

    I am black. I have skin that doesn't give me "privilege". Before you go thinking that America is so against you because of the Travon Martin case, look at the facts. Separate your feelings from your thoughts. Killing someone isn't illegal if you are standing your ground and in imitate danger. I don't care how old Zimmerman and TM were. Age has nothing to do with this. There are 12 year olds in gangs like the bloods for examples that have kids shooting guns already and watching people getting jumped and all kinds of violence. He was supposedly in a gang as well based on some Facebook pictures but that is here say. Anyways why is it that the NAACP continue to make everything a race war? It isn't 1965. He wasn't making eye contact with a white man and he just killed him. He attacked a Hispanic man! Not a white man! Zimmerman defended himself. What's the issue? Maybe if TM parents weren't so ghetto maybe he would be different. I'm getting a concealed weapon permit because I want to be able to defend myself from aggressors like TM. TM could have ran away but he didn't.

    16 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • How long after using your credit card can you pay it off?

    Im 18 and have a capital one credit card with no co signer. I have a 500 credit line. I know not to use more then 30 percent of my total credit. I needed a rental tuxedo for my senior prom and spent 100 dollars. I had the money but wanted to use it tpward credit building. Its been a couple days and it posted instantly but it says a balance of 0. When can I pay it off? Is it only after a certain amount of days or what? I wish I didnt use 20 percent of my credit in the beginning of the cylce. I have auto pay out of my wells fargo account but I wanted to pay it fast.

    3 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • What's going on with Foxs news right now?

    Don't be a dick and say oh Fox News sucks or any bull. A episode of family guy that aired three weeks ago shows Peter killing the runners in the Boston marathon with his car. Then in same episode he later blows up two bombs in from his cellphone killing more people. Now that show is being erased everywhere. From YouTube, from TiVo set top boxes and other Internet sites. Now if I'm correct the Fox network is the creator of family guy (exact guy Seth something) now why is it that Fox News is questioning the fox network about the show? It's ver confusing

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Where can I buy credits for forza horizon?

    I dont want some illegal website but in game. Like tokens and ****

    3 AnswersXbox8 years ago
  • Im a conservative but why is America no longer a country where you can be free from radical bible thumpers?

    People came to America to practice their religious beliefs in there own way, without being persecuted. Why is it that there is NO GOD DAMN SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE? Our country can't move forward because we have to worry about gay marriage or abortion? That's what your telling me? Instead of worrying about the 17 trillion dollar debt, European debt crisis, (which affects us) North Korean threats, hacking from China, I mean the list goes on and on. North Korea has a 0.00001 percent chance of hitting America with a nuke, but can it hit our interests? Yes, it can hit South Korea, it can hit Guam, and many other U.S. interests. Lets worry about president obamas policies that are really destroying us. No wait screw that. Lets keep the bible thumpers happy. That's what we should worry about.

    12 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • What do you think about domestic drones?

    I personally think armed drones should definitely be used on the boarder. Enough is enough with the illegal crossings. Also non lethal weapons should be used around the country. Many state police want non lethal drones to shoot rubber bullets and shoot tasers. People say its less privacy but I think that's bullshit. We live in a day and age that terrorist will take their own life's just to kill a group of Americans. Not to mention the normal criminals in the USA. I'm sure the drones won't be a problem to you if you are an upstanding citizen. What do you think?

    8 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Is 64 gb sd card really needed?

    I have a galaxy note2 with 16gb on board storage and a 8gb sd card. That 8gb fills up fast. I was thinking about buying a 64gb SanDisk class 10 for 60 on amazon. But do you think 80gb is needed? I upgraded from a 16gb iPhone 5 and it was decent. With everything I still had 8gb left. I also have 50gbs of Dropbox storage for two years. I want movies and games on the SD and pictures can be in the Dropbox. I do what it to be all together tho. Like I don't want to have to access the Internet to see my Dropbox. But if I got a 32gb sd card it would be cheaper and I'd have 48gb and 50gb Dropbox. For a total of 108gb. I don't know but I'm trying to make my note a power house of a device. But the money could be used to by an additional battery or other things. Help!

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Why doesnt the US have proper leaders?

    I was cruising the Fox news webpage for some interesting stories and was extremely disturbed by what I saw. A six month old baby was shot five times and her father was shot several times while he was changing her. Doesn't it just do something to you? I mean this was a infant. It was a beautiful baby.

    That's the article if you would like to read it.The mother was even shot in the knee while she was pregnant.Enough is enough. Michigan's governor must not care enough about his state because if he did the National Guard would be all over cities like Chicago and Detroit. The police in these cities are scum. Its beyond reprehensible. I feel like those cities should be either put under martial law where the National Guard dictates the laws and is on the streets with fully automatic rifles, or simply the cities are controlled by the federal government. Obama is to busy campaigning still and blaming republicans for every thing that's wrong with this country.I may be ranting and not making sense but im really pissed off that America is spiraling down a path to complete self annihilation. I cant even put 100% blame on the criminals because our leaders arent ******* leading. What do you think should be done about cities like Detroit and Chicago?

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why is the state government of Michigan so disgustingly corrupt?

    I was cruising the Fox news webpage for some interesting stories and was extremely disturbed by what I saw. A six month old baby was shot five times and her father was shot several times while he was changing her. Doesn't it just do something to you? I mean this was a infant. It was a beautiful baby.

    That's the article if you would like to read it.The mother was even shot in the knee while she was pregnant.Enough is enough. Michigan's governor must not care enough about his state because if he did the National Guard would be all over cities like Chicago and Detroit. The police in these cities are scum. Its beyond reprehensible. I feel like those cities should be either put under martial law where the National Guard dictates the laws and is on the streets with fully automatic rifles, or simply the cities are controlled by the federal government. Obama is to busy campaigning still and blaming republicans for every thing that's wrong with this country.I may be ranting and not making sense but im really pissed off that America is spiraling down a path to complete self annihilation. I cant even put 100% blame on the criminals because our leaders arent ******* leading. What do you think should be done about cities like Detroit and Chicago?

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Can someone tell me why Obama hates our troops?

    Can someone tell me WHY IS IT that Secretary of State John Kerry is giving 250 million dollars in aide to Egypt (Muslim brotherhood) but veterans are getting a reduction in their rightfully earned entitlements? One of my uncles is in the Marines and he was informed that when he leaves the service his children will receive a reduction in tuition payments for college. But we can give 250 million to Egypt. Not just money but American F-16s and other weapons that might possibly be used on the people during a famous Egyptian riot. The reduction in Army entitlements don't end there either. Does that seem like its okay? That we can say F U C K the people that make our country strong and protect it? We can't take care of their family's when they come back home? Why does the Obama administration not give two shits about the American people?

    15 AnswersPolitics8 years ago