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  • 6w5d no heart beat with vaginal ultrasound?

    So I had a vaginal ultrasound and it dated me at 6w5d but they couldn't find a heart beat. I haven't had any spotting or bleeding. Has this happened to anyone else and everything was OK and they found a heart beat after? I have my next ultrasound Fri and if baby grew I should be 8 weeks. I'm scared to go :( I don't want to miscarry.

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Has anyone got pregnant while breast feeding?

    Just wondering how many mommies got pregnant while breast feeding and how old was your lo. Also what were your symptoms? My so and I are trying for number 2, my son is almost 13 months. Also if you did conceive how long did it take. TIA

    11 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • How can i get my 3 week old son to stay alseep?

    So my son is 3 weeks old and every time hes done breastfeeding he falls asleep. I try and put him down and he just wakes up even if he has been out for a good 10-30 mins. He has to sleep on me or somebody else in order to stay asleep. Im finding it hard to get things done that need to be done. He wont sleep in his cradle any more either so im co-sleeping as well. I have tryed his swing and he fusses in it and he doesnt really like suckies either, he just wants the boob and thats it. As soon as he wakes up he wants to feed to even if i just fed him 5 mins before he woke up.Any tips or advice would be great.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • 39 weeks 1 day pregnant and a popping feeling?

    Ok so on Tuesday i had a Dr's appt and i was 75% effaced and 2 cm dilated. She did a sweep as well and i had cramping and a back ache after and some bloody discharge. Everything stopped yesterday afternoon and now nothing except thick discharge. But i was going to the bathroom on 2 different occasions today just to pee and felt a weird popping sensation down there and then there was alot of clear watery discharge both times. Im not sure what it is i dont think its my water because there was no gush and nothing after other then discharge that looks like egg whites. I was just wondering if anybody else has experienced this. Im thinking of going into the hospital to get checked out but i want to see what other peoples opinions are or experience. Thanks in advance :D

    5 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • 39 weeks, 75% effaced and 2 cm dilated?

    Went to the Dr today and she did an exam and said i was 75% effaced and 2 cm dilated. She then asked if i wanted her to do a sweep so i said yes. I have been cramping ever since. This is my 1st baby and im just wondering if anyone else has gone into labor after or how long they stayed that way for. Im also 39 weeks. Any stories would be great.

    5 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • How much is a spouse aloud to make when their partner is a PWD in British Columbia Canada?

    Im just wondering how much a spouse is aloud to make when their partner is a PWD before they start deducting? And does maternity benefits count towards that as income? If anyone has information on this it would be greatly appreciated. I live in British Columbia Canada.

    1 AnswerGovernment10 years ago
  • Is this round ligament pain?

    For a while now if i move the wrong way, sneeze or for no reason at all i get this pain in my lower stomach like where the baby is. It feels like a charlie horse and it can either be on one side only or my whole uterus. Does this sound like round ligament pain?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How many other pregnant ladies are still working full time?

    Im working full time /40hrs and just seem to be getting exhausted. Im only 4 months and feel about half way through the day im drained. When did you guys stop working if you did?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 14 weeks and cryed today at work for no reason and had to go home is this normal?

    i just couldnt stop, it was horrible and i hate crying. Is this normal? I hope it doesnt happen again. Did this happen to anyone else?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is it better to tear or get an episiotomy?

    Im just wondering which one you heal better from?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Who else is in the 3 week wait lol?

    My last period was May 4th and i was due for it on the 31st its still a no show. I did a hpt on the 26th and it was a BFN so i have been putting off taking another one because i don't want to see a BFN. I know it was probably to early to tell at that point. My period is usually between 28 and 35 at the longest. I have been having cramps like af is coming for over a week now. Also my boobs hurt but not like they usually do b4 AF, it hurts on the sides and like around my nipples but my nipples don't hurt. Last month my nipples hurt so bad b4 AF and i got it. I have a stuffy nose and more tired lately.Also my nipples feel tingly. I hope its my month!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Has anybody found out they we're pregnant after they went to the doctors and did a pee test and it was negativ?

    Has anybody found out they we're pregnant after they went to the doctors and did a pee test and it was negative? If so was it because u did it to early?? or did it just not show up for some other reason. If someone could please answer this i would really appreciate it. I just want to know if its possible to be pregnant even when u have done a pee test at the dr.s and its negative.

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • The last time i had my rag was on oct 9th. I get my rag usually every 30 days. I havent got my period yet and?

    its not nov 25 i did a home pg test and it was negativeon the 9th the day i thought i was going to get it. waited a couple of days and went to the dr.s and did a pee test there it was negative as well on the 17th i started to spot on the 20th it was brown and just a little bit didnt need to use any thing eg.tampon it last for 3 days. could i still be pregnant i kinda feel like it. boobs hurt nausea heartburn and a few other things did i maybe take the test to soon . also my period is always 7 days and light the first day and by the secon its really heavey this is really unusal for me. please someone help bcuz i feel pregnant.and has any one every gotten a false negative at the dr.s should i get a blood test as well?

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago