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Lv 31,973 points

Aspen Fox

Favorite Answers21%

Hello I'm Aspen and I have great passion for reptiles and cooking. But not cooking with reptiles so don't worry :) I specialize in Italian cuisine, baked confections and candy. I own a male Mojave ball python whos name is Mogli and he has a girlfriend named Mojito. I also have a Leopard gecko named Echo, a kitten named Benjamin and a Japanese Spaniel named Mandi. My favorite animal is a python, any species but my favorites are Children's, Royal/Ball, Green Tree and African Rock Pythons. I also like lizards and geckos. I smoke a lot of marijuana and spend most of my time smoking, drinking coffee and being with my animals :)

  • Budgie bonding advice?

    I got a budgie (less than 4 months) from a pet store about 1.5 months ago. He has settled down nicely. He tries to get away when I put my hand in the cage but once hes out the cage, hes fine sitting on my hand. He cant fly but he can flap short distances and he does so often, just when I am sitting with him, not when I up walking though. When he falls to the ground, he will only go up my hand, if someone helps tries, he backs away and runs like a jack rabbit. He's so cute, he comes to my hand if I put in down on the floor beside him but doesn't seem to want to spend one-on-one time with me when we're sitting. He has a friend, a 7 year old cockatiel, Mister who is a total *******, he will bite everyone but my mom. They squabble but are good most of the time and my bird has gotten good at kicking Misters ***. Mister lets her scratch his head and neck, he goes for her fingers and nibbles on them, urging her to scratch him. Mister goes up and gives her little kisses and cuddles into her neck. My bird is kick *** and all (way prettier than my moms **** tard bird) My birds name is Cobalt and he sometimes lets me scratch his head, rub his tummy and stroke the side of his wings. He doesnt like being touched o the back, between the wings or tail but I don't mind. I have now mastered the art of reaching out in mid-air to catch him in mid-flight and bring him back but he never wants to bond, whats up?

    1 AnswerBirds9 years ago
  • Finch vs. Budgie, which is better?

    I am thinking of getting a bird. I will either get a single budgie or a pair of finches. What are the pros and cons of each and what would you pick? Species of finch is undecided but feel free to suggest one.

    3 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • Beginner Goldfish Advice?

    My mom took out a pond from our old house and there was a goldfish she didn't want so I took it. It is a common goldfish, one of the little ones sold as feeder fish but it thrived in the pond and is now about 2 inches long. I had him in a bowl but upgraded to a 20 gallon. He is all alone with a single plant and rainbow gravel. No lights, heater or filter. I am getting a filter but I have some questions. I actually like him more than I thought I would (I'm a reptile collector and python breeder)

    Do I need a heater?

    Do I need lights? (I will probably get the for viewing purposes but do I need any special lighting)

    Should I get deco for his tank?

    How do I make him live for a longtime?

    Whats the best deco for goldfish?

    What other type of goldfish could go in the tank with him besides another common?

    What is the best type of filtration system? (Type, not brand)

    How do I keep chemical levels in check?

    I put a floating glass fish in there but it's not the same as an actually fish buddy for him. I read they can live anywhere from 5-15 years so I want him to have a buddy or two. I am a beginner at aquarium keeping but my mom has two tanks, both over 30 gallons with everything from hightailed catfish, silver dollars, angel fish, plecos and many more. She's a pro but I'm not. I prefer goldfish cause they are simple and cheap but still rewarding. So, any advice?

    5 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Why are kiwi's so damn delicious?

    Kiwi's have always been ok to me, not bad but not good. I haven't had one in a year or so but I just had one and realized THEY ARE F***ING GREAT! I ate 4 more and they were just as good as the first. Why haven't people made the kiwi like the international fruit of the world, they are fantastic! Why are they so awesome to me now?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Iridescent Shark and Plecostomus compatibility?

    My boyfriend has 1 iridescent shark in a huge tank and I want to get him a plecostomus, will they be ok together?

    2 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Help keeping lots of feeder mice?

    I purchased 3 female mice and 1 male and bred. I fed off the male. All the females had babies at the same time and helped each other out. I seperated the babies in one cage but left them too long and they got pregnant too young. I have 4 mice with babies, 2 in each cage and they get along good. There moms are also pregnant. Thats a lot of mice and I want to know a more efficient way to house them. I was thinking maybe bins or a shelf or something. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerReptiles9 years ago
  • Large humidity caves?

    I have a 2.7 foot ball python who is rather thick and for a humidity hide I use a 1.81 KG margarine container with a hole in the lid. He takes up about half of it and it's lined with wet paper towel. It works well but I think it looks stupid so I want to get a natural looking humidity cave. I was looking at the 3 in 1 cave shelter by ZooMed or the snake cave by Exo Terra. I would get either in the largest size but my concern is, will it be too small? I was also wondering if I could line it with sphagnum moss instead of paper towel?

    1 AnswerReptiles9 years ago
  • I'M GETTING A BOA but I need help?

    Hey yahoo, I am a reptile collector and I currently have a Mojave ball python, a Argentine horned frog, a bearded dragon, a leopard geckos, 4 green anoles, 2 long tailed lizards, 2 tree frogs and 2 fire bellied toads. My true passion is snakes though but I wanted to broaden my collection and get something not as mainstream as say a corn snake, king snake or another ball python, so a few weeks ago I ordered a male Boa and it is ready for pick up. He will be anywhere from 14 to 18 inches and is starting out in a 20 gallon. Here are the things I have for him:

    1 under tank heat pad

    1 double dome day and night lamp

    1 large water dish

    2 blocks of coconut husk substrate

    various rocks and drift wood

    2 hides for each side of the tank

    2 thermometers for each side

    Anything I missed? I will be feeding stunned or pre killed food (depending on its williness to eat)

    I know everything to know expect humidity, the sites I went to where very vague or differed a lot from other sites. Help?

    Father is full Columbian and mother is half Peruvian.

    2 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Fun stuff to do with Breaded Dragon?

    I have a 4 years old female bearded dragon whose name is Smaug (the dragon from the Hobbit) All she does is eat mixed baby salad, bask outside and munch up bugs. She seems happy enough but I want her to be stimulated a bit. She is on my computer desk right now, munching on some carrots. From the time I wake up to dinner time, she is out of her tank either on my shoulder or outside with me in the garden, eating bugs. She gets a warm bath every 2-3 days and she likes to go underwater and swim around but that's about it. Is there anything I can do to make her life more fulfilling?

    5 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Help with my Pacman Frog Temp?

    I have a pacman frog named Fumbles and his tank is 70-75F in the day time but at night its 60-60F, should it be warmer?

    1 AnswerReptiles9 years ago
  • How to tell what kind of frog I have?

    I got a frog a few days ago and it was simply labeled, "PACMAN FROG" I know there are two species of "pacman frogs" and I was wondering what kind I have. His name is Fumbles, cause he's clumsy and not so smart but I love him anyway. I want to know if he is a Argentina Horned Frog or a Cranwells Horned frog, is there any way to tell the difference? He is more brown than green, a little larger than a toonie with 2 bright green spots, right behind his eyes.

    1 AnswerReptiles9 years ago

    I was sitting on my couch with my bearded dragon, Beep and I was eating a plate of spaghetti and meatballs for lunch. She crawled over and looks at the spaghetti then she snapped some up and gulped it down. She had no meatballs, just some noodles with a little sauce. Is she going to be ok?

    3 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Is my Mojave a good looking one?

    I don't know much about the coloration of ball pythons but as far has Mojaves go, is mine good looking?

    3 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • I want another snake?

    I already have a Mojave ball python and I've been thinking of getting a new snake. No bigger than 10 feet. Any suggestions? I breed my own mice.

    6 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Why does my snake cuddle with dead mice?

    Ok, so I feed my ball python live mice but I thump them on the head with a wooden spoon to stun them first. Then my Mojave, Mogli constricts them and usually eats them head first. But the last two feedings, I've had to help him out. He kills the mouse, tries swallowing neck first instead of head first, give up and cuddles with it instead. So I've had to pick up the gross dead mouse by its tail with tongs and hold in front of Mogli. He then opens his mouth and I literally have to hand feed him. WTF? Is he just getting lazy and spoiled or is something else going on? I don't feed him in his tank, I feed him in a totally different tank with nothing in it. It's just a 15 gallon that's empty. I breed my own mice and Mogli eats LIKE A PIG! So why the weird eating habits? PLEASE DON'T EVEN BOTHER ANSWERING IF YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SNAKES!

    4 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Reptile or Amphibian in a 15 Gallon?

    What reptiles or amphibians can happily live in a 15 gallon?

    2 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Why won't my leopard gecko get fat?

    Hokay. So I have a leopard gecko named Echo and he is awesome. I've had him for a year, got him as a young adult. He's only grown 1.5 cm since I've got him. He's a good weight but today I went to my friends to see his leopard gecko and it was HUGE!!! I'm talking like 5-6 inches and he was fat! Not obese but a good weight. I've been trying to beef up my gecko, I feed him gut loaded crickets, monster worms and the rare pinky. But he his still not as chunky as I would like. I don't want to make him obese but I wish he'd get bigger. Help?

    4 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Why do my turtles fight then hump?

    I have two Ornate box turtles but I don't know their sex. They're names are Chunky and Monkey. They usually get along great! But yesterday, Chunky kept going over and head butting Monkey and snapping at his feet. So they Monkey snaps back and bites Chunky's tail. It didn't bleed but it looks like it hurt. So then Chunky starts mounting Monkey and like...humps. They did that for like 2 minutes then stopped and had lunch then they were friends again. What the F*** are my turtles doing?

    3 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Why does my ball python eat so much?

    I am very experianced in reptiles and my ball python is doing good. He is 2.4 feet and weighs 1 pound 3 ounces. He's fat and healthy and poops, sheds and does everything great. HE IS JUST ALWAYS HUNGRY ALL THE TIME! In the past week he has eaten 1 adult mouse and 3 hoppers. He's always looking for food. He's not big enough to eat a rat so he eats numerous mice but ITS ALL THE TIME! I don't force him to eat or power feed him but he is always hungry!

    3 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Names for female ball pythons?

    I have a male mojave ball python names Mogli and I'm getting two females for him (hes a spoiled player) I would like names that fit well with Mogli. Please help.

    3 AnswersReptiles9 years ago