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  • Relationship advice?

    I got dumped. I'm sad, heartbroken, confused, and emotionally drained. We had a great relationship. We loved each other. Never argued. He loved my little boy and my little boy loved him. He dumped me out of the blue. He's 38, I'm 29. He's never been married, no kids, and lives at home wth his aging mother. He said he was unhappy, his mind and heart weren't in it anymore, and that he needed to be himself. The sad thing about this is that I literally live right across the street from him. I can look out my bedroom window and see his. This came out of the blue. There is not another woman. I was good to him. Never asked what time he'd be home, where he was. Who he was this. I respected him. Have him every bit of myself. I truly feel like he is making a big mistake. Everyone in our lives believes he is too. I will not be contacting him. The last thing I told him was that I prayed that his heart and mind would change for us. We were together for 15 months.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • relationship help?

    My boyfriend of 15 months asked for a break. We have had a great relationship with minor arguments so this came unexpectedly. He has been under a ton of stress lately, he internalizes his stress which causes anxiety. He told me that he didn t want to start over with anyone else, that he loves me, but he just needs time and needs to be himself. I am scared and sad. I live right across the road from him. I made sure before I moved in across from him, if this was something he was sure of. He was. I am just confused. I am still his girlfriend. I text him goodnight and I love him, he says the same back. He is not a wanderer, there is not another girl, and he is bad at communicating what he feels. We have had a very fun and open relationship. I have a little boy whom he adores and vice versa. I just need some advice on what to do.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • 3d ultrasound question?

    ok on tuesday of this past week i was 11 pregnant and I had my first ultrasound done and we got to hear the heartbeat. the heartbeat was 164 on that day and I guess by the way that the baby is positioned they were able to measure the nuchal skin on the back of the babies neck. When I got in to see my mid wife she had asked me if I wanted to have the downs syndrome test because they were able to measure the nuchal fold. I asked her if everything was ok and she told me that everything looked like it should on the ultrasound that they were offering to pregnant women in their first trimester instead of women 35 and older. So I told her that I would have the test done. so they took blood from my finger and I go on thursday for a 3d ultrasound where they will look at the baby to make sure that everything is ok. My question is is this a normal procedure? did anyone else have this test done? this is my first baby so I am a little worried about everything. or nervous is more like it. A few of my friends just had babies and they had mentioned to me that they too had the test done, but I am just an overthinker. Should I be worried or is all of this routine? Thanks so much in advance for your thoughts and answers and God Bless.

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what do you think of this name.?

    we are thinking Tucker Fallon for a boy... Fallon is my moms maiden name and for a Girl we have the name Kennedy picked out put no middle name yet. we have a prospective middle name of Hayden...

    2 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • home pregnancy test question?

    Im sorry that should say I went yesterday to my dr and took a urine test.

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • find the monthly payment/ right answer=ten points!!?

    Purchase Price is $3,300, Down payment is $600, Finance Charge is $280 and the Number of monthly payments are 36.


    1 AnswerCredit1 decade ago
  • solve by using the quadratic formula?

    (r-4)(r+8) = -9

    thanks in advance

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • and one more for you?

    what is the area and the circumference.


    thanks in advance

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • question about conceiving a baby.?

    ok so my husband and I are trying for a baby, I ovulated on the 30th of nov and of course we had sex on the first day of my ovulation. I have only been off the pill since the middle of oct so I have no idea when my period is supposed to come. (I have had three periods since the 21st of october and they were like 14 days apart). Well I have had some extreme lower back pain I have not experienced back pain like this (even when on the pill). I also have had alot of discharge its not discolored its like a milky color and that I also have never had like this before. I know its too soon to take HPT but I was wanting to know what any of you thought and if you experienced this. Thanks for your help and God Bless.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • hoping this will work any ideas?

    My husband and I are trying for a baby, I am using the ovulation kit and this morning it said that today I am ovulating. My husband and I had sex twice the day before, nothing yesterday, and once today (ovulation day). Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary so we will also have sex tomorrow too. What do you think my chances are of conceiving? Thank you in advance and God Bless.

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • ovulation kits, are they successful?

    My husband and I are ttc and I stopped taking the pill on oct 21st, since then I have had three periods, all of them being 10 days apart. I called my dr and she told me that it was normal because my body is trying to regulate itself from coming off the BC. She told me to get an ovulation kit and try that. When I was put on the pill it was because my periods were close together, i was having almost 2 a month the way it was working out. Did anyone have this problem while they were ttc and do the ovulation kits work? any other advice would be great too. thanks so much in advance and God Bless. BTW i am 22 and my husband is 26. and I don't have anything wrong with me internally I was checked because i thought i had something wrong.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • trying to get pregnant?

    ok my husband and i are trying to concieve and I have a question. When I got put on the pill it was 5 years ago and it was because my periods were to close together, like i was having two a month. well when I stopped taking the pill on oct 18th of this year I got my period on the 21st which lasted a normal 5 days, well ten days later I got another one and it lasted 3 days. ok so now today I have started again. can anyone please let me know what they think is going on? is it going to be hard for me to even have a baby? I am not sure. I have made an appt with my gyno but thats not till next week and I just want to be sure. Basically this is my third one since oct 21st. unless I am not supposed to count the small one that was in the middle. Thank you in advance.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • bachelor's in psychology question?

    I am graduating in a year with a bachelor's in psych. I know that my options are limited but I am wanting to know what are some of my options for work related and the other thing is is can I teach pre-k or kindergarden children. Do I have to have a certain degree to teach at this level? I am just looking at different options. Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • birth control and pregnancy?

    I stopped taking the birth control pill because my husband and I are going to try for a baby. I had been on the pill for 4 years. I stopped the pill after the last pill of the pack. I ended my period about 10 days ago and now I have started again. Is this because my body is getting used to not having the hormone in my body. How long will it take to for my cycle to get back to normal. And is it normal for me to be having wackyness from stopping the pill? Thank you in advance.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • question about pregnancy?

    My husband and I are going to try to have a baby. I have just came off of the birth control pil and we are going to let things work itself out. We are not going to rush itl and I am wondering is there anything that I need to know. I know that this is such a broad question but I am mainly looking for any good advice. I greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • will cipro help with swollen lymph nodes in the groin?

    I have swollen lymph nodes in the groin and I am taking Cipro. It is more like the bikini area of my groin and yes they hurt pretty bad. this is my first time having this and they have been there since last thursday. I went to my doc and cipro is what they gave me. I just want to be sure that this works because I have taken antibiotics before that were not strong enough for me. the cipro is 500mg.

    4 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • let me rephrase my question?

    I just recently went to the dr. he told me I had folliculitis. I thought what it was was swollen lymph nodes. He did not really tell me anything because it was a quick care. my dr. cannot see me till next week. Can I have mistaken what I thought was swollen lymph nodes as a swollen mass that is associated with deep folliculitis? I have NEVER had this before and I only have had this since last thursday. I was put on 10 days of cephalexin to get rid of folliculitis. I have never heard of folliculitis before so some insight would be great and how long it will take before I start noticing these "masses" going down. there are two of them and yes they hurt, almost like I have been bruised.

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • How long will it take for swollen lymph nodes to go back to normal?

    last thursday i noticed that I had swollen lymph nodes or what I think are lymph nodes on my bikini line. I have never had them there before but I have had them elsewhere (neck, underarms) well they hurt so i went to the dr on monday and he told me that it was something called folliculitis and put me on an antibiotic. I was wondering can your lymph nodes get infected from folliculitis. I have never heard of folliculitis and I dont have swollen pustuls that are normally associated with folliculits. How long will it take the antibiotics to kick in. I am taking cephalexin and its three times a day for 10 days. I have really only been taking the antibiotics for two full days but I do not notice any reduced swelling so far and I am still in pain.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • help real quick on this question?

    find the present value for the given future amount. round to the nearest cent... A=3900, 8 years...R=10% compounded quarterly

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • math question that I am stuck on?

    ok here it is, see if you can get an answer.. you just put $2865 in a CD that is expected to earn 5.75% compounded monthly. what will the value of the CD be in 3.5 years?

    7 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago