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  • Incest, or not incenst? Simple question.?

    Not saying I intend on doing this, (seeing as my great aunt if three times my age), but biblically speaking, is it incest for one to marry his father's mother's mother's cousin's daughter?

    I've found its legal in the U.S. to marry first cousins, and illegal in half, so its most likely no problem for a grand nephew to marry his grand aunt (technically once removed).

    P.S. : you are less likely to receive best answer if you add grotesque faces and a bunch of, 'ewwww''s. I'm just looking for an answer from the bible please.

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Yes, I've searched prev. ?'s. But WHY do I burp with this stomach ache?

    I've looked through a few former q's and a's, and it seems that a lot of people, just like me, have this wierd stomach ache, whereas one feels bloated, and ready to regurgitate. Many of the q's I searched stated that "I burp at random," or "I've been burping WAY to much lately!" I have the same symptom.

    Now, I've already figured out why this is occurring (its a stomach bug that will go away in a few days), but I have a better question: How do I burp when I haven't drank anything? In other words, how does the air get trapped in my stomach, when there seems to be no source for the air to get there?

    *P.S. And if you would take an extra moment, how can I ease this stomach ache?

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • A question....of morality...?

    Its simple, but complex. Morality to me is human ethics, a sort of "rules to go by" sheet. Its been around for countless years, since, Rome, since Biblical times, since ever...

    Humans have always stuck to it, but in a weird way. Utilizing it only when its comfortable for them, they put morality in the cupboard unless they feel its necessary. Even teenagers do this. Example: most males are known for their perveted attitudes. They let it go unrestricted, that is, until a woman who doesn't like it enters the picture. Stuffing pervetedness into the cupboard, this male would then try to cater to such a woman. Only when he has to. Only when its necessary.

    Teenagers enjoy and satiate their sexual desires. No other teenagers really care enough to say thats wrong. So it continues. But theres one thing, one specific law of the land that no man dares to violate: Lying. As soon as someone hears another person lied, its considered just as bad if not worse than cheating! Am I wrong?

    15 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • DEAD RISING. Did you beat it with the "a" ending? If so, can you tell me...?

    ....can you tell me what the words say on the screen, after you beat the tank, and after you beat Brock, and after the cutsene where Frank screams up at the camera? What do the words say? I just beat it, and did it, but I pressed "A" too quickly and it fast forwarded the words, and I didn't get to read them. Can you please tell me what the words said?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • I'm researching for my story. Medical questions about 30 year old male?

    Aight. I'm writing a story, and there are certain things that I need to make sure are accurate. Approximately how many pints of blood can a 30 year old male lose before he becomes unconscious? And if a lead pipe apprx. 2 inches in diameter penetrates a male's lower right stomach area, what organs will be pentrated as well? Will it be fatal? If he gets medical attention at a top noch hospital, would he be able to survive? How long would it take for the pipe wound to heal?

    Thank you for your help. I'm planning on integrating this into my book. Thank you.

    1 AnswerMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Braces - Is it worth removing two teeth and wearing a retainor for the rest of my life?

    Straight teeth. Its all for straight teeth. I will have to remove two upper molars, and then wear some metal for a couple of years. After that, I will have to wear a reatainor if I want them to stay the way they your book, is it worth it?

    What would you say to be the pros and cons of not getting braces? And getting braces?

    7 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • What can I do to improve my personality, or myself in general?

    Honestly, at times, I feel as if I'm totally unwanted; as if no soul in the world has a liking to me. Depression is a fitting word in that sense of my state of late, but I'm not really depressed. I'm in the middle ground; sad, but happy simultaneously. I want someone my age to love, but at the same time I'm content with my life. At this time, I'm asking you just whats wrong with me!? Trust me when I say I do NOT boast. I've been told that I'm handsome young man, intelligently structured, mentally matured, old for my age, I look older than I am, I write excellent poetry...I'm not going to continue on that list simply because thats not what matters to me. Since day one of my life, I've always wanted someone to care for, but never have I had anyone who truly cared for me. Is the fact that I wear black dim my appeal to others? I'm not gothic. OR, is it because I'm half asian half american!!?!?! I'm not sure to what extent you can answer this question, but would you (honestly) take me?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Was it really my fault? Or am I being punished for my own actions?

    Ok, long story short, when I was in freshman year at high school, I was wicked into The Matrix Trilogy, and I loved the color black (and I still do). Back then, I wore a nice $400 trench coat to school (that I bought with my own money)(thats how much I love trenches) and I was really into my own opinion; I didn't care what other people thought of me, in the least. EVERYONE around me was my friend, and even some former enemies backed off. Now to the interesting part: I was sorta expelled. Not really, but I was told to never go to that high school again. You know why? A bunch of scared freshman (7 in all) got together and complained that I had a hit list, and I was going to kill people. And just because of that, even though they never found a hit list, they kicked me out. Was this my fault for wearing what I liked? Can't I be different and left alone? Or is it my responsibility to care what other people think of me? I had to go to court as well, but I was found not guilty.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • I'm mentally ready for a relationship, but no one else my age seems to be as well!?

    This has resulted in my own creation of this analogy: Imagine that you are in a 9x9x10 steel box with a 3 foot hole at the top. You can't get out, and there is a tree in the middle of this enclosure. The tree is only a sprouting, and will take years to become tall enough for you to climb it. You have to get out.

    This analogy is seemingly the same as what my question depicts. I've seemingly become aged beyond my own age, for every girl that I seek always remarks that I am too old for them (even when in actuality, theyre 3 years older than me!). Theres no way to make one stupid (unless one takes drugs), and I can't seem to find anyone who is intelligent at the age of 15 like me! Frustrating, this is, and no solution have I been able to procure for immediate relief; all I seemingly can do is wait. Wait. Wait for someone who actually likes me to appear. My question: What do you think I should do?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Rascism - Am I racist?

    Alright. I've hemmed about this subject a lot, but I'll try to make this one short. I'm a 15 year old Hybrid teenager. My mother is american, my father Chinese. I grew up, different from everyone else, using that differential variable as an advantage to my self esteem, which totally worked, and now I have the confidence to march on stage and do everything without breaking a sweat. However....

    I have discovered through my own mental evaluation that because I put so much pride into my asian side that it has caused me to be racist ---- to american guys who date or marry asian women. This is a well known subject, but what I want to know is what you think it is that I could do in order to rid myself of this. And PLEASE don't get me wrong when I say all this. I want to get rid of this hatrid; please be understanding. This problem has grown into me, and I only seek to destroy it; never did I want this to happen!! So please, answer with sincerity, and not with anger towards me.

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago