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Lv 32,364 points

Joshua Billson

Favorite Answers12%
  • Youtube and Itunes stop working whenever my computer goes to sleep?

    Whenever I'm away from the computer for about 15 minutes it goes into standby and when I start it back up again neither youtube nor itunes will play videos/music. The song/video plays but at an incredibly slow rate and there is no sound; both work fine when the computer turns on after being off but they stop working after the computer has gone into standby. This is getting quite annoying because it forces me to restart the computer about 5 times a day. Any idea about what could be wrong and how I can fix this?

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Will I grow any more?

    I am a 17 year old male and I am currently only 5'3"; my mom is 5' and my dad is 5'7. It's my goal to reach 5'6; do you think it is at all possible that I will grow at least another 3 inches or am I pretty much screwed?

    2 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Can you Recommend some Black Metal bands?

    So, I recently started listening to Black metal and I now want to increase my black metal collection. My first and favorite black metal band so far is Gorgoroth, I really love how heavy and atmospheric it is. But I DO NOT like the fast black metal bands that have allot thrash metal influences; I like the slower, darker, and more atmospheric bands. So if you could, please give me a list of some black metal bands that you think I'd enjoy.

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Is dying your hair messy?

    I want to dye my hair but my dad won't let me as he says he doesn't want me to mess up the bathroom. So I want to know if dying your hair yourself is messy. Will it stain things like the counter, sink, floor, bath, shower curtain, etc? And if so, is it possible to remove it?


    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Looking for a good new guitar?


    So, I am thinking about getting a new guitar. I am currently set up with a "Dean Razorback" with a floyd rose. Now, when I bought this guitar (it was my first high-end guitar, I got it when I was tired with my first practice guitar) I had little knowledge about guitar designs or features; so I did not really understand what to look for when buying. Now, that was about 2 years ago and ever since then the floyd rose has been a pain in the ***. It's hard to tune and I have no use for it as the music I play have next to no use for a whammy bar. Also, the neck is thick and is designed with jumbo frets; these are great for metal but I almost never play metal so it tends to be a detriment to me when I am trying to play more complex pieces.

    So here is my question: What kind of guitar should I buy as a replacement for my Dean? I am thinking about selling the razorback so any info you could provide about where I could unload it and what I would get for it would be much appreciated; I paid $1,400 for it and it is in great condition. I am looking specifically for a guitar with a good sound and a thin neck; I have small hands (I'm only 5'3") so a thick neck is kind of hard to work with. My budget is around $1000; but I heard that the floyd rose on the Dean really added to the price so I shouldn't have to pay as much for a guitar with as good a sound. Any advice on these matters will be very useful.

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • A Question About Vocoders?

    I am planning on buying the, "Moog Little Phatty" synthesizer; but as far as I can tell this synth does not come with a vocoder. Because of this; how can I do vocoder effects? Will I have to buy a separate synth with a vocoder built in or is there a device I can use with the phatty to act as a vocoder?


    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • What is a good anti spyware that I can buy?

    I need to buy a good anti spyware for my PC. I do not want anyone recommending free ones over the net; instead I am looking for one I can buy from future-shop or best buy. What are some good brands? how much do they cost? I am also running Norton in order to protect my computer from viruses; whatever I get has to be compatible with that.

    5 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago