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  • I am Extremely Dizzy, Late Period by Months, but Docs say I am not Preg but One Doc and Nurse SAID?


    So a little backround information, my last period ended around July 28th, Also, I post a lot on here, because all doctors are basically saying the same besides one nurse and doctor. That I could be pregnant.

    I have always had a reg. cycle since I started at age 12, and I am now 19. I am sexually active.

    My symptoms:

    Extremely Dizzy Today (Dizzy all together for about 1.5 months, on and off.)

    Cravings (Plain water, I never drink that. had that craving yesterday)

    Lower Back Pain for atleast 3.5 to 4 months

    Nipples Itch Like crazy

    Nipples Darker in Color

    Breasts Larger by almost one full cup.

    I lost about 12 lbs and gained about 24 ish in a short time.

    Clothes are extremely tight around waste and stomach.

    Last doctor I saw said my tummy was hard.

    Stretch marks like crazy and never had a child.




    Feet are very hot then cold, and body too.

    Did have a big appetite now I can barely eat 5 bites at dinner. Never been like this before.

    I had a abdominal ultrasound when I could of been as early as a couple weeks. but came back with no fetus.

    I have had 3 faint positives at home.

    All doctors tests are negative, but I believe the last doc. knew something was up, by the way she looked at my stomach and said it was hard.

    Also, I have the shape of belly, where the tummy drops, and is round.

    So, as a individual not a doc. or nurse besides saying go to doc. because I will go again, do you say pregnant or not?

    Thanks so much!!!

    Also, I did just post this in womans health :)

    5 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • I am Extremely Dizzy, Late Period by Months, but Docs say I am not Preg but One Doc and Nurse SAID?


    So a little backround information, my last period ended around July 28th, Also, I post a lot on here, because all doctors are basically saying the same besides one nurse and doctor. That I could be pregnant.

    I have always had a reg. cycle since I started at age 12, and I am now 19. I am sexually active.

    My symptoms:

    Extremely Dizzy Today (Dizzy all together for about 1.5 months, on and off.)

    Cravings (Plain water, I never drink that. had that craving yesterday)

    Lower Back Pain for atleast 3.5 to 4 months

    Nipples Itch Like crazy

    Nipples Darker in Color

    Breasts Larger by almost one full cup.

    I lost about 12 lbs and gained about 24 ish in a short time.

    Clothes are extremely tight around waste and stomach.

    Last doctor I saw said my tummy was hard.

    Stretch marks like crazy and never had a child.




    Feet are very hot then cold, and body too.

    Did have a big appetite now I can barely eat 5 bites at dinner. Never been like this before.

    I had a abdominal ultrasound when I could of been as early as a couple weeks. but came back with no fetus.

    I have had 3 faint positives at home.

    All doctors tests are negative, but I believe the last doc. knew something was up, by the way she looked at my stomach and said it was hard.

    Also, I have the shape of belly, where the tummy drops, and is round.

    So, as a individual not a doc. or nurse besides saying go to doc. because I will go again, do you say pregnant or not?

    Thanks so much!!!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Can you have issues with eating if your only spotting?


    For 3 days all I could eat was a few bites a day and barely could keep down fluids, now I am having a better time with eating, but still really no appetite and been doing a lot of acid reflex were it comes up and goes back down I was diagnosed with acid reflex a year ago but nothing like this.

    My last period ended in July and spotted in Late August and about 3 weeks ago. August spotting lasted about 3 days, and a lighter red, and November spotting didnt even last 48 hrs. and was light pink.

    Also, the docs say I am not pregnant and the last one said "I could be."

    I am 19.

    Any ideas?

    Also, I posted this in pregnancy because in womans health it was not getting any responses!


    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • How Long after sex does implantation bleeding happen?


    I had light pink blood for about 2 days, never had light pink before, but last period was in late July. I did see my doc. about 9 weeks ago, and not pregnant, but this light pink blood happened around 3 weeks ago. What do you think?


    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • What can cause light pink blood for under 2 days, besides implantation bleeding?


    I was not sexually active around the light pink blood.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Should the fetus showed on the abdominal ultrasound with a full bladder when?


    My last period ended around July. 28th

    And I had my abdominal ultrasound done in middle, may be towards end of September.

    Should the fetus should of shown, if I was indeed pregnant, with a full bladder, the technician did not have the sound on, because I didn't hear the scuffle sound.


    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • What would you do in this situation, with 3 home positives with faint lines, and docs tests are Negative?


    So I haven't had a period in a little over 5.5 months. I am having all the signs such has loss weight (12 pounds) then gain weight (around 22 pounds) , weird cravings, lactating, lower back pain, insomnia, headaches, colds, increased in urination and number two, feet are hot and sweaty, hold and cold flashes, nipples itch like crazy, breasts almost bigger by one size, vomiting and more.

    All 3 doctors don't have any answers they all say "I could be"

    I have had blood test about 3 months ago.

    Pee test about 1.5 months ago at doc.

    And abdominal ultrasound about 2.5 months ago. With no fetus.

    I hear at that stage they should do a trans vaginal ultrasound.

    All they say is I can be pregnant and they don't know why this is going on.


    On occasion my urine will smell very sweet, but mu vagina never burns or itches.


    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Went to doctors today to see what was up with NO period since July and?


    She said she had no idea what is going on, I have now been to 2 different doctors and 3 nurses.

    My last period was in late July. Home pregnancy tests are positives besides one, all doctors tests such as pee, blood, and abdominal ultrasound was all negative for pregnancy at doctors.The doctor said my tummy was pretty hard. I am having all symptoms and for the last 7 plus years I have had a period every 25 to 38 days, so what could be going on? Also, I know I post like crazy on here!


    3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Went to doctors today to see what was up with NO period since July and?


    She said she had no idea what is going on, I have now been to 2 different doctors and 3 nurses.

    My last period was in late July. Home pregnancy tests are positives besides one, all doctors tests such as pee, blood, and abdominal ultrasound was all negative for pregnancy at doctors.The doctor said my tummy was pretty hard. I am having all symptoms, so what could be going on? Also, I know I post like crazy on here!


    3 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • I need a Grant for myself that is FREE to apply for and I am disabled with bi polar and on Disability?


    I am going to be starting college in a little under 2 months and really need some money (Grants) that are free to apply for the grant for a young female (19) who is bi polar and is on disability.


    2 AnswersFinancial Aid10 years ago
  • When your a female what can make your urine smell very sweet and have NO burning or itchyness?


    I have had my urine smell very sweet instead of fishy like a normal woman ever since I haven't had a period. My last period was in July of 2011. I am sexually active, and do have the pregnancy symptoms but docs tests are all negative as the blood, pee and abdominal ultrasound. My vagina does not itch or burn but I do go pee a lot. With usually about zero discomfort. It has burned once since no period and it only lasted for one potty visit and hasn't arrived since. And every time I used to have a UTI or yeast infection it would constantly burn going pee or not.

    So, what do you think is up?

    I am thinking of schuelding a doc. Appt. With family doc. What do you think?


    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Does have vaginal pressure and back pressure/pain for over 4 months on and off what does this mean?


    For the last 4 months or a little longer I have had vaginal and back pressure and pain, I do not have a UTI or kidney stones I just had a abdominal ultrasound a month and a half ago. I haven't had a period for about 5.5 months, and I have had 3 home pregnancy tests positive with faint line but doctors blood was negative from 4 months ago, pee from 1.5 months ago, and ultrasound showed no fetus. Also, the doctor did say my tummy was pretty hard then I had ultrasound and everything came back normal. Also, I am having all pregnancy symptoms such as weird cravings, eating less and weight gain, lactating, lower back pain, hot and cold flashes, breasts larger and a lot more.

    I am schuedling another doc. Appt. Tomorrow with the 5th doctor there all sending me to another one because there lost on what's going on and one sends me to another then that one sends me to another, I have been to family docs, gynos and hospital.

    So, what is going on/


    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Why is my ex boyfriend saying this and doing this, men please explain, honestly?


    So my ex bf said he misses me, misses the sex, and said he misses me because I am beauitful, but he said he doesn't want to be in a relationship right now, but he just wants sex why is he doing this?

    He is in his younger 20s if this helps,


    11 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Do you have lower back pain, vagina pressure and tummy pressure when your only pregnant or?


    For the last 4.5 months or so I have had on and off vagina and tummy pressure and lower back pain, the lower back pain has been pretty constant and vagina pressure is kinda constant and tummy on and off. Well anyways no period now for about 5.5 months. I had a ultrasound a abdominal one and they said it came back normal. I have had 3 positive home pregnancy tests all with faint lines. The doctors blood was negative 4 months ago and doctors pee was negative 1.5 months ago. I have had all the pregnancy symptoms such as itch nipples, hot and cold flashes, weird craving, weight gain, lactating, breasts a lot larger in short time.

    I am schuedling a doctor appt. Again with the 5th doctor now all the other docs. Send me to another doc because they don't know what's going on.

    The last doctor pressed on my tummy and said it was pretty hard and ran a pee test and it was negative a month ago, then had the abdominal ultrasound and came back normal.

    So, what do you think is going on?


    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • What can cause vagina, lower back, and tummy pressure for months on and off then eventually constantly?


    For the last four to five months my vagina, lower back and tummy have been having a lot of pressure, I just had a abdominal ultrasound done about 2 months ago and they said everything came back normal, I haven't had a period for a little over 5.5 months. Also in August I bleeded some very light pink and was only a tad on toilet paper and some on pad, then 2 days ago for 2 days so starting 4 days, it didn't even last a full 2 days were I had a super light pink only when I wiped and very little small drops on pad. When I had it back in August it lasted for about 3.5 days. So the bleeding is getting less, lighter in color, and lasting less days. I have had 3 positive home pregnancy tests with a faint plus sign. The doctors blood was negative four months ago. The doctors pee was negative about a month and a half ago. But all home tests besides one is negative. When I went to the doctors she felt my stomach and said it was pretty hard then I had the abdominal ultrasound and everything came back normal. I have had a lot of symptoms such as itchy nipples, swelling feet, feet are hot and sweaty, hot and cold flashes, lactating a little bit the clear liquid from nipples with no odor, cravings for things I don't like, gained about 17 lbs, lower back pain horribly, frequent urination but no itching or burning also going number two a lot more, and breasts almost a full size larger in a couple months and a few other symptoms.

    I am schuedling a doctor apointment again tomorrow, it will be the 5th doctor the other 4 had no idea and sent me to a different doctor that didn't know either.

    So, what do you think is going on?


    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • What should i get my parents for christmas ?


    I wanted to spend about $30.00 each on each parent. My mom loves her family, and loves to decorate around holidays, and loves manicures and pedicures but I want it to be a personal gift.

    My dad loves sports but all his favorite teams are doing horrible so I don't want to do a sports team gift, I already got him a small gift that says Dads place. But I don't know what to get him, he could really use his room painted it still is pink and has barbie wallpaper from when I was 5 years old and this was 15 years ago. But, idk what I could get him for $30.00 to help him with his room, for last christmas I got him a browns blanket (football team) and sheets. So, what should I do? I would love to help him paint his room cleveland browns colors, or something or any other better ideas, thanks!

    4 AnswersChristmas10 years ago
  • Whats going on pregnant or phantom, please and thank you?


    My last period was in July, my entire body is itchy, I have gained close to 20 pounds, lower back pain, lactating and a lot more.

    they said there was no fetus on abdominal ultrasound when I should of been about 2 to may be 2.5 months pregnant, could I be truly pregnant or is this a phantom?

    I have had 3 home positive tests in the last few months.

    My ultrasound was about 2 months ago.

    and I am not on no birth control and not on any hormone medicine or anything.

    It defiently looks like I am pregnant my tummy has the curve and my doc. Said it was hard.

    the doctor wasn't convinced by the urine and blood because it was negative, she wasn't convinced she said.

    so, am I pregnant or is this phantom?


    3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago