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My husband has worsening cancer, live in CT, revocable trust and mortgage/deed question?
We have advanced directives for both of us, durable POA healthcare for both, Wills for both, financial POAs for both of us. I am on the deed as is he but I am not on mortgage because my industry died and I was not working last time we refinanaced. The question has come up about a revocable trust. His cancer is getting worse and he is looking at a scary, intense surgery coming up. We have the house and some classic cars. Money in the bank, not much A 14 year old and 21 year old in college. I have bonds my grandmother gave me (old style) hanging onto for now til they max out. They are in my name only. Do I need a revocable trust to ensure I can sell the house and not deal with probate if he dies. I am looking here because he is going to have to stop working soon and expensive law fees are worrying me. Other docs were notarized and done on Legalzoom this summer. I need to be able to sell the house if I am not on mort but am on deed. I read that CT's probate situation is not that bad. What do I need to know? No retirement savings because he is already collecting a great state pension after doing a 20-year public safety career. If he dies, I continue to collect at 100 percent for the rest of my life. Have been advised that there was no need to do retirement savings beyond his pension due to how much it is and when SS is added at some point, it'll be more than enough. Mortgage payment is low, 12 years left on with 3.75 interest rate. It is under 100K. Son attending state university with no room/board. Please give any advice necessary but wondering about revocable trust to be able to sell house/avoid complications. Any other advice welcome. Again, this is the state of CT.
2 AnswersPersonal Finance7 years agoGarden!?
We used to have moles now we have a major issue with another burrowing creature. We believe it is a red burrowing ground squirrel. The tunnels and holes are huge, not moles or vole size. The reason I say this is because my outdoor cat killed one and dropped it off at our door. We had never seen anything like this in CT and had to ID it on the Internet. They are ruining our yard and wrecking our above ground pool area by caving in the ground underneath. We have tried everything and I mean everything. Traps..haveahearts, prong/spring-types, poison peanuts underground, gum, smoke bombs, stomping on the tunnels, all kids of stuff. The most success we have had is the smoke bombs that chase them out for about two weeks and then they come back. We do it again and process repeats again. They may just be burrowing deeper for a few weeks, not sure. Our yard is too big to do an undergrond mesh fence thing six feel down or a situatiuon with exhaust hose into ground (another suggestion I saw online). I am interested in what I saw about bottled coyote urine at gardening centers as a deterrent. Before I buy's not cheap...does anyone know whether it scares away outdoor cats? Our cat is fixed and has all its shots. It prefers the outdoors except during the nights in winter when it sleeps inside. It is not litter boxed trained so I cannot really convert to an indoor cat. It hates it inside anyhow. The cat hangs around outside in our yard and on our deck. Would coyote urine treatment scare her away or just really work on these rodents? Also, any other ideas? Poison bait is another issue because of the outdoor cat. Please help! We just redid our pool situation two years ago and do not want it to cave in underneath (more than the spots that it already has) due to these darn things.
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years agoCan someone please explain the bicep, tricep, humerus and how they work together?
Just need an explanation of each and how they work together if possible...thanks.
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years agoIs this an issue or not (neighbor kids and child services?)?
This is a regular neighborhood but one house was rented by large family with many younger kids like a year and one-half ago. They are all say 11 and under in age. They play and they play hard...never in the house, mother who knows where and father never pays attention to where they are. They recently chose to play closer to our house and I noticed the little girl...probably second grade...constantly screaming. I noticed in the past few days that her oldest brother has taken to pounding her on top of her head with his fists as she sits on the ground (hard) and towering over her as she lies on the ground yelling at her while he hits her..."I f*cking hate you, I f*cking hate you!" Even my 20-yr old son home on spring break from college was horrified. The other brother almost got killed by a car the other day as he ran after his ball (yes, the dad is fine with them playing in the street...he is only two houses away and knows they do this). The kid had the filthiest coat on (a layer of filth). I am more worried about the little girl. My other neighbor is worried about her too. Should someone call (discretely) human services in our town...? It is a small college town, not a big inner city. Not sure. Should I just continue to watch out for the girl and do something if it continues? I know a move like this would be playing hard ball. It is hard to sit back and watch this stuff happen to her.
4 AnswersWomen's Health8 years agoHow to handle reputation problem?
Long story...I'll be choppy to make it go fast. Son's school looking for place for grad dance (he's 13). Thought the found good restaurant/we are encouraged to go check it out. I go, friendly to owners ask details, they start to get salesy on me. I am not the one to handle details and tell them so. Our party is 60 ppl they want at least 160 to 200 to rent that room. I was personable, compliment them on establishment, we shake hands, I leave. School principal calls me in five days later, tells me I messed up entire event, harassed owner, told him he had drunkards in his bar that would bother our kids, etc. and they wanted nothing to do with our school or event. I never said any of this at all. She went on to call to try to make up with owner, he rants and raves about me, three teachers go with her to make amends for things I never said or did. I find out from a different source that has nothing to do with the school that he was offered large wedding party so he dumped our 60 person group and blamed it on me, saying I was rude and I wasn't...he used me as escape clause. Principal does not know this...threatens me that all parents will be furious with me and hate me for being rude to the guy (she believes him). Says she and the group of teachers will keep their mouths shut for my sake and if word gets out about me being rude (wasn't...remember, owner lied to get bigger party and blame on me) it would be my fault. She lectures me on my behavior and how I need to change my life etc when I was nothing but friendly and professional to these owners when I was there. I have been involved in school since 1998 and my son is about to graduate. I have many friends there (teachers I have known forever). One of the culprit women in group has biggest mouth in school and she will not keep it quiet. What do I do to defend myself and my reputation? This is all lies. Looked up restaurant reviews for this owner and people have posted what he is really like...horrible person. My son leaves in a few months but in the meantime I have to spend large amounts of time with these people at end of year events and then after graduation, see them in town. I was advised to go above principal's head and report for how she treated me. But sometimes you can look like you are complaining or explaining so much, that you look guilty instead. How do I deal with these four jerky women who believe lies about me and have the potential to make the rest of the school hate me forever? Do I tell them source's story about choosing larger banquet and dumping ours? Not sure what else to do. I AM SO MAD. This is stupid, I know. Too long a story to fully explain.
2 AnswersFriends8 years agoThe IRS changed for 8863/American Oppty and I have NO IDEA what line 23 means!?
My son is a first semester junior in college. They changed the form 8863 and it is much more detailed than before. No one seems to be able to figure out line 23's wording and it is a very important line. I cannot get through to the IRS without waiting hours. It says, "Has the Hope Scholarship Credit or American Opportunity Credit been claimed for this student for any 4 prior tax years?" What does "any 4 prior tax years" mean????? Any single year out of four or four total? The wording is absolutely ridiculous!!!
3 AnswersUnited States8 years agoQuestion about Zoloft and Vyvance?
My son was diagnosed with major depression (in college). He was put on Viibryd at the beginning of the fall semester. He crashed, took two incompletes (normally a 3.0 + student) and resigned from his job. It has been messy. He psych APRN has put him on 150 mg. Zoloft and he is currently increasing. She is also taking him off the Viibryd entirely as of tonight. Wants to get him retested for inattentive ADHD and put him on Vyvance. I think she is moving too fast with all of this. Previous professional testing has specified inattentive adhd not conclusive or proven. The lethargy could be the depression. He just started on Zoloft, coming off Viibryd and now thinking the Vyvance. Saw scary warnings about SSRIs and stimulants. There is a history of bipolar on my side (his grandmother) and possible with father (anger issues). I am thinking this might be a very bad move. Anyone with experience on these drugs out there?
1 AnswerMental Health8 years agoNeed ideas for 1st grade Christmas story?
I am in 8th grade and have a first grade "buddy". We have been told we have to write a 20-30 page Christmas story in first grade language for our buddy. We are being graded. I cannot come up with an idea. Once I do, it will be easier. I need to start with the conflict (self vs. self, self vs. nature, self vs. society or self vs. other character). Whatever idea for a story has to have one of these conflicts. I am having a problem thinking of a story idea.
1 AnswerHomework Help9 years agoBright red bleeding when using the bathroom...not my period?
I recently had my period but it is almost entire gone (like drops on a tampon). The remaining discharge is dark red/brownish. Last night I used the bathroom and saw bright red blood in the toilet. I did not go "number 2"...I checked my tampon and barely any blood left. I do not think I have a pressure, no urgency to pee. This morning there was less but still bright red blood. I have no idea how to figure out which place this blood is coming from. I had a kidney stone once (like 30 years ago) so I hope it is not that but again, that blood was diluted in my urine and dark. Other clues...I am 48, late period this month probably due to perimenopause, normal period though late, not pregnant (husband had vasectomy years ago and took pregnancy test anyhow). I do have some stomach issues which is what got me up last night (have allergy to dairy and probably had problem food item last night). This food thing is not related...would not make me bleed. I also think I have a yeast infection but that would not cause me to bleed. Any ideas?
1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years agoIllegal Siren Use Question?
Need some advice. Our neighbor has two retired firetrucks. He constantly runs the sirens and blows their horns. Do you think that there is any law being broken in terms of inciting alarm or noise? We have a town and state noise decible law but what about the siren being used in terms of a false emergency situation??? We live in CT but wondering what this could be considered anywhere in terms of breaking a law. We could get him on noise if we had the cops bring a noise meter but need to know about creating a false sense of emergency. The neighborhood is very small and houses are close together. P.s> not that it matters but he was never a firefighter.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years agoQuestion for married women who feel lonely even though they are married?
Do you ever feel extremely lonely even though you are married? I need to know that there are others out there like me. I can go out with female friends but my husband NEVER does anything with me. He loves me but I am a social person and cannot spend the rest of my life with someone who used to get out and enjoy life and now sits in the dark in the basement and watches tv all the time. He is only 47. Yes, he is depressed, yes he is being treated (multiple meds) and yes, we see a counselor. I am actually thinking of divorcing after 23 years of marriage because I dread being married to the person he has become. I know I can go out with friends, but all I ever do is she other couples out having fun. How do you deal with your loneliness and have any of you said "enough!" and got out...?
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoDoes this break a law or constitute child endangerment?
Child endangerment reportable to the Dept. of Children and Families or break a law (the perpetrator is eleven, so juvenile). This child poked nine children at an afterschool club with a lancet (needle to test blood sugar). Seven of the children had their skin broken. This case has been mishandled from the very moment it happened. Teacher did not report it, not all children told parents, late notice after 24 hours it happened by third party, principal defensive, no action from superintendant, parents on their own to have their 10, 11, 12 year olds tested for hep C, aids and HIV. Two weeks later and no repercussions. What law has been broken if any (intent to cause harm...girl has no parents and is being raised by grandparents and shows no remorse). School gave her one day in school suspension. School has no bloodborne pathogen training. Parents pay for own blood tests, child back in school activities after one ISS. DOES this constitute a danger to multiple to children reportable to Dept. of Children and Families? A violation of Dept. of Ed state guidelines? A violation of law, even if she is a juvenile? Nothing is being done! State is CT.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years agoIf my name is on the house deed but NOT on the mortgage?
I have heard I would be okay if we get divorced. We are already in counseling and have been for years but he will not even talk when we are there. I am trying to plan my out and do not want to mess up financially. Just checking. I would, of course, have to continue paying my portion of the town taxes, right? Because my name is on the deed? But the bank will not be able to ruin my credit, correct? P.S. my name not being on the mortage was purposely planned out the last time we refinanced.
1 AnswerPersonal Finance9 years agoProposed Healthcare question?
Just informational answers comments slamming Obama or anyone else. Does someone know how the proposal would affect our situation? My husband is a retired 20-year hazardous duty state employee. Retired after 20 years in a dangerous job and collects a state pension. Our insurance is now free for the rest of our lives (except for $10 copays to any doctor, even specialist without referral). Nothing is taken out of his pay for our insurance coverage. We know we are lucky to have this situation. How would the proposed healthcare changes affect us? Again, please no political rants...just info.
3 AnswersGovernment9 years agoHas anyone decided their still loved their spouse but just COULD NOT live with them any more?
Did you live in different places but stay together? Was it better?
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoDecision to divorce...your experience?
Did anyone in therapy just have a realization one day that nothing was ever going to change and it was evident that divorce or separation was the only solution? Not even feeling it in anger...just sort of a calm, inevitable feeling, as though you were seeing the situation as an outsider?
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoHow can I find an Edelbrock 33047 shock absorber Edelbrock no longer makes?
For a 71 Firebird (front). We must have bought the last one in existence. Have searched all over the Internet. Vendors take our credit card info and swear they have them (or one) left in stock and then order ends up cancelled because they really didn't have any. Amazon, Summit, Advance Auto all show up when you do an Internet search but there seems to be no one left with any once you try to place the order. They recently stopped making these, just can't believe every last one in existence is gone. Any ideas about where to get hard-to-find parts?
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs9 years agoParental controls question...?
Windows XP...have Parental Controls (Internet Explorer settings) set to highest. When I do a search it blocks sites. Why can I still type in a porn address and it is not blocked? I could have sworn that there was a way to set it up that none would show even if you did this (just wondering about existing IE controls)...trying to protect kids. Also, I could have sworn you used to be able to password protect and now I don't see that you can. They have a stupid ratings setting bar but anyone can change it...let me know if I am wrong.
2 AnswersSecurity9 years agoI have this strange thing on the bottom of my foot?
I was wearing boots and it felt weird on the bottom of my foot. I thought it was a blister but when I looked is was some tiny fluid filled bumps (like tiny, tiny hives) and they itched. It is not poison ivy since it is winter here. I put some alcohol on them and something else and they seem smaller and fewer today but they are still there. Not really itching anymore. What kind of rash cold this be. It is slightly reddened.
1 AnswerSkin Conditions9 years agoCan you deduct COBRA payments on your taxes? We pay dental health insurance COBRA on our 19 yo college kid?
There are few lines on the 1040 I see (on the front at the bottom) and one IRS agent who I got disconnected from had started to say something from Schedule A.
Can you?
1 AnswerUnited States9 years ago