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  • 1976: Fear of a great plague Swine Flu?

    In the 70's we had the swine flu. It is not new to us. Read the posting.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Swine Flu over Mexican Drug Cartels?

    Since this Swine Flu thing came up. No one is talking about the Drug Cartels anymore. Guess the media has new dirty laundry to talk about. The Swine Flu!! See, how things just happen to change. The so called media, is making this out to be more than what it is.

    We just can't sit in your house and wait for it to go away. Life still moves on. I say don't worry about something you have NO control over or can't change.

    Do what you normally do for your daily routine. If you booked your vacation to Cancun. Then go. In joy it and have fun with No added stress. I am still going. Leaving May 16th to 24th.

    To all have a great vacation.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Cancun is it Safe. Yes I say.?

    People on here say "DON'T GO TO CANCUN! And give there advice. Advice not to go! What is it? They seem to leave that part out. Just because they hear and see that the drug wars are going on in Mexico. That it is happening all over Mexico. Including Cancun.

    The people on here have NO clue. They hear and see the same news as I do.. Then come on here to clam that it is not safe in Cancun.

    I read reviews on Tripadvisor all the time, from people who just came back from Cancun. Not one of them ever said that they seen or heard of anything going on there.

    I do read of all the killings in the US. People killing there family members. In this past week, their have been more killings in the US. To say Cancun is not SAFE!

    I ask for PROOF! And not what the News or the US Govt. is saying and telling us. Until that happens. In my opinion Cancun is safe. Just as safe as any other city.

    Hate to see you all miss out on a enjoyable trip. Just because of the opinion of other on here. It is nice that we have this forum, to ask question. And get answers back. The internet is a powerful tool. If you just do research you can find your own answers.


    Read TripAdvisor's collection of unbiased hotel reviews and articles about vacations and hotels worldwide. Includes tools to help plan vacations.

    6 AnswersCancun1 decade ago