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renelli d

Favorite Answers20%
  • I can't get my ring out of my middle finger. what shall i do to remove it?

    It's a white gold wedding band. I tried lotion, soap, shampoo. I tried soaking my hand in a cold and warm water, nogo, Pls help. My finger is turning so red and getting numb.

    3 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • Do adults have intestinal worms like children does? what's the remedy for this? Especially for a round worm.?

    a friend told me that he knows somebody ( in his late 20's) who'd seen a round worm in his feces. Would this be possible? If it's true, can it be removed? It really is so disgusting but if it's true it could happen to me as well...any insight on this?

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • is it ok to interrupt the sleep of a newborn every 2hrs to feed him? is elevated position for sleep ok?

    my son's 20-day old.His pedia advised us to feed him every 2hrs coz he's small for his age and hasn't gained weight since birth. he feeds well (on formula, im not lactating too bad) but spits it up often. i am a little concerned about waking him up every 2hrs just to feed him, is this ok? another thing is, we cant let him sleep in a flat surface, his head and chest has to be elevated so he can sleep, or else, he will throw out all the milk we feed him. wont this affect his posture in the future (im talking about his spine)

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • is it ok for a newborn (4day old baby) to sleep on his side?

    my baby is just 4 days old. I noticed that he wouldn't sleep unless he is lying on his side. If I put him back on his back, he'll cry and won't stop unless he's lying on his side again. I worry about his back, will this affect his backbone or something when he grows up?

    13 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • no symptoms of pregnancy but home pregnancy tests are positive?

    I missed my period for december but i didn't mind as i have experienced delays several times but this time just to be sure I took the test and it was positive. I was recently having headaches and loose bowel movement and nothing else. It is kind of weird don't you think?

    and because I didn't know, i drank 2-3 glasses of martini and 1 glass of red wine on new year's eve, I also took Xenical (orlistat) a few times because I didn't want to gain weight.

    I am scared. Will it affect the baby? If I am definitely preggy, i might be on my 1st to 2wks...what shall I do? I am scared it might hurt the baby.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • i drank martini and red wine while preggy?

    i missed my period for december so I decided to take some 3 home pregnancy test today (jan4) and all were positive. I drank martini and red wine on the new year's eve, now I am so worried.. i didn't know. will the baby be fine?

    and i've had constant headaches recently, is it okay to take biogesic? thanks

    19 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Which is better, Nikon D50 or Nikon D40?

    Ok I was convinced to give up Canon350D and get a nikon instead. Most of the Nikon models are expensive but the store gave me a deal for Nikon D40 and D50 the same price. Pls help me decide which is better. Reviews are good for the D40 though, pls help!

    5 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Which is better? Canon 400D or Canon350D.?

    I am planning on getting an DSLR camera, probably from Canon. I am considering Canon 350 or 400D (known as Rebel Xt and Xti). Which is better? Or is there any other camera with the same specs (quality) but costs less? thanks a lot!

    6 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • where can i find unique/modern wedding invitation layouts for free?

    i am getting married on March next year and I want everything customized, that includes the wedding invitations, can you help me find some good websites where I can get modern layout ready for printing? or any ideas for my wedding invitation? HELP

    5 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Why do dell computer owners blame technical support for their problems they themselves have created?

    I heard a lot of computer owners, not just Dell, calling for technical issues, blaming the manufacturer, if not, the techs who are trying to help them, when the problems they are calling for is just something they have created.

    When you purchase your computer, it didn't have viruses or spyware on it, why blame it on the technicians? Who was using the computer by the way, is it the owners? or the technicians?

    6 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago