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Lv 57,913 points

Sunday P

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I love gardening, goldfish, butterflies and roller derby!

  • A teacher has a goldfish in a bowl at school ?

    I have kept goldfish for many years and everything I have ever read says goldfish cannot live in bowls. The teacher at my son's school claims its ok and had one in a bowl for 9 years. The one in class is a common goldfish that is 2 years old now and about 2 inches long. She also says she changes the water only 3 times per year. Last water change she claims was at Christmas time. The bowl looks like it may hold a gallon maybe just slightly more. No filter no airator. Astonishlingly the fish was swimming about and not sick at all. How can I argue with her if she's kept a fish successfully this way? I know she is wrong but you cannot tell a first grade teacher anything because they already know it all. I think the practice is cruel. How can she keep a common goldfish alive so long in a bowl? I'm baffled.

    8 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • The transistor switch is out on my 2003 Honda Accord, hlp plz?

    The transistor switch to the cabin fan (the fan that blows the a/c and heat) is out, and I have the replacement part. It looks like I can just plug it in, where is it located, in the dash or under the hood? And how easy is it to get to and plug back in? Is a novice capable of doing this? Where is Click and Clack when you need em?!!

    3 AnswersHonda1 decade ago
  • In the United States is it illegal to cuss at a police officer?

    Can you go to jail for cussing an officer? I know it wouldn't be smart to do, but I thought it fell under right to freedom of speech.

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Help with my goldfish?

    Venice Girl I just love you, I knew this would catch your attention. Your advice is top notch. I'm adding you to contacts today, so maybe we can email each other sometime. No I'm not a crazy man, I'm just a married girl from Texas who likes goldfish.

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What to do with styrafoam packing peanuts?

    I got a huge box full and I don't want to just throw them in the trash for environmental reasons, are they recyclicable?

    3 AnswersConservation1 decade ago
  • My left calf "heats" up occasionally, what's up with that?

    I exercise a lot but recently my left calf about half way up feels like someone lit a match in there. It does it for about 5 to 10 seconds then it goes away. It does it about periodically throughout the day and night. The other calf does not do this. What could it be?

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • How to get rid of darkness around the eyes?

    I'm 34 and I take a daily vitamin but it doesn't seem to help the dark circles around my eyes. Do you kind people have any suggestions for me?

    6 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Goldfish's eye highly reflective, can she see?

    My female goldfish's eye was injured by the males in the tank a few months ago while they were attempting to spawn. It bulged for a day or so and then the swelling when down and the eye returned to normal. Except now when she turns in the light that same eye is very reflective, more so than the other. I'm aware goldfish can see in the dark and have eye shine but one out reflects the other. My question she blind? Its not cloudy at all, and she's in perfect health. My water is fine ph 6.8 ammonia and nitrite are zero, and the nitrate is around 30 ppm. I change 75% of my water every 2 weeks. Had these 4 fish for over 3 years in the tank together. Anyone know exactly what's up with her eye? MM?

    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago
  • What are the little white things coming from my goldfish tank? Follow up question.?

    The size ranges from sand grain size to very tiny pebble. Say pin head to small nail head size. Bigger than a salt grain, coarse sand size about. They don't cover the bottom, there are maybe 20 or so in there at any given time. They are heavy, the syphon won't pull them out very well. I have only glass and hard black river rock with a mostly bare bottomed tank, that's why they are so noticable. Fish pick them up and spit them back out, so they aren't edible.

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • How much damage can pill bugs (rolly pollies) do to the garden?

    My plants are being eaten and the only bugs I see in the garden are slugs, snails and tons of pill bugs. I know about the slugs and snails and have treated for them. I don't want to use too much pestiside as I am trying to attract butterfies and their caterpillers. What can I do?

    7 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • What retailer sold you a goldfish in a bowl?

    BTW everyone goldfish cannot live in a bowl. The companies responsible for selling these get ups should be notified of the inhumane practice. The goldfish bowl myth has got to end.

    10 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Why is roller derby not in the catagory of sports in Yahoo Answers?

    Support your local roller derby! Its fun!!

    7 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago