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What do you think is happening to United States?
It seems that federal government is elbows deep in financial, car industries, mortgages, soon to be healthcare, when will it stop?
13 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWindows cleaning?
Bunch of neighbors on my block are hiring window cleaning service, so I agreed. It's about 100 dollars for each house ( two story building), and now I started thinking should I find out more info about this guys reliability, meaning any type of insurance needed in case of an accident, so I won't be reliable in case some one falls down or hurt himself.
First time home owner, not sure how it's supposed to be done.
2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoNon immigrant vis question?
I am from Turkmenistan, which is 3 world country, my husband is american and we got married almost 5 years ago, we are expecting our second child, and I would like my mom to come here. She has had worked at the same company for over ten years, she is married, my sister is there, but she is 22. On the other side no one keeps money in the bank, and almost every one lives in government apartments. I know she would not just leave her family there, but is there anything I can do to prove it, or at least for consular to trust her enough to let her in.
2 AnswersImmigration1 decade agoPotty training?
My son is going to be 2 in december, and for the past couple of nights he was waking up in the mornning with dry diaper and then he will go pee. So I'm thinnking he might be ready to start potty training. I gues what i'm asking is, what was your experience with potty training your boy at that age.
6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoHi, first time mac user, love everything about it except iphoto.?
Is there any other application I can use?
I would like to have an easy access to my original photos and be able to resize them, so I can send them via email, downloading them on sites like kodakgallery is not an option, I send fotos to my parents in Turkmenistan and their internet connection is very slow.
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoMe and my son (1/5) traveling with Amtrak?
I am planning a trip from BWI Baltimore Amtrak station to Penn Station in NYC, it's my first trip on a train, if you could share your experience with me, and also I was wondering if I could take his stroller on the train. It's medium size an dhe really doesn't fit in small strollers.
2 AnswersRail1 decade agoWeaning tips?
So I've decided to cut off my son from nursing (16 month old)
My breasts are very swollen and have hard spots, shall I just wait it out or try to express some milk. Can it lead to any medical condition. It's very painfull when I try to pick up my son and comfort him
4 AnswersParenting1 decade agotips on weaning 15 month old son from nursing?
My son is very attached to me, nursing + sleeping with me, makes me very tired, I'm ready to break the addiction, please help.
16 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago