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  • Why does my dog keep doing this?

    Every time she is under something car etc and I try to get her out she bites the crap out of me I get very mad seriously she is spayed and still has stitches etc so I was going all calm but she bits me and I get annoyed I was taking her out in front because if I take her outside on the back my male dog will chase her as a game she did this to me rite now and I'm mad how can I make her stop other than that she is a good dog....

    4 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Well my dog got spayed 2 days ago?

    I have another dog he is outside rite now and my dad keeps yelling at me now that she is healed blah blah is it way to early just kinda worried about the stiches and everything I took all the toys away etc but still should I be worried about my other dog tomorrow is her 4th day inside is it too early or what.

    6 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • My dog got spayed today?

    I told the lady from the front office how long should I keep my dogs apart from each other she just old me just keep them apart but she didn't tell me how long.My dog rite now just got out of the vets so she is tired sleeping on my bed but I don't know how long to keep them apart from each other.

    6 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • How long do you not have to play with your dog after her spay?

    She is getting spayed tomorrow and i'm wondering her favourite thing to do is play fetch etc but how long cant you not play with her etc.How long is the full recover?Should I take all the toys so she don't play cause if she sees a toy she will start running like crazy.Should you keep your dog indoors for how long.I have another dog so i'm worried they start play fighting etc.Sorry for many questions.

    8 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Can you give you dog water before her spay?

    Well I am going to spay well my vet is going to spay my dog he told me no food from 9:00pm not even next morning but water is fine,Then other people are telling me not to give your dog water either so i'm like this can someone clear this up for me?

    5 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Questions about my dogs spay?

    Well the person in the fron office told me since your getting her spayed on weds dont give her food on tues starting at 9pm dont give her food.Well my question is since i'm not going to drop her off i'm nto going to see her till we pick her up at 5pm My dog is fearful so she tends to be aggressive when she is scared so do the vets deal with that she weight 10 pounds but tends to be fearful.I dont know if this made sense at all but....

    8 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Do you guys believe this?

    Well I got an email from the cutest pet contest I submitted my dogs photo like months ago like 2 months maybe and they said my dog got picked out of 10,000 sumthing that only 1,000 got picked.Then I gave the premision on their website and she is going to be in there next book?Do you think its true.Ps just wondering.

    8 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Do you have to keep your dog inside when they come out from the spay?

    Well my female has an appointment for wed day so I just want to know how to do this well the lady from the vets told me to not feed her food at 10pm take the food bowl and do not give her food.Well my question is how long should I keep my dog inside.because my mom is going to take my dog at 8am and we are going to get her at 4 or 5 pm.

    2 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Do you think my cousin is a ***** for doing this?

    He got caught watching porn yesterday he came to my house yesterday but I didn't know I had my phone off and he had text me I didn't turn it on since it was charging well this morning I read it and he send me a message "call me foo I need to tell you something awesome I watched".This morning his mom called me did you show him how to watch porn on his ipod I go no he said yes and I went not this **** again like last time.One i don't even know how to watch it on the ipod since it blocks it plus I haven't used my in 7 months and i'm pissed off so bad he blames me for everything Oh one more thing I haven't text him since sep 4.

    4 AnswersMen's Health10 years ago
  • I just got a piece of my dogs poop because my vet told me to get it for a test?

    Well I been outside since like 6:30 she finally did poop but she did it like on the dirt instead of the grass will that matter just wonder I'm tired so I hope it dont matter cause their dirt on the poop so does it i've been wait for sometime now.

    8 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • What can I do about my male dog?

    We are taking my female to the vets on sat for her shots and some check ups but every time If I leave my male dog alone if I take my female for a walk I don't do that no more since he does a very loud whine no lie.What can I do can I take my male dog and my female dog to the vets so he doesn't cry he was a stray so i'm guessing every time I leave him there he thinks we will abandon him well what can I do tips please.

    3 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Why dont my eye docs wont give me color contacts?

    Well when I first got my contacts I really wanted color contacts but they said well you couldnt see with them on and i go okay weird and they told me that the clear contacts are a bit tinted witch was a big *** lie But why wont they give me color contacts since this is my last pair of clear contacts an going to get new pairs What should I tell him because I told him to give me color ones and he said you dont need them that the clears are tinted and I go -_-.

    3 AnswersOptical10 years ago
  • sharing my story that happen today scary/weird?

    Okay I was walking since i havent walked my dogs since its been cold today I walked them and when i'm almost done with my walk almost getting home a freaking aggressive husky and a boxer was following my dogs they where almost trying to attack my dogs i picked up my dog my female she is tiny so I was afraid for her my male he will fight back but he will lose,Well good for me came a dude and a chick in a car and got out of the car to help me and I went phew cause I wouldnt control the whole thing by my self I'm not scared of dogs but they where huge and growling and I went running with my dog in my hand and my other dog beside me!!!!

    2 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Well question on witch reptile I should get?

    Really I'm lost of what i want I want a hamster my mom thinks they are rats weird huh.I want a turtle you need to buy them 75 galleon tank :/.I want a snake my mom will get freaked out.My last choice is like a red eyed tree frog or some fishes or birds.If you guys can help me to pick something that dont cost much like all the supplies and everything cause my brother will help me out with like 100$ nd sumthing and ill have to pay the rest.

    2 AnswersReptiles10 years ago
  • Aquatic turtle questions?

    Well at first I wanted to get a hamster but then I was looking into a red eared slider how big should its tank be when its older?Can you put tap water in its tank like then put the condition thing really dont get that?How often o you clean the tank any other info will be very helpful for me.

    6 AnswersReptiles10 years ago
  • Will a dog get sick if he ate a bunch of treats?

    Well im kinda pissed with ny dog

    I knpw who got it down witch is my male my female is kinda tiny so she

    Cnt reach it nd he ripped the

    Whole bag nd ate

    It all I mean all of them.I usally give them both one a day nothing more cuz I was hoping for it to last bt is it

    A harm for him he is chubby already so I dnt wnt him tp get more fat

    3 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • can you put something called "clear eyes" while you have contacts on?

    it says take them off before you apply it but will it hurt if you just drop it in your eye when your contacts feel a bit dry and it bothers the crap out of you...

    2 AnswersOptical10 years ago
  • will it hur my eyes i wear contacts in the pool?

    cuz my pe class we going to the pool since we have one etc but i'm just wondering cuz i dont want to wearmy glasses :/

    3 AnswersOptical10 years ago
  • Why is it that my female acts all tough at home then like out of our home she is like fearful like dont bark?

    well the tittle explains most of it like at home she barks growls and barks at other dogs but as soon as we get out of the house how she acts is diffrent like tail down dnt bark or growl why is that and at home she does whatever she wants well I try to stop her sometimes but why is it I dont get it..

    4 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • How to make sure your dog wont destroy their beds again?

    well really i was making up my mind to make them sleep in blankets but I got them beds cause I felt bad so how do you make sure they don't destroy i should say him cause he is the one cause my female will never destroy her bed its mostly my male so how can I i don't want them to get destroyed he is like a destroyer of all dogs....

    3 AnswersDogs10 years ago