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  • Are there any low income health plans for my family?

    I am starting school in August and my husband is disabled. Our annual income is 15,000 and it comes from his Social Security. We have three kids, (ages 9,8, and 6) and myself that need health insurance. I don't want medicaid, so I need other options. Is there an affordable plan for a family with such a low income?

    3 AnswersInsurance8 years ago
  • What does it mean when it feels like your brain shivers?

    Every so often (at least 4-5 times a day) I get this wierd feeling in my my brain shivers for a second. I get kinda dizzy when it happens and my vision gets fuzzy for a second. Not sure what to think about it, but it's been happening for about a week now.

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is there an illness related to the symptoms I've been having?

    I've been having severe headaches since I was 16, leg pains since I was about 5, and no matter how much I sleep, it feels like I haven't slept at all. I have also had times where I black out and can't remember certain memory is pretty bad all together too. I have back pains and the pains in my legs are almost impossible to pin-point exactly where they originate from. I have tried migraine pills for the headaches, Restless Leg Syndrome pills for my legs and norco for my back......nothing works. I've had x-rays and all that turns up is 2 bulging discs in my back. I've had a cat scan on my head and there's nothing out of the ordinary and numerous blood work. Any ideas on what is going on??

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • How do I transfer a house into my name?

    My mom passed away and she purchased a house last year. She left no will and I am her only child. My family has been living in the house since she bought it and we don't know how to go about transferring it over to me. I called the mortgage company and they sent me a packet to transfer the loan to me, but they won't provide me with any info about it. I have my mom's bills and have been paying on the house since she passed. How do I get "executorship" to her home??? I know it will have to go through probate, but how do I get this process started?

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • How long does it take to "get over" a loved one passing away?

    My mom passed away in April of multi-system organ failure. She had a stroke 6 years ago and has had ongoing health issues since then. (loss of hearing, unstable on her feet, she was on blood thinners to prevent another stroke, and speech issues,) Even with these devastating effects from her stroke, she seemed to be otherwise healthy. She was rushed to the e.r. on my birthday and they said she had liver failure......but she never drank. She also had a mild heart attack and her colon was abstructed. They found huge amounts of ammonia in her system, but had no idea where it came from. They couldn't fix her colon because her heart was weak and they couldn't fix her heart because of her colon. Two days later she passed away. I am having a really difficult time with losing her. She was only 50 years old. How long am I going to feel so lost and depressed?

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of homes in Tuolumne county, CA that will rent to a multi-family household?

    I currently live in a 3 room apartment with my hubby, my three kids, my 2 cousins and their baby. We are trying to find a 4-5 room home to rent because we need more space. We have tried all the adds in the paper, but no one is willing to rent to a multi-family household. They all tell us too many bad things happen within families and in result, the rent is not paid. I understand that happens with some families, but our family is pretty close. We even suggested that we sign a document stating we would stay in the home regardless of what happens. No one will budge. Our income is low, which is the main reason we want to keep the multi-family household. Any suggestions???

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Is it possible for your body to reject birth control pills?

    I am 25 and have been taking the yaz pill for a good 12 months. Normally on the pill you're periods are supposed to be regular, but mine are not. I have von Willebrandes but that has never been a major issue before with taking the pill. I have three kids and have been on and off them in between pregnancies. I take them everyday and i don't take any meds that would interfere with the pill. I'm unsure on why my periods come and go as they please. any ideas? i'm beginning to think there's something seriously wrong. I don't have insurance so any help with this issue would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I have an unusual headache and need some advice....?

    I have had a headache for going on three days. I've taken tylenol, allergy pills, used warm compresses on my neck and used head-on. Nothing has helped. I'm getting nervous because my mo had a stroke a few years ago and one of the first signs was a headache. I have no insurance to have it checked out, so there's more added stress. It feels like a sharp pain on the left side of my head every few seconds. Every once in a while it feels like there's some tingling, kinda feels like something crawling in there. that is the only way i can describe it. Any advice on what kind of headache this is or if i should be worried?

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • How do I lose weight fast and safe?

    I'm only about 15 pounds overweight, but I want to lose it quickly. I have three kids so I can't exercise more then 30 minutes a day. I'm on a very busy schedule. Any ideas?

    46 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what is wrong with my hubby?

    He's had horrible stomach aches since he was about 5, everytime he eats greasy food or milk products he gets diarrhea, and he's paranoid about traveling because of it. He's tried immodium, kaopectate, and has had numerous tests done. his doctor put him on zoloft, but all that did was make him slightly more comfortable with traveling and he had bad side affects. even when he eats other foods, his stomach starts to hurt. the only thing that i can think of is celiac disease, but i'm not sure. any ideas?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What am I doing wrong with goldfish???

    Goldfish are supposed to be the easiest pet, but mine keep dying. I set up the tank and let it run for 2 days before buying fish. I set the bag of fish in the tank for 15 minutes before putting them in the tank. I have used the drops to stabilize the amount of chlorine in the water and used stress coat......I feed them a pinch once a day and they still die. Any ideas?

    12 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What steps do I take to try to buy a house?

    My husband makes a little over 24,000 a year, we have 3 kids and not so good credit. I really want to buy a house or even a manufactured home. I just want to own my own home! What are my chances of getting a first time home buyers loan? Will I ever achieve my dream of owning a home?

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What are the chances of getting pregnant on birth control pills?

    I've heard many things and I'm just curious.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Bush tax rebate???

    Does anyone know if Bush is going to send the tax rebates out this year or not? Just curious because I could really use the extra money........I'm sure everyone in California needs it because it's so expensive to live here.

    5 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • What are the income requirements for financial aid in communtity college?

    I want to attend a community college in the fall and I want to make sure I fall into that range.

    3 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • My son will be one soon and he started a habit of crying when I put him to bed. How do I fix it?

    I have three kids and my 11 month old is proving to be the toughest. He never really had a normal sleeping pattern, although I have tried to get him on a decent schedule. The past two weeks he has been screaming every time I put him in his bed for nap and bedtime. I just recently took him off the bottle, so I'm sure that has something to do with it. He uses his sippy cup, but he doesn't like it. I'm staying firm with my decision to use the sippy and need some suggestions on how to get him to stop this bad habit every night. Any ideas?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago