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I am an avionics engineer, married with two grown children. I am a martial artist in Shotokan Karate and Aikido. I play guitar and enjoy keep fit.

  • Problem formatting and external drive on a Mac.?

    I am trying to format an external thumb drive on my MacBook Pro running High Sierra. I go to Disk Utilities, select the drive and click the <erase> button. But, the only things I see on the drop-down list are <Name> & <Format> plus the <security>, < cancel> & <erase> buttons. There is no <Scheme> entry at all, so I can t select the GUID PT file format ( or any other format ). Any ideas as to what I m doing wrong?

    1 AnswerSoftware3 years ago
  • Problem with getting a 3-D dock on my mac.?

    I have recently loaded macOS High Sierra onto my Macbook Pro. I am trying to create the 3-D dock effect. I've seen a simple method using commands in the Terminal.

    defaults write no-glass -boolean YES

    killall Dock

    But, for some reason, this method just does not work. Any ideas as to why?

    1 AnswerSoftware3 years ago
  • Problem with macOS High Sierra.?

    I’ve just upgraded to High Sierra on my MacBook Pro. However, it does not seem to be acting correctly. For example, when I select system preferences, all that comes up is an iCloud dialogue box that has a list of apps each with a check box next to it. Also, I’m having difficulty setting up the voice control of Siri.Whenever I click on the icon, the app just opens and I can’t seem to get to the properties page to set anything up.

    Thanks guys.

    2 AnswersSoftware3 years ago
  • Problems with Windows partition on my Mac?

    I created a Windows 10 Pro parition on my Macbook Pro. I had some trouble getting Windows to boot cleanly. I reformatted the partition and reloaded windows. It was still not working properly so I used the recovery disk that I had created to try and restore it. Right at the end of the procedure an error message appeared saying that recovery had failed and no changes were made. I then switched off, and rebooted, hitting the option key. Now, the ONLY partition I can see is the Windows one and when I try to boot from it, an error message says that there is no OS!! How do I get back to the Mac OS??

    4 AnswersSoftware3 years ago
  • Problem with Windows 10 Pro.?

    I’ve just created a Windows partition on my MacBook Pro and loaded Windows 10 Pro, for which I bought a product key. The only thing on the partition is the OS. However, it stubbornly refuses to boot cleanly. The date screen and login screen both appear twice, one after the other before it gets to the desktop.I have already reformatted the partition and reloaded the OS 3 times so far. Anyone have any idea what’s going on?

    2 AnswersSoftware3 years ago
  • Problems with boot camp assistant.?

    I have just tried to create a Windows partition on my MacBook Pro using high Sierra. With two minutes to go before completion, a message pops up saying that the operation has been cancelled because I pressed the stop button. I never actually touched anything. This is the second time into days that this has happened. Can anyone suggest what's going on?

    2 AnswersSoftware3 years ago
  • Using ISO image file to restore a laptop.?

    I have created an ISO file on an external hard drive. However, my laptop no longer. boots up. Neither the recovery DVD nor the recovery thumb drive, that I created yesterday while the machine was still working, worked earlier today, after I had powered down my computer.

    Is there any way that I can use the ISO file to resurrect my laptop?

    When I switch on my computer I still get the login screen and the welcome screen, but then I just get the black screen of death.

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks3 years ago
  • I have a problem understanding ISO files.?

    From what I've read, an ISO file is a complete copy of a disc. If you are having computer problems, and you use the media creation tool to create an ISO file, what exactly gets copied onto the file and where do the file contents come from? If its from your existing hard drive, WHICH MIGHT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT, eg corrupted files, undetected viruses, missing .dll etc, surely, all you are doing when you create the file is copying the problem as well.

    2 AnswersSoftware3 years ago
  • A question about file backup on Windows 10?

    I would like to reformat my hard drive. I need to backup certain files first. All of my important files are currently stored on an external USB hard drive, but a lot of application files are on the C: drive mainly in the Programs and Programs(x86) folders. If I want to save just my apps, I'm unsure as to what files need to be backed up.

    3 AnswersOther - Computers3 years ago
  • I cant delete unwanted hard disc partitions.?

    I have Windows 10 [ build 16299] on my Samsung laptop. When I open disc management, I can see the main C: partition, and the EFI partition. For some reason, there are also 5 recovery partitions, all of different sizes, that I would like to delete. Apparently, to delete a partition you just right click on it and a drop-down list of options should appear, one of which is the delete option. What I get is just a dialogue box with the word 'Help' in it. Clicking this just sends me off to the internet. Does anyone have any idea what's going on here?

    3 AnswersSoftware3 years ago
  • How do I set up email alerts on Yahoo mail?

    I've tried clicking the Messanger smiley face and all I get is a white, blank, window, with the word 'Offline' in the top left corner. But, I was very much online when I opened the window as I was busy answering emails and checking stuff on Youtube.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Messenger5 years ago
  • How do I get the Fitbit app for Windows 10?

    I recently bought a Fitbit Charge HR wrist monitor. When I go to the Windows app site and click on the <get the app> button, nothing happens.

    The name of the app, according to the Fitbit user pdf file is <FitbitConnect_Win.exe>

    When I type this name into the Windows app search bar, it says that the app does not exist! Does anyone know any alternative sites where I may be able to get the app?

    1 AnswerSoftware6 years ago
  • Hi guys. Just a quickie about the Yahoo answers answer page.?

    How do I display ALL of the answers that I may get? The only answer showing below my question is the first one. Where are the other answers hiding????

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers6 years ago
  • How do I get rid of a program called HAO123?

    This program piggy-backed in on a download and it has highjacked all of my web browsers' home pages. Whenever I try to delete it, I get a message saying that I dont have sufficient permissions!!! I OWN the computer. I AM the administrator!! So why on earth cant I delete it????

    3 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • How do body builders trim off body fat prior to competition?

    I am following a muscle gaining program at the moment. I seem to be making small gains thanks to following a better diet plan. But, hard as I try, I cant avoid gaining a small spare tyre of fat around my midriff, which is hiding any abdominal development that I might achieve. By cutting down on my carbs, I can lose the excess fat, but that leads to a catch 22 situation whereby I lose strength and endurance in my muscles, do to the lower glycogen levels, which prevents me from being able to train heavy to maintain what little muscle mass I may have gained. So how do the top body builders do it? I believe its called cutting up. How do they lose the fat without losing muscle mass?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • How do I add a new email contact to the mail program inside Windows 8?

    When I click on the <mail> tile, it connects me to my email account. But how can I then add a new contact to my list of contacts? There does not seem to be any 'Add New Contact' option

    1 AnswerCalendar and Contacts7 years ago
  • Why cant any of my browsers log me into my Yahoo mail account?

    For the last 2 days, none of my browers [IE, Baidu, Firefox, Google Chrome] will log me into my yahoo email account. I am even being blocked from the Yahoo help site. Could this be a virus?

    Thanks guys.

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors7 years ago