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  • Anyone good at Trig? I need help with a problem.?

    A contractor is constructing a square building on a triangular lot. Given that the lot is a right triangle, find the width of the building. Here is a picture:

    Oh yeah, the answer in the back of the book is 150ft, but I don't know how to get there. Except that the ratio of 125/150 is the same as the ratio of 150/185.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Given f(x)=5, find f(3) + f(1)?

    I get the more complicated ones like f(x)=3x+1, but for some reason, this one is messing with my head, is it 10?

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • My hubby wants to go to a community college, but can't get one transcript. Can he omit the school until later?

    My hubby wants to go to school, but owes $250 to a school he went to 7 years ago. It was an institutional loan, not a federal loan, but they still refuse to release his transcripts. He did not actually complete any courses at this school. He withdrew after the deadline for a full refund, but before the deadline for "withdraw without evaluation." He did not receive any federal aid. He could set up a payment plan, but we will not be able to pay it off before school starts this semester. If he applies for federal aid and applies to the new school without mentioning the old school could he get into trouble? Would that be considered "academic dishonesty?" Also, I am going to school this fall, too. I will receive financial aid. If we pay what he owes and get the transcript to them before the end of the term would that be ok, or could he still get in trouble?

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • My hubby wants to return to college but owes another college an institutional loan. Can he get financial aid?

    My hubby wants to go to school, but owes $250 to a school he went to 7 years ago. It was an institutional loan, not a federal loan, but they still refuse to release his transcripts. He did not actually complete any courses at this school. He withdrew after the deadline for a full refund, but before the deadline for "withdraw without evaluation.". He did not receive any federal aid. He could set up a payment plan, but we could not have it paid off before school starts this semester. If he applies for federal aid and applies to the new school without mentioning the old school could he get into trouble? What exactly is "academic dishonesty?"

    4 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Is it better to get an AS at Jr college or just minimum credits needed, and then transfer to University?

    My adviser at the current community college that I am going to told me that it would be better for me to get an Associates degree before I transfer to the University that I want to go to, but I know that I am only "required" to get 24 credits to transfer. My husband says that she is probably trying to get more people to graduate from the college since they only have a 17% grad rate and a 58% transfer rate. Who is right? Both schools are in the same town. The tuition is not that much different, because I pay more for "access" to many things at the university already, so money is not an issue. Which is better?

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Has anyone seen the Aurora Borealis( Northern Lights ) tonight?

    I am in Oklahoma, and I got to see them once, when I was in high school. I was just wondering if anyone has seen them tonight, and if so, where are you located? Don't be specific, state names are just fine.

    6 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • How can I safely dye my hair all one color over hair I bleached 4 months ago?

    My natural hair color is dishwater blonde (ick) and I went to a salon and they bleached it several very light shades of blonde. It was good for about a month, then it started getting very porous and frizzy. Then I went to Sally's Beauty Supply, and they suggested for me to buy Roux (233) leave in repair treatment vials, Roux (233) Porosity control shampoo (daily), Roux (233) Repairing conditioner (daily), and Roux (233) Porosity control Corrector and Conditioner (weekly). Well, my hair is very strong now. No split ends, not as frizzy, and it doesn't break. I have about 4 inches of regrowth. I am thinking of going an auburn or burgandy red color. What do I need to do to get all of my hair to take the color the same?

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • My 7 year old son wants to be an astronaut. What should I tell him?

    Since the Constellation program is basically going to be shelved, does he have any hope of becoming an astronaut? I know he's young and it's early for him to be making future career decisions, but we want him to be inspired and I don't lie to him. Plus, I guess anything could happen in the future as far as NASA, right? But it takes a long time for these programs to get up and running, and I don't want him to give up if there might be hope. (Technically, he wants to be the first guy on Mars) What do you think?

    7 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • I am 33, and people keep calling me an "older woman." Beauty advice please.?

    I have deep pores, acne scars, deep forehead wrinkles and deep wrinkles around my mouth and crows feet. If my skin was smoother, I think the wrinkles would be less noticeable. The causes: I have smoked since I was 16 and recently quit.I have had a lot of stress over the past 5-8 years. I haven't ever been much of a water drinker. I never really had a beauty regimen, so I don't know where to start. Products to use? I can't really afford to go to a dermatologist.

    7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Afraid to fly, going to Florida. Not as scared on big planes. Which Airport to go on a big plane?

    I didn't used to be afraid to fly until this summer when I had to go to South Carolina on 2 small planes and it was like 2 hour+ long roller coasters. ICK. Anyway, I am going to Florida this summer, and I am trying to book the flight, but I keep getting hung up, because I do not want to go on a small plane. I would rather drive. I don't care which airport I fly into, I will be leaving from DFW. I will be getting a rental car, so I will just drive to where I am going anyway. So, which airline has a flight that's affordable on a big plane (like a 737) to Florida?

    4 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • How can Bank of America get away with their shady accounting and excessive overdraft fees?

    Let's say I had $100 in my checking account on Feb. 1st. I use my card 4 times on Feb. 1st for $22 each charge. So I should have $12 left in my account. On Feb. 5th, I use my card at the gas pump, and was not paying attention to the pump because my kid gets out of the car and starts running through the parking lot toward the store (just hypothetical.) And the gas charge ends up being $15. So, I am still freaking out about my kid and stop pumping gas and leave, not realizing that I had just overdrawn my account by $3. Later in the week, I look at my account balance online because I was expecting a direct deposit. There are four $35 overdraft fees. So, they charged the overdrafts on the other four transactions that were days before the one that was actually the offending purchase. How can they do this? Is there anything I can do to get them to take them off? There should only be one fee in my opinion.

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • My Mother in law is having a Christmas gift sent Site to Store at Walmart. How can we get it?

    She pretty much just told me that it would be sent "site to store" and that they (Walmart) would email me when it is there. I don't have an invoice or any idea what it is even. So, is this even going to work, or will I have problems when I go to pick it up?

    2 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Shipping to BCT tuesday. Want to change my MOS. Do I have any choices or options?

    I made a 96 on my ASVAB at MEPS. I felt pressured to go ahead and choose an MOS (68w healthcare specialist), since the one I really wanted 68T Animal Care Specialist was unavailable. So, I have been doing a lot of research, and found out that 68k medical laboratory specialist is under strength (and last I checked, it looks like the classes are not full), plus I think I would enjoy it and be much more suited to that MOS than 68w. Anyway, I asked my recruiter for a RENO, and he said it was doubtful I would get it so close to leaving. Well, is it? Can I just not sign when I get to MEPS to ship, or can I ask for a RENO there? Is there anything I can do? I just really don't think I am suited to be a Medic, and I don't know what to do. If there is nothing I can do right now, can I reclass to a 68k later, or is there some kind of rule stating that 68w's can't reclass to 68k or something like that. (I have read that that's true in the reverse 68k to 68w.) Please help. Anyone. I am running out of time. I leave on Tuesday!!! Also, if it is possible to change, who do I talk to about it and when? Plus, the classes for 68k start two weeks after the classes for 68w, so it's not like I would be sitting around for months. I am not trying to get out of going. My bag is packed, and I am ready. I just don't want to be a medic. It's that simple. But I will if I have no other choice. People keep saying it takes a certain kind of person to be a medic, and I just don't think I'm that person, and I don't want any soldier under my care to have to pay for that. Like if I can't handle the pressure or freeze up or something. If that makes any sense.

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Shipping to BCT in a few days. Want to change my MOS. Do I have any choices or options?

    I made a 96 on my ASVAB at MEPS. I felt pressured to go ahead and choose an MOS (68w healthcare specialist), since the one I really wanted 68T Animal Care Specialist was unavailable. So, I have been doing a lot of research, and found out that 68k medical laboratory specialist is under strength, plus I think I would enjoy it and be much more suited to that MOS than 68w. Anyway, I asked my recruiter for a RENO, and he said it was doubtful I would get it so close to leaving. Well, is it? Can I just not sign when I get to MEPS to ship, or can I ask for a RENO there? Is there anything I can do? I just really don't think I am suited to be a Medic, and I don't know what to do. If there is nothing I can do right now, can I reclass to a 68k later, or is there some kind of rule stating that 68w's can't reclass to 68k or something like that. (I have read that that's true in the reverse 68k to 68w.) Please help. Anyone. I am running out of time. I leave in 3 days!!!

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • If an Eagle Scout joines the Army, he starts as an E2, would a Campfire WoHeLo recipient get the same rank?

    I heard that an Eagle Scout or a Girl Scout Gold Award recipient might be able to start at the rank E2 if they join the Army. If a Campfire WoHeLo Medallion recipient joins the army, would they get the same courtesy?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • How much negotiation power do I have with an ASVAB of 91?


    I made a 91 on my ASVAB. I want to get either Optical Laboratory Specialist 68H or Pharmacy Specialist, but my recruiter said that he called and they said that all of the 68 MOS's are frozen right now because they are such high demand. So, should I just give up and not join or can I negotiate. He offered me a medic MOS, and said that I could do a lateral move after like 18 months, but I would NOTNOTNOT be happy, so does anybody have any ideas on other jobs (if indeed the 68's are frozen.) or is he just full of it and doesn't want to do the work to get me that job? I don't know. My brother is in the army and said I should be able to negotiate my duty station, bonus and mos. What do ya think?

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • When do you have to report royalties?

    I have oil royalties. We only made about $120 in royalties this year. We haven't received the 1099 yet, and we really want to get our taxes filed asap. A friend of mine said that if it was less than $600 that we didn't have to file it with our taxes. Is this true?

    1 AnswerUnited States1 decade ago
  • For Doctors: How does a obgyn tell a woman is pregnant by a pelvic exam?

    Just wondering if there is something that "feels" different about female parts during the first month or so of pregnancy and what that is particularly.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Does anybody actually believe that Clinton doesn't support the free trade agreement?

    I am just curious how many people are actually gullible enough to believe that Hillary didn't know that her Chief Campaign Strategist was a lobbyist for the free trade agreement with Columbia. Does anyone actually believe that she is against it considering that it was her husband who pushed through NAFTA?

    18 AnswersElections1 decade ago