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    My friend has been having suicidal thoughts for a while. She's had a really hard life and cutting is her way of dealing with it. But tonight she's seriously trying to end it. Me and another friend have been on the phone to her for about 3 hours trying to talk her down. She tried strangling and suffocating herself, we've tried everything but she won't listen! WHAT CAN WE DO TO MAKE HER SEE? We're desperate here she's not helping at all she's stressing us out and she won't talk to her dad about it and she's looking up ways and were so scared. She's found the website we were using with techniques on how to stop someone committing, but Were scared it's just gonna make her worse. She keeps saying she going to bed but we don't trust her we just think its an excuse to get off the phone with us and make us think shes ok. She says she'll text us In the morning but what If she doesn't. WHAT CAN WE DO PLEASE HELP?!?

    She's 14 btw

    5 AnswersFriends9 years ago

    My friend has been having suicidal thoughts for a while. She's had a really hard life and cutting is her way of dealing with it. But tonight she's seriously trying to end it. Me and another friend have been on the phone to her for about 3 hours trying to talk her down. She tried strangling and suffocating herself, we've tried everything but she won't listen! WHAT CAN WE DO TO MAKE HER SEE? We're desperate here she's not helping at all she's stressing us out and she won't talk to her dad about it and she's looking up ways and were so scared. She's found the website we were using with techniques on how to stop someone committing, but Were scared it's just gonna make her worse. She keeps saying she going to bed but we don't trust her we just think its an excuse to get off the phone with us and make us think shes ok. She says she'll text us In the morning but what If she doesn't. WHAT CAN WE DO PLEASE HELP?!?

    6 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Questions about hip peircings?

    I've wanted hip peircings for ages but I'm unsure about a few things.

    I'm 15 at the moment so I'm planning to get them done next year. Also l'd get dermals rather than surface bars so they would last longer. How long do dermals last?

    As for the actual peircing, how much does it hurt? How do they do it? Is it similar to a dermal punch ear piercing, because I've seen that done.

    Is it difficult to wear jeans with them in?

    Also, would it be hard to do PE with them in? Would it be advisable to get them done in the summer, which would mean they'd have 6 weeks to heal

    Sorry for all the questions but answer best as you can please :) x

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • HELP: my boyfriends brother came out as gay to me?

    So today I was at my boyfriend Peters house and his brother Dan was there. I'm quite close to him, he's like my brother too. So I instantly suggested a game of hide and seek ( he's 17 but he can be a big kid sometimes!). So we were playing that, and I was seeking. I went into Peters bedroom and thought I heard a noise from the closet. So I yelled 'come out of the closet!' but then Dan came out from under the bed and said he was sick of hearing those words. I was like what? Then he said he was gay... And I'm the only person who he's told. So we talked for a bit, and I'd completely forgotten about Peter. Then when he walked in, I was giving Dan a hug, and he was crying. Peter was like 'what's wrong?' but Dan just said 'issues' and then went out. I made my excuses and left too, but now my Boyf is texting me asking what's wrong with Dan. I know he's just worried about his brother, but I don't think I have the right to tell him. What shall I do? I've tried changing the subject- but he's so stubborn!

    6 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • Can anyone guess my favorite band?

    just a random one! its sort of indie rock i guess

    clue #1 it has 2 words

    clue #2 the last letter of the first word is d

    enjoy! i'll add more clues if people dont guess :)

    10 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • POLL:Merge you and your boyfriends/crushes names together, brangelina style?

    Me and my boyfriend are Pelleter :)

    My best friend and her boyfriend are Litchen (i know its a type of mold!)

    My sister and her boyfriend are Sattie

    My other sister and her boyfriend are Cerrae

    and my parents are Jian

    22 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • HELP: what do i say to my friend, she kissed a famous person thats 4 years older than her?

    So my friend L is a backing dancer on famous dancer/actor G's tour next week. Its a tour that follows up a movie that comes out on Friday.They were rehearsing the other day and they kissed. She's 14 and he's 18 and sounds like a total player. also, L is already dating a boy from a different famous dance troupe! The other backing dancer is a bit of a ***** and she says shes gonna tell the movie producer. and he's desperate to get more publicity for his movie and he'll tell the press. and then L's boyfriend will find out. HE came on to HER anyways. And next week there on a tour bus together and he texted yesterday ' we'll be alone at night, we can mess around then ;)'. What do i say to her, i dont want him to make her do anything, and i dont want her boyfriend to find out, hes a really sweet guy. help?

    6 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • Do you like any of these bands?

    Secondhand serenade (my fave band of all time <3)

    The script (Danny's towel is in my bathroom, dont ask!)

    The kooks

    Red Jumpsuit apparatus

    The Fray


    18 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • HELP: my best friend is cheating on her boyfriend with a famous person? ?

    Im not joking or anything. So my best friend L has this boyfriend called M. He is part of a well down dance troupe, and they met at a dance studio because shes a dancer too. they've been together for a while and he's really nice and all. But, the other week, L got cast as a backing dancer on a different famous dancers tour. His name is G and she's fancied him for years. She was delighted, and yesterday she went for rehearsals at G's new studio. And um she snogged G :/ and he said they can 'muck around' on the tour bus next week. Also, L is 14, M is 16 and G is 18! She told me, but I'm the only one who knows and i don't know what to do! Help?!


    3 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • Is it considered stalking if you follow your boyfriend home? your boyfriend h?

    I was with my best friend today and on our way home, she spotted her Boyf and his brother. She was like let's follow them home! So she dragged me all the Way to his house, then we went home. She kept saying she wasn't stalking him because he knew she was there ( he turned around and said hi, but she hid behind a postbox). But I say it still counts as stalking

    4 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • Could I model underwear when I'm older? Measurements included?

    I was with my friend at one of her middling shoots the other day, and the photographer guy looked at me and was like 'your exactly right to be an underwear model' do here's my measurements, do I sound right?

    Height: 5'8"

    Weight: 114 lb

    Bust: 36

    Waist: 26

    Hips: 36

    Bra size: 34D

    Problem is that I'm not even 15 yet, and you have to be 18! Will my measurements change by then? Should I have stopped growing yet ( I'm almost 15) ? Thanks

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • Have you ever trended on twitter?

    My school trended #shombomb today (shom is my school and we had a big bomb scare today. turned out it was 30 boxes of ammo) we had all us girls and all the teachers tweeting and we got a tweet from the BBC and were trending :)

    have you ever started a trend?

    2 AnswersFacebook9 years ago
  • I can't sleep until 4am, and I have to wake up at 6:30am?

    I have big problems with my sleep. I have DSPS (delayed sleep phase disorder), which basically means that my body clock is very far out. So I'm very awake between about 10pm and 3am, and usually fall asleep at about 4am. I've accepted this now, it's the way my body works. The only problem is that I have to be up at 6:30am every morning for school. My lack of sleep means I can't concentrate anymore at school, and don't do my best. Now when I want to go to sleep (around 3am) I start worrying. I worry that I won't be able to sleep, that I'll do badly at school and that I won't be able to wake up. At patents evening, all the teachers said the same thing : that I'm really smart but don't put the effort in. Everyone blames it on me, but it's because I can't sleep early enough. I get a strong anxiety and it's really horrible. Over lost half of DSPS sufferers are depressed and I don't want this to happen to me. How can I stop myself worrying?

    6 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • This girl has told the whole class my best friends secrets?

    So my best friend L is currently dating someone from a famous group. Only two of us knew. But another friend of ours R, overheard us talking about it, so she knew too. We initially never told her, because shes a total gossip queen and would tell everyone. So today, L had his name written on her hand (it's just a thing in my school to write 'property of (Boyf/ crush) on your hand) and another girl was like 'who is he?'. She asked all of Ls friends, and finally asked R. She told her everything. By the end of the day it's gone round most of our year group. We were just getting changed for pe and we could hear 'guess what? L is dating (him) from (group) '. It was horrible. So now L is mad at R. Should R just have kept her mouth shut ?

    7 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • My best friends boyfriend is going on your for a month so she won't see him? ?

    My best friends Boyfriend is going on tour from the 29th march- 21st April. She's upset because she's not going to see him for a whole month, apart from one day when he has a concert near here. So she's upset, and I want to cheer her up, all I can come up with is that he's getting back 2 days before his birthday so they can have a really big celebration. Please help? Thanx

    3 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • What should I get my boyfriend for his 16th birthday? ?

    It's my boyfriends birthday next week and I really don't know what to get him! I don't want to be boring, maybe something individual. Any ideas? He loves pokemon, sushi, jelly babies, freerunning and dubstep :) thanks

    4 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • Where should I go to skip school? ?

    I know this sounds so hypocritical, I asked a question the other day about how to stop my friend skipping school. But now I want to bunk off. I have 4 pages of history work due and a whole drafted speech for English due for the first two lessons. Tuesday evening is parents evening and I don't want the teachers to say to my mum that I haven't done the work. I will give both teachers the work on Tuesday during the day, I can't do it now, it's almost midnight on Sunday and I didn't sleep at all last night. I've had since Friday to do both, but with the history, it was due weeks ago but the teacher lost my book so she said on Friday to do it for monday. I've been so busy over the weekend, but teachers see that as an 'excuse'. So I want to bunk, just the first 2 lessons, by saying I had a dental appointment. I have no idea where to go, I might just go to a coffee shop and say I was early for my appointment but stayed to get a drink, but I couldn't do that for like an hour and a half. I can't go to my friends house (the one who usually bunks) because she's on report so she has to come in. I can't go to my boyfriends house, his school have a science exam tomorrow. What shall I do? Btw my dentist is about 20 minutes from my school so I could get the bus there then sit in a cafe for a bit then walk around for a while, then get the bus back. Any other suggestions?

    4 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • Should a 14 year old girl wear this? ? . I have a dress very similar, but it has midnight blue glitter on it. I want to wear it under 18's clubbing but im very curvy, and I'm scared I'll look like a sl*t if I wear it. If I do wear it, I'll wear it with black heeled shoe boots and blue and black makeup. Just your opinion thanks x

    3 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • Is a giant full fat latte really bad for you?

    I was waiting for some friends today, and decided to get a coffe while I waited. I went into the coffe shop and asked for a SMALL ICED LATTE and the guy charged me for that then gave me a LARGE HOT LATTE. And by large I mean enourmous. So I said it was the wrong thing so he gave me a large iced latte. I didn't say anything, since hed charged me for a small one, I just drank it down. It was huge, like soup bowl sized :/ and I drank the whole thing with full fat milk and 3 sachets of sugar. Now I feel sick. Is it really bad for you?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Nervous about meeting friend of a friend who is famous?

    My friends and i were going to go to the cinema, just us 3 girls, but the only film that was at the right time is woman in black. we decided that because its scary, we need the boyfriend there as protectors :) one of my friends is kind of dating this guy but its not official yet. she decided to invite him too, but he just happens to be famous. Also hes 16 and were only 14 so would he think were pathetic and young? i dont want to seem like some crazed fan, i want to be myself, but i'll be thinking he's judging me all the time. how do i act normal? thanks x

    10 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago