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Lv 610,469 points


Favorite Answers14%

Over 21. I like playing the slots and helping others. Love to laugh.

  • Why is it taking so long to download linux lite 1.0.8 32 bit OS to replace windows 8 XP?

    The read out bar in the Library is now saying 4 hours +. Is this normal?

    I have a desktop w/Wwindows XP 32 bit that I purchased in 2004 and I'm trying to change the OS before 4/8. I'm new at this but and thought I read enough about Linux to do this. I went to Linux. com and this is the system that was quoted as the best for older models w/Windows XP and all I had to do was download the link but I thought it would be faster than this. HELP!!!!!!

    3 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Windowx XP...What To Do After April 8th?

    It is not in my budget to get a new computer at this time. I have a Dell desktop. Read Google Chrome will support XP until 2015. Are there ANY other way to keep using XP after the cut off Microsoft date and still be safe oneline.


    5 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • When Clint Eastwood's Wife Had Her Reality Show On TV A Few Years Back?

    it was about her managing a boy band group. Was that boy band group One Direction or Wanted?

    1 AnswerReality Television7 years ago
  • Who Still Has Resistant Hypertension After Taking At Least 5 Or More HP Meds Over The Years?

    I have been taking BP meds since 2010 and still have not found one that stabilizes my blood pressure. I am on my 11th blood pressure medication .

    Anyone had or have this problem and how did you resolve it.......if you did?

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases8 years ago
  • Why Would My Pulse Reading Spike So High?

    I have been taking BP medication for a few years and last week my heart doctor decided to add a 2nd medication since the first one is not keep my BP levels stable

    My pulse has always been in the 60-70's no matter how high my BP was. Since taking the 2nd medication my pulse now reads in the 90-100's and it doesn't matter if I'm sitting or doing something. The second med he added was Hydralazine(25 mg) 2x a day. I just took my BP and it was 128/89 with a pulse of 100.

    I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow but has anyone ever had a spike in their pulse reading after taking a new med. This does not seem normal.

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases8 years ago
  • Would Somebody, Anybody Tell Me How Did Under The Dome End?

    My SO erased the ending episode. He said he thought I had watched it. Either tell me the ending or tell me where I can go to see it online. Thanks.

    1 AnswerDrama8 years ago
  • Who Has Had A Renal Denervation Procedure Done?

    This is a minimally invasive procedure that helps to reduce a person's hypertension when various high blood pressure medications are not doing the job.

    It seems my hypertension is resistant to a lot of medications. I usually suffer more with the side effects than the benefits of the meds so my heart doctor is thinking about trying this procedure. I had a stent put in the adrenal glands above my kidney in 2010 which did absolutely nothing.

    I'm wondering if anyone who suffered with hypertension had this procedure and did it help them?

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases8 years ago
  • Who Can Give Me The Names Of Lucrative Affiliate Programs To Join And Promote?

    One should be a gaming site(Slots, Poker, etc) and the other one can be clothes and/or food. You can give me your link to join under you only if these sites are lucrative. I don't mind working hard to promote them but they have to be worth it.

    I'm not looking to get rich but I do want to make a few extra bucks each month.

  • Can Anyone Tell Me If Judge Ross On America's Court Is Really A Judge?

    or is he an actor playing a judge. I ask this because his language on the show is really unprofessional especially if he is suppose to be a REAL judge.

    He will tell a defendant or plaintiff "I got this" or he'll say "you can't do that UP IN HERE". I swear I heard him tell a plaintiff to "get his s**t together.

    What's the real deal on Judge Ross?

    1 AnswerReality Television8 years ago
  • I Have Been Feeling Down Lately, Can't Sleep And Really Believe It's Depression?

    My doctor put me on Paxil (20 mg) a few days ago. I take it at night to help me sleep and to change my mood. When I get up in the morning I feel sick to my stomach like I want to throw up but I never have. It passes after an hour.

    Has anyone taken Paxil before and felt nauseated after taking it? I've only been taking this for a few days but if this feeling continues I will notify my doctor.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Who Has Taken This For Hypertension?

    Has anyone ever taken the herb Rauwolfia Serpentina to lower their blood pressure and if so, how well did it work for you?

    1 AnswerAlternative Medicine8 years ago
  • Have Passport Rules Changed For Two Week Travel?

    My SO's brother and his family planned a 2 WEEK vacation to Italy and were to leave today. However, when they got to the airport the airline told his brother his passport would expire in 3 MONTHS and he was not allowed to board the plane so they had to cancel their trip.

    This does not make sense to me. Why would his brother not be allowed to travel to Italy and stay for 2 weeks if his passport expires in 3 months? He has not traveled out of the country for some time. Have they changed passport rules?

    2 AnswersPacking & Preparation8 years ago
  • I Put An Ad On Craigslist Looking For P/T Customer Service Employment?

    in a call center answering inbound calls. I got this and was wondering if it was legit. I have a fax but it seems they want you to buy a fax from whomever they are hooked up with.

    Quality Assurance Verification Agents

    You will listen to recordings of sales calls to determine if the sale was valid or if there is evidence of sales fraud or undue customer confusion. $14.00-$15.00/hr.paid .

    work from your home using your computer and Internet access.

    We supply all needed training and software.

    Choose own work hours Monday-Sunday. Start ASAP.

    compensation: $15.00-$18/hr

    <href="http://quality-agent./ net"></a>

    Mary Tailor /hr


    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Are These Reality Shows Still On Or Have They Been Canceled?

    1. Kendra Wilkerson and Hank Baskett

    2. Sister Wives

    3. Brittany and ??? - the two conjoined girls who shared one body but each had a head.


    3 AnswersReality Television8 years ago
  • What In The World Did He Do?

    I am not a sports fan but I do remember when Tim Tebow was the darling of the sports world. Everyone was copying his down on one knee praying thing or whatever it was.

    My question.......What happened. Now it seems like everybody hates him. What did he do to turn everyone against him? LOL

    5 AnswersFootball (American)8 years ago
  • Has Anyone Bought A Clear TV Antenna?

    I saw a commercial on TV about Clear TV Antenna and was wondering if anyone has purchased one?

    I was thinking about getting one until I happened to notice on the ad you can't get any cable or satellite channels only network channels.

    Has anyone tried this out yet?

    60 AnswersOther - Electronics8 years ago
  • Can I List This On My Resume?

    I am in in my middle sixties and and want to return to work part time. I have been receiving my late husband's social security(widow's benefits) since 2008. My last full time job was in 2008.

    My question is do I list I have been on social security since 2008 on my resume or leave it blank and wait for a potential employee to ask me about it? Thanks..

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • What Is Wrong With The Browser On My Computer?

    I'm currently using Opera 12.14 as my preferred browser. IE came already installed on my computer when I got it in 2004. I currently have IE 8, a desktop and only use it for web browsing and other minor things. IE became too slow over the years so last year I started using Opera and it worked well.....for a year or so. I have upgraded Opera a few times.

    Now, my screen keeps freezing up after a 1/2 an hour.or so of browsing, When I type, the words come up a few seconds AFTER I type, not when I type. I have to keep closing out what I'm looking at and opening it back up again. Some times my cursor jumps all over the place. When I open my computer my security system starts updating and slows it down even more. I didn't program it that way and would like to know how to stop it from updating every time I open my computer.

    I did a defrag, emptied out my cache and did a whole computer scan. After doing that it runs good for a while then back to the same thing. Can't afford a new computer at this time so don't tell me to get one.

    How do I resolve this problem!!!!!! Thanks.

    3 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Seniors Help!!! Give Me Advice On The Chronic Aching In My Right Hip Area?

    I wrote a question a few weeks about a chronic aching in my right hip area. The pain radiates around the hip area into my groin and sometimes I feel it going down my leg, not often but it does more around. I got a lot of great answers and thanks to you all.

    I took an ultra sound and cat scan last week and today my doctor called and said he got the results and everything was normal. I was happy but puzzled. I asked my doctor why is the right hip area aching if everything came back normal and he said he didn't know. He said he is going to refer me to a pain specialist.

    I don't know how long I can deal with this constant aching, it's been 3 months, I have pain meds but I want this problem resolved and the meds are wearing off rather quickly now. Sometimes the ache is severe and sometimes it's barely there but some degree of it is always there.

    Another thing.....I have hypertension but it was my blood pressure is all out of whack because of the constant aching. I woke up this morning and it was 190/95 with a pulse of 56. My doctor told me to take my blood pressure meds twice, day and night, instead of just once a day. He also added Clonidine which really knocks the blood pressure down but it only stays in my system for 12 hours.

    Other than the aching, I feel fine. No fever, no blood in stool, urine has bubbles in it but the color is normal. Until I see a pain specialist can ANYONE tell me what to use on the part of the hip flank to stop the aching, at least for a while. Is there some old time remedy to rub on it to stop the ache? Is there some home remedy I can take? I need some relief. Thanks guys.

    6 AnswersSenior Citizens8 years ago
  • Would Someone PLEASE Tell Me What Is The Relevance Of The Man In The Geico Commercial?

    running around swatting thinks out of people's hands and saying "not in my house you don't"....or something like that. I'm not into sports so I don't know if he's a real player or not or why he's swatting things out of people hands then running away? How does that tie in with insurance?

    2 AnswersOther - Television8 years ago