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Lv 733,853 points


Favorite Answers41%

I'm a bit of a technofreak really. I also love fast cars, but can't afford to run a really fast one! I am a Christian, involved in a mixed Baptist and Anglican church. My degree was in Mathematics and Computing and I've been working in IT for nearly 30 years now, starting as software developer, moving to systems administration in the 90s and I'm now an IT manager. Most of the time I'm a Windows user but I much prefer Linux and UNIX. My first computer was a Sinclair ZX81 with 16KB wobbly RAM pack! In my spare(?) time I'm a keen amateur photographer. I like to photograph nature - plants, animals, landscapes and particularly birds of prey. I started in photography over 30 years ago with a Praktica MTL3 SLR, worked my way through several Pentax K-mount compatibles and then experimented a bit with a Mamiya 645, until I switched to a Nikon F75 about 8 years ago. I finally went with digital 3 years ago with a Nikon D60 and I've recently upgrade