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  • Possibly pregnant? planning?

    My menstral is usually 8 days. But this time it started on saturday(as usual) had intercourse on Monday,but my menstral slowed down dramatically afterwards and ended on wednesday(usually.would have ended on Saturday) also had intercourse thursday and friday... Possible chance of pregnancy???

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • When is it okay to give my baby rice cereal?

    My daughter is 12 weeks old and I think she is ready for rice cereal.

    She drinks formula -Similac (21-25oz a day)and now she sleeps 3-4 hours at night

    I asked her pediatric nurse but she told me 4 months,but didn't even look at my daughters file or ask any questions about her sleeping or eating habits. She pretty much just gave me a general answer,and every child is different.

    I will be giving my daughter the rice cereal through a spoon..NOT BOTTLE.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Will a Membrane Sweep work for me?

    I was 38 weeks and 3 days at my last appointment and my Midwife said I was almost 1 cm dilated and 80% effaced..And I would be getting a membrane sweep at my next appointment(39 weeks 3 days) Will a membrane sweep work for me? Because im ready to have my baby girl here with me now! :D

    Also,Have any of you women had a membrane sweep and if so how far along were you and did it work the first time having it done.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago

    I'll be 19 weeks pregnant tomorrow with my first baby. I have not felt any movement yet and i'm barely showing and I'm beginning to worry. My last appointment was at 17 weeks and i only gained 2 pounds throughout the entire pregnancy and my doctor said it was okay. and I heard the heartbeat and its healthy..Do I have anything to worry about since my appointment at 17 weeks went great and I havent felt any movement yet at all? My ultrasound isnt for another 11 days and im worried so I might just reschedule it for sooner.. SHOULD I BE WORRIED?

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • How often does my fetus sleep?

    Im 16 weeks pregnant today with my first and I was wondering if the baby sleeps inside me and if so how often does it sleep? and can my baby hear me by now?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Legal help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    I am a 17 year old who is pregnant and wants to move in with my bf and his family. They are very nice and supportive. I'm currently in college and I turn 18 in October. Im afraid my mother will either kick me out,try to physically hurt me, or try to make me get an abortion,or call the police if i go live with him . I don't want an abortion, nor do I want to get the police involved just because she wants to be rediculous., I plan on keeping the baby. I also have a job and so does my bf. He is 20 years old and very sweet.. I was wondering if I would need to get an emancipation to have some type of "legal rights" or if I could just go and live with his family. They are excited and want to take me into their home. We both live in maryland.

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Emancipation and Pregnancy?

    Im 17,i am in college,have a job and pregnant. Im in a relationship with my 20 yr old boyfriend we plan to get married soon and moving in with eachother soon.. Is there away I have a chance of being emancipated.

    And because im 17 what are my chances of having a healthy pregnancy?

    6 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • air in vagina kill chances of pregnancy?

    While having sex and sperm enters... Can you still get pregnant if air comes out of your vagina??

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • is there a possibility im pregnant? :)?

    my "period" came 4 days earlier than it usually does.But i had sex with my husband 8 days before the period came on ,and the day before.. the period lasted 5 days and it usually lasts 7 days. plus i had sex 5 days after it ended.. Could i be pregnant.. and if so,when should i test?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • is it possible that im pregnant?

    is it possible to get pregnant on day 9 and 16 of a cycle? If so,how long should i wait to take a pregnancy test? Plus my last period ended 2 days early and started a day late,and was very painful (usually dont feel any pain) could i be pregnant?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Is it possible that I am pregnant?

    I had sex allot last month with my husband,and my period came 1 day late and was extremely painful(I usually never have a painful period),it lasted only 5 days(Ended on a friday,Started on Monday...usually lasts 7)..Then i had sex with my husband last week on friday (Day 14 of cycle) And we also had sex this previous friday (Day 21 of cyle)

    Could I be pregnant? If so,How long should I wait to take a pregnancy test?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Is it possible I could be pregnant.?

    I had sex allot last month with my husband,and my period came 1 day late and was extremely painful(I usually never have a painful period),it lasted only 5 days(usually lasts 7)..Plus i had sex with my husband last friday (Day 14 of cycle) could i be pregnant?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How soon after having unprotected sex can you get a test to see if you're pregnant?

    I'm trying to have a baby,and my fiance came in me and i want to know how long should i wait to get a pregnancy test.

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • is it possible to get pregnant 2 to 3 days after your period and he came in me 9 times "2 3"?

    We had sex the day my period came on within the first 3 hours of it and he came in me once. then 2-3 days after it ended 4 days earlier than it usually does, we had sex again and he came in my 9 times that day.Is it possible that i'm pregnant. all opinions are appreciated please.

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • can any one tell me how famous people make music videos .....?

    because one day i am going to be a famous singer and danser and i want that to be in my application for applying to the school of the arts for the 9th grade

    2 AnswersMusic1 decade ago