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  • Is it illegal in Michigan?

    For a daughter and mother to share a room. I have to share a room with my 2 year old right now and someone said that legally she needs her own room. Is that true? She has her own bed in my room but most of the time she does end up in bed with me. Honestly i don't see how this could be illegal but i guess i could be wrong.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Bradycardia? Dangerous?

    My resting heart rate the last couple days has been 48-52. Usually its between 55-58. I experience heart palpitations sometimes mostly when Im not doing anything. Last time it happened I was just sitting in a chair. I can be standing then all of a sudden need to sit because it feels like im going to pass out. I have passed out in the past but not lately. I went to school for MA and we would do EKGs and all of the ones i had preformed on me came back borderline. I don't have insurance so its not like i can just make an appointment with the dr to get checked out. BUT is this something I should be concerned about. Oh and i do not have anxiety, or anything like that. I do smoke cigarettes, no drugs, and Im not all that active. Except work and chasing a 2 year old.

    5 AnswersHeart Diseases10 years ago
  • Shes accused him of rape?

    So this friend of mine is sepererated from his wife. A little back story. The wife cheated on her husband with another man, her husband found out and **** hit the fan. He wanted to leave but she didnt want him to, she wanted him to stay for the kids. He was willing to do that until she continued to cheat on him and now had moved on to her second man that shes cheating with. (all with in 2 months of the first guy) So its really been a whole lot of drama. Husband moved out, she moved new BF in. Fast forward to today. He calls me and tells me cops are at his house saying that shes pressing rape charges on him. She claims he held her down and ripped her pants off. He told me that it was concenual(sp) and that she wipped her boob out and shoved it in his face. This girl is crazy. She is the one cheating but she calls him ALL the time telling him that she wants to be with him and she lies about being with this other guy. Then will call the same day and tell him that the new guy is a better dad to her kids than her husband is,,blah blah blah..I seriously think she has mental issues...i have witnessed her trying to take a bunch for anti anxeity meds, cutting her self. Just things i have never seen someone do before.

    So anyways, I believe his story cuz he is not the kind of guy to rape someone, especially his wife...I me come on now why would he do something so stupid WHILE they are gonna go through a divorce.

    How can i help him. I will be there to listen to what he has to say. I just dont want his life to be ruined by this...Please help/i need advice :(

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years ago
  • Uurget care for toothache?

    I have a horrible toothache and infection in my wisdom tooth. I went to the Dentist about a month ago And they prescribed me amoxicillin well I got really really sick from it and now my Dentist wont believe me or give me a new scrip. My tooth hurts soooooo bad. I'm taking a lot of ibeuprofen and tylenol and that just takes the edge off. Would urgent care prescribe an antibiotic? Does this even warrant a trip to UC?

    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • babys hair(20 charaters)?

    so my daughter will have to have surgery in the near future. it will be on her skull and they will have to shave her head. she was born with a full head of dark brown hair, she kept all but a lil bit on the sides and back from sleeping. it also lightened up a lil bit, so my question is do you think it will grow back different, like different color different texture, any thoughs on this?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • single mommy and school?

    how many single mom out there do schooling and take care of a lil one, my daughter is 5 months old and i want to do schooling but i dont know how difficult that would be with the baby around. im looking into online schooling. so really what i want to know is how difficult is it to do online classes with an infant and no one to help watch them?

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • 4.5 month old eating?

    my daughter is 4.5 months old and eats 4 oz every 2-2.5 hrs, i try to get her to eat 6oz but she wont do it she jsut eat 4 oz of it, she is not intrested in food yet i have tried that but she just doesnt pay attention to it so i havent pushed it, but does it seem like shes eating to much, is there anything i can do to like strech out the hours or is it ok she eats like this?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • will it be ok to start next week?

    my daughter will be 4 months old next friday and i was wondering if it would be ok to start her on cereal? she smacks her lips more and she even watches us eat reg food and licks and smacks her lips like she wants some..its really funny to watch her do it too :) she has her 4 month appt ont he 23 should i just wait til then and ask the dr? thanks for the input

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • i know this isnt really the right area?(kinda long please read)?

    but i just wanted to get some of your opinions. it is long please bear with me

    ok so my daughter is 3.5 months old and at her 2 month well baby check i pointed out that i felt a hard ridge on the top back part of her head, he felt it and wanted us to go get a ct scan. so oct 23 (wed)we went for our scan they said that the results would be in in about a week to a week and a half and the dr would call me. so the week goes by..nothing. the week and a half goes by. so finally 2 weeks after she had it I called and asked what they said. they called me back the next day and said that we needed to be referred to a neurosuregon and that i had to wait for them to call in about a week. (mind you they said nothing about what was on the scan) so i waited another week and still I had to call again and find out what was going on and finally got an appt for the neuro for nov 18. almost one month after her scan. well nov 17 came and the neuro office called and cancelled the appt the dr wa sick.rescheduled for dec 18 so that irritated me because i still had no idea what was on the scan. so again i called the peds office trying to get some answers and i couldnt get any so finally on now 24 (one month and one day after her scan) i went down to the peds office and sat there til they would give me some answer. and finally the nurse came out and told me it looked like craniosynostosis (premature closure of the sutures in the skull) so i was pretty upset by the news. so today comes around and i get a voice mail on my phone saying that the neurosuregon that they needed to cancel the appt yet AGAIN because the dr wont be in the office and I WAS PISSED and it wasnt rescheduled yet. so know i dont know what to do. do i call and find another neuro which means i would have to travel like 4 hrs across the state (dont get me wrong i would do it if i had to) but for a 2 hr appt. or do i just go along with these drs. im so angry i just want some real answers for my baby girl. very sorry this is so long.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • so it has me a little worried?

    my 3 month old daughter all of a sudden wants to sleep on her tummy, i know all the risks involved with SIDS i lost my 7.5 month old nephew almost 2 years ago, and i know about suffocation a friends baby passed 6 months ago at 6 months from suffocation, but i just dont want any of this to happen to my baby, i dont put blankets in her bed, she is not a spitter after she eats, shes overall a good baby, how do i get her to stay sleeping on her back

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • do you think it would be a waste?

    of money to get a jumperoo and a exersaucer? my baby girl will be 4 months old by christmas and ready for either of these being that she already has fantastic head control, but i was just wondering if we should just get her on or the other or if it would be practical to get both, thanks for the input

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • do babies go thru days when there not hungry like adults?

    my daughter is almost 3 months old and today is the first time she really hasnt eaten like normal, shes only had about 17oz all day, everytime she act hungry i make her a bottle and shell drink a lil and then not want any more, most of the time its only 2 oz at a time, shes not crabby not warm so i dont really know whats going on, think its normal?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • is my 2 month old to old for?

    a moby wrap, i dont like either of the other slings i have because they hurt my shoulders and she jsut seems to be a lil squished but she likes being close to me and i love holding her but it gets a lil hard when were out cuz she doesnt like being in her carseat longer than she has to and she does get a lil heavy so i was just wondering if she was still young enough for a moby wrap or if i missed the time to get her used to one

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • just need a lil advice to ease my mind?

    so almost 2 weeks ago my daughter went to have a cat scan because it feels like one of the sutures in her head has fused early (sutures are the ends of the skull that fuses later in life) so shes got this hard line going to the back of her head, well now they have set me up with a neurologist to review her scan, and its got me nervous, from what i have read on the net (i know not always the best place) to fix it they will have to do surgery because it can cause the brain to not grow correctly and have some developmental delays (as of right now i cant tell that there are any) but now the more and more i look at her head it kinda seems to be a little bigger in the forehead area, i have included pics for you to kinda look at and give your opinion, but i guess what i want to know is would they have gotten a neuro involved if it wasnt something serious or do they just want a second opinion with a dr that deals with this stuff, i still have to wait another week before we se the neuro so some ease of mind til then would be wonderful thank you

    here are the pics

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • this is kinda long but i need some advice to ease my mind?

    so almost 2 weeks ago my daughter went to have a cat scan because it feels like one of the sutures in her head has fused early (sutures are the ends of the skull that fuses later in life) so shes got this hard line going to the back of her head, well now they have set me up with a neurologist to review her scan, and its got me nervous, from what i have read on the net (i know not always the best place) to fix it they will have to do surgery because it can cause the brain to not grow correctly and have some developmental delays (as of right now i cant tell that there are any) but now the more and more i look at her head it kinda seems to be a little bigger in the forehead area, i have included pics for you to kinda look at and give your opinion, but i guess what i want to know is would they have gotten a neuro involved if it wasnt something serious or do they just want a second opinion with a dr that deals with this stuff, i still have to wait another week before we se the neuro so some ease of mind til then would be wonderful thank you

    here are the pics

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • what to do for christmas?

    my baby girl will only be 4 months old when christmas rolls around and im not really sure what to get her, do i get her like toys cant really find any that fit that age, i just dont know what to do or how much to spend thanks for all the input and comments

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • when can i stop using the head support?

    for the car seat, my daughter is 2 months old and has EXCELLENT head support, she is able to hold her head all by her self and has been since she was like 6 weeks old, i was wondering if i could take out the head support cushion in her car seat or if there was a specified age as to when to take it out

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • dont know if this is really normal or not?

    but my daughter will be 11 weeks tomorrow and her hands are always in lil fists, when she eats, when she sits in her swing, in her bouncy, the only time there not constantly in fists is when shes sleeping sometimes they are sometimes there not, first time mommy so i worry alot about things and was just wondering if this is ok or not

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • why do people have such a problem with....?

    taking an infant out trick or treating? i dont really understand especially if its there first holiday, i think they should be able to celebrate it just like everyone else does, my daughter is going out as a ladybug and of course were not going to go door to door but were going with family and friends that have lil ones that are old enough to go door to door, i guess i just dont really see the big deal about celebrating the holiday with babies

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • disabling touchpad on acer 5532?

    i can not find out how to do this anywhere, it will not allow me to uninstal it and pressn fn +f7 doesnt work, if anyone could help that would be great thank you

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago