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Tucson Hooligan

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Eat a Dick.

  • I need a Russian to translate this stuff for me!?

    мотороллер Клуб

    Убийца Гориллы

    I need these to mean a certain thing, but I don't want to ruin what that is by telling you. You just tell me what they mean when you read them. And the second 2 I'm pretty solid on, but just to double check, tell me what they mean.



    Actual Russian or Russian speaker please, no plugging them into Google translate. I could do that. Please list your credetials if you can translate them. Thanks a bunch!

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • 1965 Lincoln Continental engine swap. 430 for a 460?

    Is it possible to swap out the stock 430 motor that came in the 1965 Continental for a 460 that came in the 66? I need to have my 430 rebuilt and was wondering if I could just use a 460 crate motor instead. Are the trannies the same? What about the motor mounts? Would I be better off just rebuilding the 430, or is the 460 better since it has more power and is easier to find parts for? Are the carbs and the intakes, exhaust manifolds etc the same on both? Lotsa questions, help me out please.

    4 AnswersLincoln1 decade ago
  • What is the rubber at the base of a car window called?

    I need the rubber piece at the bottom of my windows, but don't know what it's called or where to get it. It's the piece that goes between the metal track thats clamped on the window at the bottom that pulls it down when you roll down the window. Its the buffer between the metal and the glass. What the hell is it called and where do I get it. If the explanation is too vague, ask questions and I'll see if I can clarify better.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What is the Irish game called where they throw a ball down the street for distance?

    It's a raquetball sized ball thats solid, and they throw it down city streets to see who can get it the farthest, over 3 throws I believe. The whole town comes out and when they throw, the crowds part to let the ball through. I can't think of the name but its a really interesting game. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • How do you transfer vinyl records onto a computer into mp3 format?

    I have a ton of vinyl records and would like to be able to put them onto my computer so I can transfer them to an iPod or a Zune so I can listen to them. How do you get music off of vinyl and onto a computer in Mp3 format? I have a record player and a computer, but no idea how to link the 2. Suggestions?

    8 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Question of courtesy: How do you dis-invite a groomsman from your wedding?

    I have had an issue with a friend of mine I asked to be a groomsman. We had a mild falling-out and I no longer feel comfortable having him there, but am unsure as to the process of un-inviting him? Is there some sort of polite way of saying I no longer want you to be a part of my wedding? Any help would be appreciated, as this is an awkward situation to say the least.

    8 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • How do you erase pictures and songs from a Zune after you've uploaded them?

    I have a Zune mp3 player and am unsure how to erase stuff off of it. I bought it used without a manual and am having trouble figuring that aspect out. Anyone know how?

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • How did the U.S government exist before income tax in 1913? How did we pay for things for the first 137 years

    If Income tax keeps this country alive and supplies the leviathan that is the U.S. government, how did we have a country for 137 years before the 16th amenedment was ratified? How did anything get done? How did we fight the drug war, keep our food safe, supply welfare, social security and public schools? How could a government exist without revenue from the labor of its peasants? How was it possible for the country not to collapse in on itself?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Toss up: SIG P229 compact or P239 sub-compact.?

    Looking to get an easily-concealable handgun, something to help me in case of south Korean maniacs. Have a 1911, but its a cannon. Always like the SIG. Handles nice, decock, never jams. Can I get any info on the two styles to help me make a decision? The 229 holds more rounds but is bigger, and the 239 is nicely concealable, but sub-compacts don't handle that well, too much recoil. Opinions?

    3 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • I recently became ordained, what do I have to do to be reconized by the state?

    A friend of mine is getting married and I am performing the ceremony. I got the official proclamation of ordination from the organization that ordained me, but what do I need to do now to have the state recognize it and give me the power to sign the license? Do I need to file it with the courts or what? I live in Arizona. Any suggestions will help.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is this the typical Liberal rant after questioning the Constitutionality of their beliefs?

    I merely inquired through email, after reading on of his previous responses, how America existed prior to 1913 when income tax was enacted. From the years 1776 through 1912, we had no Federal income tax (except briefly during the Civil War), yet we had roads, police, fire departments, etc. So why are we still deluded into thinking that without income tax we would all be living in a cave, peeing in the corner? I asked this with no arrogance or pretense, merely an opening statement in what I hoped to be an enlightening discussion on the merits of taxes, and this is the response, verbatim, that I received:

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is it now obvious that Anna Nicole was brought down with controlled demolition by the U.S. government?

    I mean, come on sheeple, open your eyes! Fire cannot melt steel, so how did the trusses that held her frame up give way and cause her collapse? Its obvious the Bush regime wanted her dead since she knew the true power of Trimspa, the one chemical that Halliburton didn't have the rights to. When will America wake up and realize that Anna was brought down with controlled demolitions planted in her kidneys by Cheney, and not by a drug overdose like fox news wants you to believe. Americans! Don't believe the hype!

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why don't we just raise the minimum wage to 100 dollars an hour so we can all be millionaires?

    Aren't the poor and down-trodden deserving of government assistance in bettering their lives? Its obviously impossible for someone to work their way up from a minimum wage job to one thats higher paying since community college costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. This deters people from attempting to educate themselves. We need more blame placed on rich CEO's for the plight of the poor and the government to force them to pay 100 dollars per hour to level the playing field. Its not like CEO's worked hard to get there. The guy who dropped out of high school, smoked weed, cranked out 4 kids he couldn't afford who hangs drywall all week is just as important to society at the doctors and lawyers out there. We need more laws to stick it to the rich and educated who run businesses and provide jobs to make the world fair again. Am I right? Think of the children people!

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • 9/11 conspiracy theorists. Have you seen "Screw Loose Change"?

    Its a direct point by point refutation of the basis and crux of your conspiracy lunacy. Unlike "Loose Change", the movie provides citations of references, quotes from people who were actually in WTC7, and dispels the myth of a missile hitting the Pentagon. With actual facts and stats and highlighting the selective editing of evidence in "Looose Change", do you now agree that its B.S. made by a 23 year old college kid to make a buck?

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why do the Neo-Communists(neo-coms) laud the Constitution for the first amendment but trample the second?

    Neo-Coms are always talking about their right to free speech, yet constantly want to take away our right to defend ourselves. Selective interpretation of our Bill of Rights. Why is that? Why do Democrats and liberals fear my rifle? Is it because when it comes time they can supress our speech and leave us defenseless to topple their socialist tyranny?

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why does the neo-com movement think they can warp the constitution to fit their socialist agenda?

    All the talk about the "promote the general welfare" in the preamble to the Constitution being a blank check for the expansion of the social welfare state, even though it is by no means a law, just a description of the intent of the document, makes my brain hurt. The laws themselves are in the body, not the intro. There is no constitutional basis for any social service. It took an amendment just to ban booze, something simple, but all these tax theft neo-communist (neo-com) social programs are forced upon us with no legal backing. Public schools, public healthcare, welfare, social securtiy, the DEA, ATF, FDA, IRS, even the CIA and FBI have no right to exist under our Founding Documents, but the neo-coms want to not only expand all of them, but create new ones as well to make us wards of the state, no better than a filthy European! Not really a question, more of a rant. Opinions?

    14 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • New terminology for the democrat/liberal party in america: Neo-Com?

    Short for "Neo-Communist". The left takes such pleasure at labeling the right with "neo-con" or "far right wing" or "right wing extremist", but they don't have enough names for what truly describes their policies, so I am officially giving them this one. Whaddya think?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Bougenvilla (spelling?) planting question.?

    Is this the kind of plant that need to be Placed far away from the foundation of the house, to keep the roots from cracking the foundation? Or is it ok to plant it close to the house, since its roots aren't thick and go down instead of out? If I do need to plant it away from the house, how close is the closest i can get and still be safe? Please help if you can.

    7 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • John Locke versus Karl Marx.?

    John Locke and Karl Marx in a no holds barred philosophical head to head. Who's ideas on the rights of men and the role of government come out on top?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did Bush actually refer to the Constitution as "just a piece of paper"?

    Can anyone provide a link or some sort of proof? I've heard this used in anwers lately and wonder if its true. If he said this, I think he should be impeached for blasphemous speech. Thats like a christian reffering to the bible as "just a book". (I'm not a christian, but you get the idea.) Its the god damn basis for our country!

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago