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  • Discipline, my boyfriends daughter can be very offensive to me, I have went the extra mile and I love that little girl,?

    This little girl just cries out for attention and I like to give it to her but when my boyfriends daughter behaves badly I approach it and my boyfriend doesn't like it yet he still wont discipline her. I know the rest of my life with my boyfriend may not change I still have hope that he will see things through my eyes do I stay or go or ask him how I should handle her?

    PS When I say bad behavior I means the temper tantrums slamming doors breaking things calls names etc... It's her way or no way

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • Discipline, my boyfriends daughter can be very offensive to me, I have went the extra mile and I love that little girl?

    This little girl just cries out for attention and I like to give it to her but when my boyfriends daughter behaves badly I approach it and my boyfriend doesn't like it yet he still wont discipline her. I know the rest of my life with my boyfriend may not change I still have hope that he will see things through my eyes do I stay or go or ask him how I should handle her?

    PS When I say bad behavior I means the temper tantrums slamming doors breaking things calls names etc... It's her way or no way

    5 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • MEN???? Well I met a man, for sure there are positives about him but then there are somethings that scare me about him?

    I know he is a little rough around the edges and has a tender heart but it's me who doesn't take down the walls I have and let him in. Who wants to feel vulnerable? Not me. I can tell he wants me to share with him more but I am deathly afraid. My last relationship was an emotional night mare. It may just take me a while.

    See we never really have asked what we are trying to accomplish by dating each other we don't talk about it, so should we? Should I just come out with it or let nature take its course? When is it to soon, when is to long? He scares me cuase I know we both have hidden secrets and if it doesn't come out now, We will both be crushed WHAT DO YOU THINK

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • CONFUSION---I met some one and I really believed we hit it off and it seemed good for us but now I feel like he is playing head games?

    I guess when I say head games I mean like the games people play when you first meet you know like, when should I call, do I text etc... I hate this crap, he pulled the I will call you back last night and then didn't end up calling me until 9am this morning acted like nothing was wrong, I texted him and he never got back with me until 5pm today. Yet once again he acted like nothing was wrong. I just feel something strange is going on like he has girlfriend or something and I was dumb cause I never asked I don't pry but maybe I should or just tell him SEE YA

    Please help

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • FALLING IN LOVE AND THEN THE BREAK UP---I find it difficult to give my whole mind body and spirt to someone.?

    Well I found the man who I made that sacrifice for and fell so strongly and deeply in love with him. We just weren't right for each other at all. I love him still but my heart hurts and aches for him. I cant go back it would be useless. What have any of you done in your lives to pick up the pieces and just move on and get over the hurt and pain?


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • MEN??? I met someone and I really feel like there is alot of dishonesty going on on his behalf we are not a?

    We are not a couple, we just chat ALOT. I am also not naïve though. If I say something I feel like I maybe crossing the line but in the same respect no one likes a liar, what would you do? Do I just kick him to the curb, I mean there is no shortage of men or do I ask him why certain things just don't add up? What would you do? PS how would you tell him without sounding like a psycho?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • MAS CONFUSION...This is going to sound like a jerry springer episode but it is very hard to deal with for me?

    My sons biological father has made some bad decisions in his life which has landed him behind bars for many of years. I never recognized his abuse of illicit street drugs until I became pregnant and told him good bye. Well this time he will be in prison for a long time. I have ignored it but now as I watch my son grow and can identify that he need his real father, I just know that wont happen. It saddens me and I know that there are other women who deal with this.

    It has been 12yrs now how do it shake myself of the feeling that deep down apart of me loves him but I need to move on and I have and I am quite happy yet once in while those thoughts creep up in my head

    I thought about letter and sending him a picture of his child granted I WILL NEVER GO BACK TO HIM.

    I am searching for closure any sugestions, what would you do

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • I am depressed about being single and having a stressful life I need some relaxation, what do I do to get over?

    What do I do to get over the hump of all my life's shortcomings and be stronger as a woman and mother and move forward?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Child Abuse Occuring and I need help. I have never dealt with this at any point in time Im afraid and confused?

    My child brought it to my attention that my last boyfriend was abusing him. We have already been broken up for a while.

    My son and I told his Psychiatrist what was going on and they immediately called CPS, which I am grateful for. But I feel like the local police department isn't doing a thing about it. Primarily because my ex's brother is a police officer of 20 yrs in the city next to mine. Its turning into a "hot mess".

    Where do I start here, it isn't getting me or my child anywhere anytime soon. I have friends in the media BUT I WILL NOT EXPLOIT MY SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD NOR MY FAMILY. It is my duty to protect him and speak on his behalf when its time and I know the time is coming and coming quickly.

    I also did not know my ex was on parole, and he still is, the police haven't picked him up yet and this is a parole violation, what is going on here? Is it all semantics?

    Give some words of advice , do I need my lawyer? Ive tried for a personal protection order it was denied now I have an advocate who will go with thru the appeal process, I m confused, will cps know how to interview a special needs child I am stressin, its the holidays and this is what Im dealing with, PLEASE TELL ME ANYTHING THAT YOU KNOW or have experienced, tell me anything I am stuck

    3 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • DO NOT JUDGE We cant oick who we fall in love with it we could the world would be a happy place. Anyhow, I fel?

    I fell in love with a man who meant the world to me. He was never abusive, cruel, emotionally or physically abusive but later on I discovered he had a bad drug addiction that he hid VERY VERY WELL.

    I left him when I was very early in my pregnancy and have seen him about 5 times in the past 12 yrs. Needless to say he is now incarcerated for many years due to his addiction. My son is curious about him and I know my son deserves to know a few details about his father but I was tempted to send him a few pictures of his son

    What should I do? What would you do if you walked in my shoes. I need to protect my boy but Im confused. Give me the truth and nothing but the truth

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Abusive boyfriend, I finally left him but now I have to go to court and such. He was also abusing my autistic?

    My son is autistic, this abuse always transpired when I was at school or out of the house. I finally founf the strength and perserverance to leave him. Of course child protective services were called and now I am afraid of what will happen. Im sick to my stomach and feel disappointment. I thought he treated us like we were his own family and then the pushing came and the smacking and the problem is that his brother is a cop in the city right next to mine. My city and his they talk all the time (the police)

    I am a train wreck but I wrote about 11 letters to higher ranking authorities that superceed local police departments and I hope this works.

    My attorney thinks it will get media coverage that scares me. I cant handle that.

    please give me some advice on what I should do to bring a little peace and direction before the storm begins. I have a little boy to protect

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • FREEDOM OR PRISON? My ex boy friend unannounced to me was abusing my 12 year old who is special needs and I am?

    I am very distraught, hurt dissapointed sick to my belly and my mind is racing always. My son never told me until recently that it was going on at all. I never knew that my ex had such anger and rage.He never understood that my child is autistic. He always accused me of never reprimanding him. Well my son has limitations but he still feels emotions.

    Cps and police are aware but when my ex finds out I made police contact I am deathly afraid he will come after me and my family he has already threatened to do so. I know I have many legal oppurtunities BUT what would you do and how would you handle my world is so discolored right now I dont know where to start. please help


    6 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Child Abuse transpired between my son and my ex boyfriend Im livid and lost and hurt inside for my son what is?

    First of all before anyone shifts blame on me and my parenting , which would be an unfair judgement, dont even respond.

    My son recently told me of his abuse all of which I wasnt present for cause I am a full time student and my BF would care for him

    I came forward and told his pyschiatrist it was the right thing to do. I tried the police and they did nothing when i went to the police it was for another reason. They didnt do anything becuasemy ex's brother is a police officer. It is a mess. He is a police officer in the city right next to mine. Police officers stick together we all now this to be true.

    I do hope my sons doctor will help me to make headway. I am just afraid of what will happen. My ex has threatened me and I am afraid i am going to get a restraining order my the ex-bf can appeal it.

    I am praying the ex gets jail time. If he does how long do you think he will be put behind bars, what will child protective services do.. I can prove I was in school etc... i am scared and afraid what would you do? what is the process going to consist of? Please help

    2 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Special needs child, My son has special needs, he has been diagnosed with SEVERAL syndroms, his school is atte?

    His school is attempting to tell me they cant accomodate a greater number of his needs, as you can imagine I am very displeased, so I am going to over ride the administrator I am dealing with. However his education plan falls into a Civil Rights Law, many people say to file a complaint with the office of civil rights instead of perpetually arguing with his school. What course of action would you take?

    3 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Special needs child, My son has special needs, he has been diagnosed with SEVERAL syndroms, his school is atte?

    His school is attempting to tell me they cant accomodate a greater number of his needs, as you can imagine I am very displeased, so I am going to over ride the administrator I am dealing with. However his education plan falls into a Civil Rights Law, many people say to file a complaint with the office of civil rights instead of perpetually arguing with his school. What course of action would you take?

    5 AnswersSpecial Education8 years ago
  • Guilty, i feel real crappy inside which i should becuase i called my ex while i am dating someone else but the?

    the thing is this my current boyfriend and i always have problems, fighting bitterness, anger, hot and cold. I guess I feel alone sometimes he will make changes and just go back to who he is. i didnt call my ex for you know what I called to talk but i still feel bad.

    Do i just break it offf with my current Bf and get my priorities in line and grow up or try to work it out but we have tried so many times it makes me drained. i was wrong I know but what do I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Ausitic child having problems at home and school?

    Well my son has SEVERE ADHD. I do mean badly, Asperger's mild, PDD-NOS, ocd, impulsivity, imtermittent explosive disorder social concerns etc. He is really burdened with alot about himself that is hard for me to explain to him. i just told him that God gave him a special mind, which is truw.

    He takes his meds but he can really have melt downs and it is horrifying. If you have a child like this please give me advice. You know like dicipline that he will understand, behavorial techniques, daily routine, school routines, homeworrk, any resources you may use anything will help. He is 12

    Thank you

    3 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Permanent birth control have you ever had it? What is the recovery time? How does it work/ They want to give m?

    they want to give essure I am sort of nervous. How do you feel about it? im 38 yrs old had misscarriage have edometrosis, cervival cancer uterus leasions i am a mess lol

    What has your experience been like

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago