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I appriciate the little things in life. A picture is worth a thousand words. And actions speak louder than words.

  • Herbal suppliments for libido?

    I'm a female in my late 20' still young. But it seems my libido has dropped and it annoyes me and it bothers my boyfriend. I think that sometimes he feels I'm not sexually attracted to him. I have tried to talk to him about it but he doesn't understand that well and maybe he just has too high of a libido for me. I love our intimate times but sometimes I'm just to tired even when I shouldn't be. I may start taking B-12 for energy but I was wondering if there were any vitamin's for women's libido?

    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Would insurance cover family counceling?

    Family as is me, my mother, and my sister. We all live together, I'm the only one with insurance and my mother has medicaid. There is major tension in the house and it causes a weight of stress to fall on me when they fight. I'm the laid back easy going want to run away from conflict person and they have similar personalities and tempers as well.

    I want to do a counceling session but don't know if insurance would cover it.

    I have Aetna.

    I'm alway put in the middle of these fights and expected to take a side. though my mother said last time she understands I can't take sides, but she doesn't always understand that.

    Any opinions or knowledge to give is welcome

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Did the amendment for minimum downtime between deployments pass?

    I read about this on the internet. Someone I know who is due back from Iraq in 1+ months is being restationed in another state and said that with relocating also comes the possiblity of quick deployment. Is this legal? He's been in Iraq for 15 months.

    Specifically, this amendment, authored by Senator Jim Webb (D-VA), mandates that if a unit or member of the regular Armed Forces deploys to Iraq or Afghanistan, they will have the same amount of time spent at home or longer before being redeployed. Further, no unit or member of the National Guard or Reserves could be redeployed to Iraq or Afghanistan within three years of their previous deployment. In the event of a national security emergency, the President would be able to waive these limitations by certifying to Congress that redeployment of the unit or member is necessary.

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Cramping sensation after wisdom teeth removal?

    I just got my lower wisdom teeth removed and just starting today, only occuring twice now my tounge and mouth/jaw have cramped up mainly while talking I think. It lasts 15 min or so then goes away. It's really freaking me out. It doesn't hurt it just feels like I can't relax my facial muscles. What might be going on? Will it go away? It's kinda scary. I'm going to call the oral surgeons office tomorrow.


    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Anti-anxiety pill taken before IV sedation? Safe?

    I'm getting wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow and I'm afraid I'll be so nervous before getting there my stomach will give me problems. So I have a couple lorazapam left from my last dental appointments. Would it be safe to take one of those before I go to my appointment?

    4 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • wisdom tooth pain...what works best?

    I'm scheduled to meet with an oral surgeon tomorrow, I don't think I'll be able to get them pulled for a week.

    I can feel the pressure of my left lower one pushing against my other teeth. My gums are irritated all over on my left side though it's not red so I don't think they are infected, just a flap that is swollen over my wisdom tooth that is trying to come through more. They are badly impacted and a corner of the tooth broke through months ago but never started bothering me til now.

    The pain is more of a pressure pain but with the irritation should I try orajel or something like it. I just want it to stop hurting out loud.

    Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerDental1 decade ago
  • Sharp stabbing stomach pain? What might it be?

    Ok, this is what happend last night.

    Was playing some poker feeling great and a friend bought me a shot. The shot had Crown in it and I hadn't eaten for at least 6 hours so I felt it go down. 10 min later started feeling sharp pain, I then ate but I ate buffalo wings. As I'm eating the pain is getting worse and finally I gave up on finishing my meal. I wanted to go home it was that bad but I won a large pot so I dealt with the pain cuz all I kept thinking was "if I win this $50, I'm giving it to the doctor" LOL. And I did win. YAY! But still in pain so I left soon after.

    One guy said it sounded like an ulcer.

    The thing is, I tend to have sharp stomach pains from time to time on an empty stomach too. It'll last for hours and usually only stop after I go to sleep and wake up in the morning and I feel fine. And never thought much of it besides someone said once it could be dehydration.

    why would it start after eating and drinking this time and it stopped after 3 hours.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Should I see a pain specialist or just try an internist first?

    I have really bad back pain and should pain that's gone on for over a year but have progressively gotten worse as time went on. Now it's migrated to my entire back when it first started just in my right shoulderblade area. It's most likely due to sitting at a desk all day at work with no good back support and a dest that is to high.

    I'm only in my mid 20's but I also a hip joint problem. I feel like I'm an old lady sometimes. Espeacially lately.

    I'm trying to decide on a new doctor cuz mine moved way to far away. So I'm going to go to an internist beings I go in every 6 months for my thyroid anyway so an internist might be better. So should I just try an internist first to ask about my back pain and maybe get a referal? Or just go straight to a pain management specialist? It's only $25 for an internist and $50 for a specialist. It's a big difference to me, b/c I'll probably have to go alot and $50 each visit adds up quick.


    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Relocating to Florida.?

    I'm planning on going to school in florida in about a year and 1/2. I'm thinking jacksonville. I've never been there but I have been to St. Augustine which is 30 min. south of Jax. And I LOVED it there. The beach was beautiful the people friendly.

    So, I was wondering how nice Jacksonville is according to people who have moved there from different states.

    I've lived in Mo. all my life. Sick of the midwest. Love the ocean. What are the best areas in Jax? And are there plenty of job openings regularly?

    I'll be looking for administrative/clerical or Printing (prepress) mainly.

    10 AnswersOrlando1 decade ago
  • How often do you brush your teeth?

    I brush mine at least twice a day. when I wake up and when I go to bed. Sometimes right after work too before going out.

    My new bf doesn't seem to brush his teeth before bed. That's worst to me than not brushing in the morning, because then all the junk you ate and drank just sit in your mouth all night. Maybe it's cuz he's in the army and maybe they don't have that kinda time but I don't know.

    When I was little I rarely brushed and in my adulthood I regret it cuz I'v ehad cavities and I am afraid of dentist. So now I take pretty dang good care of my teeth.

    Anyone else have my veiws? When he comes back home from war should I bring it up to him somehow?

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Would you consider this a date?

    I went out with a friend whome just got back from Iraq for his short leave. He has asked me out on a date sometime ago but I wasn't ready and told him that. He understood. Now I like him alot and he has made comments that suggest he still likes me. And I've given him the idea of my feelings but haven't told him yet cuz he JUST got back and I'm a very personable person, didn't want to tell him over phone or computer.

    Last night he paid for dinner, we went to a movie and he paid, and walked me to my door when he took me home. It was never mentioned before or during that it was a date but the whole walking me to my door threw me for a loop. But considering past dicussions we've had about romance stuff and such he didn't act as if he probably normally would if it was a date date.

    Not that I don't want a date with him, it'd just be nice to actually KNOW that it was a date when ON the date =) LOL.

    Ugh, it's been awhile since I've dated. Forgive me =)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My car sounds like Chewbacca.?

    I have a Honda that's 3 years old. It recently started making scraping/squeeling sounds near the rear end. There was nothing dragging or hanging. The pads might be low but it doesn't sound like a brake pad noise.

    Yesterday it just started making a worse sound on occasion. The only way I can discribe is it sounded like Chewbacca...LOL. These sounds are not constant and mainly happen when I'm turning a corner or just going around a curve.

    It's in the shop now to see what's wrong. Firestone couldn't see anything wrong so they say.

    Just curious as to what may be wrong. Any opinions?

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • About to kill google....?

    Why would it be that when I'm on one webpage it redirects it's self to google search, with this in the search feild

    It's doing it more and more and I can't read email because of it and more! I want to beat my computer but it's not it's fault. HELP?

    3 AnswersGoogle1 decade ago
  • Trying to find my grandmother or uncle...Wichita, Ks.?

    I'm trying to find out how to get ahold of my grandmother Gertrude Pendarvis or my Uncle Daniel Pendarvis in Wichita, Ks. I haven't seen them since my dad's funeral 8 years ago and was hoping to go down there soon and see my grandmother at least. I don't even know if she is still alive.

    Is there a website I can go to that will find a phone # for free? Or if anyone from Wichita sees this can you look it up in the white pages please?

    Thank you all.

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How long is the longest you've been single?

    Apparently in my past I was the girl in my group of friends that ALWAYS had a bf. In 6 years the longest I went without one was 3 months maybe. I should say my longest relationship was 2 years. Now I've been completely and totally single for the last year and 1/2 and 25 years old. Haven't even kissed anyone in that long. I've been content with that.

    Now I'm interested in someone but I'm to shy to approach him and tell him Im interested. Though I have flirted....but I'm not a good flirt. I've been torn down by a couple guys in my past so I don't have very high confidence. He may be kinda shy as well.

    Anyway, I was also afraid that I may have forgotten how to "date". I've always just jumped in to relationships. I just want to date but have been so independent that I'm gonna feel weird if he pays, afraid I may bore him, and so on.

    Has anyone experience these apprihensions after being single for a while? How long were you single for? How do I gain back confidence?

    22 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I have an ear infection....I need relief!?

    I went to the minute clinic at the CVS store last Wend. She prescribed me some Cipro HC drops. I've used them since Thursday and it's only gotten worse. I think my ears are getting so blocked by the substances developing in it that the meds won't go very deep. Most the time it hasn't bothered me terribly but today it's killing me. I put my coffee cup up to my ear sometimes to get warmth to my ear but can't really hold anything warm to my ear constantly right now; I'm at work.....have to type.

    I go to my ENT in 2 days.......2 days seems like forever! Anything safe I can do to help relieve it more? My ear is all muffled now......I'm scared that eventually it may cause some sort of damage to my ear drum or something. I have pain that goes all the way up into my temple and furthur and down into my jaw now.

    Oh I hate ear's been forever since I've had one.

  • Crush on my bartender....I don't know how to flirt....need advice?

    Hello, so I have a question.

    There is a guy I have a thing for. I met him a month and 1/2 ago at his work in a pool hall, ever since me and my friends go back once a week. The first night I met him I had a few drinks, we all were talking and before I left I threw him a compliment as a form of flirting, told him he had a killer smile. If I wasn't intoxicated I would have never gotten the nerve to say it. A couple weeks later we played pool with him on his night off at his work. He handed his phone to us and said "girls...numbers" I was the first to grab the phone. Later that night he texted me and said "I won my game!" and didn't text my friends. Then another night I accidently flirted with him when I wasn't drinking, so that was cool. I thought he had a thing for my friend, but both my friends say he likes me but I know they don't kow that for sure. But everytime he is talking to all of us he hardly looks at me.

    It's been over 2 years since I've dated anyone new so I forgot

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Edgar Allen Poe story about a girl........?

    I'm trying to figure out the name of a tale by Edgar Allen Poe about a girl who gets locked away by her brother. She begs and pleads for him to let her out and right when he thought about it he'd decide not to. Eventually she clawed her way out.

    Anyone know of this story? And what the title is?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What are some non-crowded nice beaches along St. Petersburg and/or St. Augustine Fl.?

    I'm going to Florida next week. I'm going to be visiting both St. Augustine and St. Petersburg. I would like to know where there may be some less crowded, quiet, scenic beaches that don't have a closing time. I've always wanted to just sit by the ocean on a clear night and enjoy that kind of beauty.

    Anywhere I could go that you suggest. Could you tell me the general area? If it's a little north or south of St. Pete's/Aug that's fine.

    5 AnswersOrlando1 decade ago
  • Tick bite area from 3 weeks ago is still alittle red and raised......?

    And it kinda itches but is tender. The skin that healed over looks shiny too. It's half on my tattoo so it's easy to see the shinyness on my tattoo.

    Does this possibly mean the head is still in. My mom pulled it out when we saw it. I don't think she waited til it released.

    Also since then I've had dizzy spells and get lots of headaches easily. Didn't know if that may have anything to do with it.

    I don't have any symptoms I looked up about numerous tick diseases but I'm just worried cuz here in alittle over a week I'm going on vacation and don't want to get sick or anything.

    Any thoughts?

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago