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  • Middle name for Jasper?

    Jasper Jedidiah

    Jasper Alexander

    Jasper Clark

    Jasper Leonidas

    Jasper Lachlan

    16 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • Need a boy name?!?

    I've posted about it before but we still don't have a name and now have confirmed baby is definitely a boy. Husband likes the name Leonidas. I hate it. Love the history connection but HATE the name. Need a name that actually goes with it?

    Every name I like he turns down. He is stuck on Leonidas all of a sudden. There's no way I'm sticking my kid with being called Leonidas but if I have to I could live with it as a middle name. Problem is nothing goes with it and the few things that sound okay he doesn't like. To give an idea of my tastes some of the names he already turned down are: James, Alexander, Cyrus, Charles, Joseph, Elias, Arthur, Malcolm, Cullen, Patrick, Henry, Owen, Bartholomew, Luka, Raiden, Rowan. Help? I really need some name that fits as a first name for Leonidas or my poor kid is going to be stuck with Leonidas. Hubby does like the name Jedidiah too but we still need a name that would go as a first name.

    22 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • Name to honor someone named Randy?

    I need a boy name to honor a recently deceased relative whose name was Randy. I don't like Randy, Randall, Randalf, or Grandy. I considered Brandt but don't really care for it either. Any other suggestion?

    11 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • Looking for boy names ending in an uh sound? Examples we already thought of Jonah, Josiah, Jedidiah, Zachariah, Noah.?

    Please don't just repeat those listed above back to us, we've already considered those we are hoping for new suggestions.

    9 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • Thoughts on the name Gunnar?

    I really like Gunnar my only real cons for it are people possibly misspelling it as Gunner and I'm having difficulty on middle names that go well with it.

    And no Gunner isnt the original or "correct" spelling as some people have "informed" me before. If you choose that spelling thats fine but I prefer Gunnar.

    11 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • The name October for a little girl?

    I met an adorable little girl named October which I would have thought a silly nane but it really suited her. The name has since been stuck in my head but my husband vetoed it from our name list so not in the running if baby turns out to be a girl. I'm just curious to see what others thought of it.

    12 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • Correct way to pronounce the girls name Aoife?

    And no its nothing like it's spelled. I just wasn't sure if it was normally pronounced as a F sound or a V like Eva would be.

    12 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • Kids with the same initals?

    I tried asking under baby names but didn't really get any helpful advice. I have an almost two year old named Jiraiya Jamison. We are expecting again not sure yet if it's another boy or a girl but our problem is with a boys name. We have one we both really like but it's Jasper Jedidiah. They would both have the initals JJR. I don't want to have matching initals because I'm worried about future confusion over whose art project is whose or what toys belong to which kid, etc. I have spent hours looking through name books, websites, even posted on here a couple times but I just can't find an alternative name that we love. To be clear i don't call my son by his initals or anything, they'll be called by their names or an unrelated nickname. (I call my son Jiraiya or Little Elf as he has looked like a mischievous little elf ot sprite dince birth lol) Wgat do you think of siblings having the same initals? Any advice on keeping their belongings from getting mixed up? They obviously will have shared items but birthday and Christmas presents and special things that are just theirs are hard to keep straight with out using a sharpie. I learned that one the hard way with my nephews living with us for the past year. A lot of fighting got eliminated when I started labeling their nonshared stuff as soon as it comes out of the packaging. I know this got a little long but thanks for any advice you can give!

    1 AnswerParenting4 years ago
  • Kids with the same initals?

    I have an almost two years old named Jiraiya Jamison. We are expecting again not sure yet if it's another boy or a girl but our problem is with a boys name. We have one we both really like but it's Jasper Jedidiah. They would both have the initals JJR. I don't want to have matching initals because I'm worried about future confusion over whose art project is whose or what toys belong to which kid, etc. I have spent hours looking through name books, websites, even posted on here a couple times but I just can't find an alternative name that we love. What do you think of siblings having the same initals? Any advice on keeping their belongings from getting mixed up? (There's rarely room on toys for writing full names).

    15 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • Baby boy names? Not really overused.?

    My sons name is Jiraiya pronounced like Jur-Rye-Uh. I'm expecting a baby in October while we haven't found out what we're having yet we already have a girls name decided. Our problem is we already used the boy name I loved for our firstborn. While I can find names I like I can't find anything I love as much as I love Jiraiya's name. Any suggestions of names as unused and neat as Jiraiya but not as out in outer space as something like Balthazar (my hubby's suggestion. Save me =/ ) I'd rather stay away from top 100 names like Noah and Aiden. Thanks.

    12 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • Boys names starting with E?

    These names already thought of and discarded so please dont suggest these: Edward, Edwin, Edgar, Evan, Everett, Emmett, Ewan, Ernie, Ernest, Eric. We didn't like any of those. If it goes well with Elias that'd be great but it's not a requirement. Thanks.

    17 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • Middle names for Lachlan?

    His dad's only suggestion so far Lachlan Leonidas. I could live with it but I don't love it. Besides with a Norwegian last name it kinda makes it a one stop European tour. Any other middle names you can think of? Other L names would be extra appreciated too because I do like the double initials thing.

    10 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • Name similar to Liam?

    I've fallen in love with the name Liam unfortunately a relative recently picked the name for their son so it's off the possibility list for us. Any suggestion for similar names?

    31 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • Opinions. Jasper Jedidiah and Charles Elias?

    Two of the name combos we've found and like. Opinions on each? Favorite? Other possible middle names would be welcome

    3 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago