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  • My Dell Dimensions 4500 quit. It won't even light up.?

    My Dell Dimensions 4500 quit, dead in it's tracks, and won't even light up. I've replaced the power supply, but it blew that one as well.There were no storms, no power surges (I use APC Power Surge Arrestors), no problems with anything spilled inside. It's a 3.1 Ghz machine and I don't want to trash it. Anyone have any ideas?

    1 AnswerDesktops1 decade ago
  • How many people think the courts need to leave gays, and other lifestyles alone, and quit interferring?

    I know I'm sick of the courts, and other so called moral people interfering with the personal lives of others. I seriously doubt the Founding Fathers meant for the courts to control how one loves, and in which manner. They state "It's against Christianity", but not everyone is Christian, nor do I think they should be. The original Scripture stated "AFTER MARRIAGE, one should not bed a man as if it were your wife, or if female, bed another woman as if it was your husband." Funny, I see no judgment against homosexuality before marriage in the Original Texts of Scripture anywhere. Government, leave people alone, and run the country, not our individual lives! What's next? Telling us all that we must use Missionary Position, only on Fridays, between 9:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., and then only to produce offspring for God? Leave people alone!

  • Why is the Government giving economic stimulus checks to everyone EXCEPT those on S.S.I. ?

    I have to wonder about a Government who will give these checks to everyone but those who need it the most? The only thing I can think is that they give the majority of people checks, knowing that they will not complain that not everyone has gotten a check, because they have THEIRS! The government knows that those who will get a check will shout down those who do not.

    S.S.I. people have worked, but due to disability, cannot earn the necessary points to qualify for Disability. Should they be discriminated against because of their handicaps? I think not, and figure that perhaps there might be a few who care, but have no hope that any can deal with this Government of ctrooks, and crooked politicians. I have had it with this. I'm tired of seeing the ultra rich get everything while the citizens of this country are screwed over.

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is it legal for someone with dual citizenship to hold public office in the U.S.?

    I noticed there are people with dual citizenship holding public office in Our country. Not just any office, but one that has the job of protecting the U.S. against enemies, whether imagined, or real, or even made up. I find this somewhat disconcerting. Why is a citizen from another country in charge of Our National Security? Is this legal? Is it even safe? Anyone who can explain this to me in a way that makes sense? I need help with this one, that's for sure!

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • I'm looking for a video download, or purchase. It's called BDSM: Alternative Loving. Any ideas? Help, please!

    I am looking for the documentary called BDSM: Alternative Loving for a paper I am writing for school. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have searched the internet without luck, as the torrent sites do not have it available any longer for some reason. Please help!

  • Just a quick question. What happened to the black boxes from the planes used on 911? Why weren't they found?

    I noticed that there was never anything said about the supposed black boxes from those planes. Did they ALL just vaporize in the flames, and if so, weren't they supposed to be indestructable?

    Surely there would be at least some parts and pieces, but there was never anything ever found. Why? And why was the metal from the Towers hauled off so quickly when they were evidence? Any intelligent person would want to inspect that metal for signs of explosives, and thermate as well as thermite, but it was all picked up in a rush, and put on ships bound for China to be melted down immediately, thereby destroying ANY evidence that might have been there. Why are the American people so very willing to allow things of this nature to happen WITHOUT question? Perhaps the American people were all in on the scam in the first place is the only answer that comes to mind, or were they too dumb to demand answers WITHOUT the lies and whitewashing that went on. Personally, I would want to know!

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • When will people get a clue? BDSM=?

    Why do people seem to think that BD/SM is all about kinky sex? I think many of you have gotten the Playboy BS into your heads somehow, and can't seem to understand that the Lifestyle is NOT about sex at all. It's about serving your Dominant, in all things. It's about subspace, an endorphin high that is totally awesome to experience, and about putting your sub/slave into that state, or if a submissive, getting to that state, not about "tie me down and f*ck me". Why can't people seem to understand this? We are not the dangerous, psycho sick killers that is portreyed by the media to make profits with their lies. We are extremely careful NOT to cause injury, or death, but the media would have you believe otherwise, and sensationalise reports in the news to get rating, and nothing else. Next time you have a question about this, go to those who actually know, not the media, or the "Tie me down..." people. I'm tired of being judged by those who THINK they know, when they actually know nothing

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • When will people realize the media is owned by 4 corporations? When will they demand accountability?

    When will citizens realise that the media is owned by corporations with ties to the current administration, and start demanding that the media actually tells us what is really going on? The four corporations that own the major broadcasters in the U.S. are owned by Republican Millionaires who are getting sweet deals from the current administration to put out the party's B.S., and NOT actual news! From secret no bid

    contracts to their cronies to allowing 911 to happen to further their own ambitiouns, this administration has been corrupt from the start. Now they disenfranchise the very soldiers who are fighting this war, sending out letters to verify addresses for the voters lists, with "Do Not Forward" on the letters. Soldiers NEVER got the letters asking them to verify addresses, knocking them off the voters lists! The letters were never forwarded to the soldiers overseas. It's called "caging" and is a felony! The law need to be enforced! I call for empeachment!

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How many think that Paris Hilton should actually serve her time in jail like the rest of us would?

    Do you think the rich, and famous should be allowed to break the law and get away with it just because they are either wealthy, a celebrity, or have parents who are either in politics, or have political pull with someone? If so, why do you think this. Please explain your reasoning.

    19 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is Real ID, and the AVID type biochip the Mark of the Beast? I believe it is, and it's against my religeon.

    I believe tyhe Real ID is the precursor to the trackable BioChip tracking and ID device. To me, this is indeed the Mark of The Beast spoken of in the Bible. Congress is voting on this very subject tonight, as you read this.

    Contact your Congressman, and Representative and ask them to vote NO to this! Do you believe it's the mark as well? If so, why? And if so, have you done anything to help stop it?

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • WHY did Silverstein get the 7.2 billion instead of the Trade Center's owners?

    Larry A. Silverstein got 7.2 billion dollars for the deaths of over 4,500 people after 911, but He did not even own the Complex. It was owned by the Port Authority. Isn't it interesting that only 3 months before 911, He took out massive insurance on the Trade Tower complex, stipulating that He would get extra in the event of a "terrorist attack"? People who were there to rescue victums of 911 are now dying of asbestos, and cancers, as did the search dogs used on 911. The death toll from 911 keeps rising. The Trade Towers were plagued with electrical problems, the internet wasn't wired correctly, and would have cost millions to upgrade the Complex, and remove the asbestos and bring the Complex up to code. The Complex was costing more than it was bringing in. Many of the offices there went unleased. Several weeks before 911, the Towers were shut down, so the Towers could be "wired" properly. Wired for demolision, that is. There is proof that the Towers were brought down on purpose

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why would ANYONE vote republican after what they have done to this country?

    I just can't imagine why anyone (But Corporations and millionaires) would even consider voting republican. From the illegal Iraq war (We weren't attacked by Iraq on 911) to the deregulation of the main polluting industries, one of which happens to be the oil industry, of which Bush is a major player, having a lot of stock in such companies as Exxon, Mobil, and BP Petrolium, to calling the Constitution "A Godd*mned piece of paper*, to giving huge tax breaks to corporations, but not the average worker, to stealing OUR rights one by one.

    I don't know about you, but the way I feel is that OUR country was FOUNDED on that "piece of paper". My grandfather fought for that piece of paper, and it is that very same piece of paprer that helped make Our country what it was. It's high time that "WE, The People" took back our country from the fat cat corporations who have bought our "selected officials", and made it possible for the state of Florida to disinfranchise the black, and poor voters!!

    20 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • There"s an Irish band, with a female as the leader. I think it was Loreena McKennitt, but not sure of Band

    The band consisted of the lead Singer, who played the fiddle, a daughter, husband, and I think one son. The band was featured on Austin City Limits some time ago. This is driving me nuts, as I want to download some of their music. I get nothinhg from Limewire as to the band I am looking for. Please help!!!

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago
  • I am looking for a song, Rainy Day Lady, by Bonnie Kolak. She sang at Earl of Oldtown in Chicago. Help please.

    There was a singer by the name of Bonnie Kolak, who sang at The Earl of Oldetown Pub in Chicago years ago. She was very gifted, and had cut a few albums, the one of which I lost years ago. I need to find where to download the song. I know it still exists, but cant find it anywhere. She had a strong, lovely voice, which haunts me to this day.

    Any help in locating a place to download "Rainy Day Lady" would be greatly appreciated. I want to play it for my wife, as it reminds me so much of Her.

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago
  • When is enough enough? How much more can the corporations take from the people and get away with it?

    How long will the people of the U.S put up with this B.S.? Prices are skyrocketing, Holiday bonuses for employees are gone, but C.E.O.'s are getting a fortune, while the working claass, those who ACTUALLY work for a living get less and less. The rich are getting richer, and there's less and less for everyone else. The U.S. is run by corporations now. I NEVER pledged allegience to the Corporate States of America, and would never give allegience to a republic had I known what it meant as a kid. I believe in a Democratic society. As long as there is a disparity between those who have, and those who have not, there is going to be strife in Our country. I personally think it's time for a revolution. It's time for the working class to take back Our country from the Corporations, and make America great again. Make it a country to be proud of. We can't even feed the starving here, but can afford to pay C.E.O's 1.8 Million dollars in Christmas bonuses. What is wrong with this picture?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Government and computer manufacturers caught installing keyloggers into ALL new computers?

    GOVERNMENT AND COMPUTER MANUFACTURERS CAUGHT INSTALLING HARD-WIRED KEYSTROKE LOGGERS INTO ALL NEW LAPTOP COMPUTERS! Requests from the Department of Homeland Security refused to answer a Freedom of Information Act request to answer this, after the police were called regarding the keyloggers found on the new laptops, which is, in my estimation, a violation of the Privacy Act!

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Did you know that a signal is sent over the internet, as well as television, that makes people dumber?

    This signal is designed to mollify people, and make them more compliiant to the wishes of the government, and the large corporations advertising? This technology has been bought from Japan, after a demonstration as to its effectiveness a while back, wherein the Japanese government proved its' claims by putting many of its citizens in the hospital with seizures, some for as long as 8-10 hours, and some of the people almost died because of it. Please check out the link below, and see a report of this technology for yourselves. I never ask anyone to believe me, but only to think for themselves. Been having trouble with your childrens behavior late,y? Have they been messing up in school, fighting, and getting into trouble at home, all of this a little suddenly? The link below might explain some of the problem to you. Besides, what do you have to loose by looking at it? I hope this helps at least one person to understand just how much technology is being brought to bear against you.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why, when the U.S. is the richest country in the world, is the number of homeless here growing so rapidly?

    Seems that the richest country in the world is also the poorest morally. When the government has litterally billions to spend on sending people to their deaths, but cant house its older generation, and keep cutting back on its help to its own citizens, there is something wrong. What is wrong is that the government cant make a profit on helping its own, but can, in the long run make billions for the millionaires of Our country by continueing to wage war on others. War is big buisiness, and "There's profits to be had", even at the expense of our own people. What the politicians dont understand is that the people they refuse to help today are still the voters of tomorrow. The elderly homeless are OUR Families, and WE WILL REMEMBER what you have done to them. You will get no satisfaction, because WE WILL NOT VOTE FOR YOU!!! If you rig another election, or form alliances with the opposite party, there will be civil unrest, and possible war here. What will you do, NUKE YOUR OWN CITIZENS?????

    16 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago