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Lv 44,080 points

Gerry S

Favorite Answers7%

43 Cleveland OH. Classic Rock vocals. jerjets11@yahoo

  • Don't ever criticize Kobe Bryant?

    Yahoo Answers will lie about you and delete your question.

    I simply asked if he was overrated, ( which he clearly is ) and they practically called the cops on me. What a joke these guys are.

    8 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Are the NBA Playoffs too damn long ?

    Do we need to see a #1 flog a #8 four times by 15 points each game? Wouldn't three games be plenty, and a Best-Of-Five ?

    What's with all the days off, also ? No wonder the Finals of this Winter Sport are in June. The NBA of the 1960s didn't need all that time off, and they were just as great. The whole thing was over in April.

    5 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Are Democrats Bush/GOP Allies now?

    Think about it. Have the Democrats done ONE THING to protect Americans from the Bush Administration in this decade? No.

    And it is a laundry list of crimes: wiretapping, torture, propoganda to invade a country that did not attack us, poor investigation of 911, taxpayer millions and arms missing, unprotected ports, soldiers sent to war without equipment, Katrina, millions of jobs lost, economy scuttled by tax cuts and war, insane gas prices, a health care crisis, and on and on.

    If ever there were a President who deserved impeachment, and more, this is it.

    But the Democrats to date have done nearly zilch. No hearings, no investigations, no indictments. Al Gore won and gave it away. John Kerry never sued over the Swift Vet ads. Now, they have a candidate, Barack Obama, who is about to hand the White House back to the GOP when we could have at least had Hillary Clinton, if not better.

    Why support these guys just because they are not Republicans? Are they supporting us in return?


    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does McCain now have it about wrapped up?

    Now that Oprah and Obama have about sewn up the Dem's nomination, the only question is, how much will McCain win by?

    I think the GOP will coast a little and try to hold it to 5% so as not to over-embarrass.

    Obama's primary wins included Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Alabama, Kansas, and Colorado. How many of these will Obama take from McCain as well? The answer could easily be ZERO.

    Now, how many of the states lost to Clinton in the primaries will Obama win? Again, not many. Ohio, Indiana, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, Florida, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee --- McCain likely wins all of these in November.

    In fact, Michigan and Pennsylvania, previous Dem dunk shots, are now completely up for grabs.

    Way to go, Dems. You botched your third campaign of the decade. Maybe next time you can run Chris Rock.

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Have Oprah and Obama scuttled the Democratic Party ?

    Let's be honest - the guy isn't in the presidential race because of his Senate resume'. He doesn't really even have one.

    He's black, and black Americans want one of their own in the White House. This is not hard to understand.

    But the party is not just blacks. Clinton, who has more overall votes, has the vote of everyone who knows just how race-based the Obama candidacy really is. Many of these will never switch to Obama in a general election, which means McCain will likely win in a two-way race.

    Then's the aftermath. What do Democrats do after the election? Blacks will still want there candidate down the road as well? Will the party stay divided?

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Where's Osama Bin Laden?

    This man is responsible, allegedly, for the only ever attack by a foreign entity on American soil since the British, one that murdered 3000 innocent Americans.

    Why hasn't our president, our Protector In Chief, found this villain yet? Shouldn't finding this murderer be Job#1 ?

    Is Bin Laden too smart for Bush? Or is it that Bush simply does not care because the only people who died are New Yorkers? What is going on with this? Why is this man still uncaptured, dead or alive?

    5 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Isn't it time now for the Electric Car ?

    If I were president today, a lot of things would not be happening that are causing Americans so much grief today.

    One is the allowing of oil subsidies and record petroleum profits while Americans head toward $4.00 per gallon at the pump.

    One thing we could do is federalize the oil companies and mandate pricing . This would require the declaration of a national emergency and a president who isn't a whore for the oil companies.

    Another thing is to invest tax dollars into projects like high-speed rail and the electric car. We could keep all the jobs in the U.S., from steel to production, creating thousands of new jobs.

    Technology investment could create cars that could go 500 miles or more on a single charge, plus 'charge stations ' along the highway and/or portable chargers.

    Think of it : New jobs, eco-friendly travel, no more foreign reliance or stupid excuses for war, no more being abused at the pump.

    Contact your congressman. The time is now.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Does anyone remember the NBA Cincinnati Royals?

    With All-Pros Oscar Robertson and Jerry Lucas?

    The NBA's second-best record in 1964, two full playoff series against Boston. They were trapped in the East with Baltimore in the West, and so never made the NBA Finals.

    Then Bob Cousy wrecked the team so they could move them.

    5 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • The most rebounds by an NBA forward?

    Who holds the record for most rebounds in an NBA game or a season by a forward ? There weren't too many centers who could top him either.

    Are there any real NBA buffs out there?

    3 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Should we divide America? One red, one blue?

    Republicans are unaccountable, yet have a small hardcore following with tons of cash.

    Democrats are underfunded but are on the right side of most issues. Their party has more members.

    Why not have both? Lets the Dems have the Northeast, the Central Great Lakes states north of the Ohio and the Potomac, plus Minnesota and Iowa. The Dems would also have the Pacific coast states and Washington D.C., pretty much what they control now.

    The Republicans would have the South and remaining West and could build their capital in Crawford, Texas.

    Then each could have what they want: Dems could have unions and socialized taxation, Repubs could promote corporate slavery and invade countries on a whim.

    Would this be better or worse than what we have now?

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Was the attack on Tyler Hansborough racially motivated?

    You saw the play, Duke vs. NC. Less than a minute to go. Hansborough had the rebound off the free throw a foot from the basket. He was deliberately creamed.

    We know the foul and the intent to injure was deliberate. Black players do this. Isn't this incident and others like it racially motivated? Isn't this just the latest?

    17 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Archie Moore over Jerry Quarry? Really?

    Moore was 5'11 , and 190 when he met Rocky Marciano.

    Quarry was six feet and 197 in his prime. He KO'd Earnie Shavers, way outboxed Ron Lyle, counterpunched to beat Floyd Patterson. Tough, very quick, very good boxer with some real pop. He almost KO'd Joe Frazier. Why does this this guy go unrespected?

    Archie Moore went down three times to Yvon Durelle. He had over 20 career losses. He was never that good over 190 pounds, and he was strictly a puncher. How does he beat Quarry, a bigger guy who could box and counterpunch? Quarry was , again, a very tough chin. Ali never put him down in two fights.

    8 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago