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♥Chastons Wifey♥
Slow Rising Low HCG, ectopic?
My first beta was on 7/31 it was 97, 2nd beta was on 8/02 it was 134. 3rd beta was on 8/06 it was 305. My dr is a bit concern and ask me to do a 4th beta this friday. i asked them if this can be an ectopic but they dont think so and think im just a slow riser?! if i feel any sharp pains to call them or go to ER. anyone experience this?
2 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoDoes anyone know where i can buy prime rib on Christnmas Day?!?
what Grocery/Butcher stores are OPEN on Christmas day?
1 AnswerLos Angeles9 years agoLate Ovulation on cycle 23?
This cycle has been weird for me, i usually ovulate between 13-15 on a 28 day cycle. However, ive noticed that i had EWCM/Discharge on cycle day 23-25 and tested positive on a OPK. My LMP was on 10/02 and i have yet to start my period and all pregnancy tests were BFN. Whats going on?!
1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years agoOvulating twice in a month?!?
My LMP date is 10/02 and i ovulated on CD 14/15.(28-30 Cycle) Ive been noticing EWCM on 9 DPO and 10DPO, which is really strange for me as i do dry up after O. I just took a LH test and it came out positive. What is going on?
4 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years agoPregnant? EWCM at 9Dpo?
Ive been TTC since Sept 2010. i just used the restroom and wipe and noticed clear CM (Sorry, TMI). Has anyone experience this and was pregnant? This is my first time ever getting CM this late.
1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years agoVacation ideas for 4 days in US?
i need some ideas/suggestions for a 4 day vacation in the us area.
Ive been to Las Vegas, Tahoe, Santa Barbara,Grand Canyon, San Francisco, Oahu.
6 AnswersOther - United States10 years agoi need suggestions for one year wedding anniversary trip?
Please list places that you think we should visit. Its only for a week (5days) Flight time less than 5 Hrs. I reside in Los Angeles.
4 AnswersOther - United States10 years agoHow far is USS Midway to Gaslamp?
ive read that it is walking distance, How long is the walk and what hotels are good around that area. i want to spend less than 150$ per night. (Memorial weekend)
6 AnswersSan Diego1 decade agoWould a Dr take me seriously?
Hi Everyone, ive been TTC since September of 2010. I know you have to try for a year before the doctor would even talk to you. But i was wondering if my age makes a difference? i just turn 30 on april.i want to book an appointment with my dr soon.
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoTTC:Tested Positive Before Missed Period?
i took an early pregnancy test a week before my expected period date. i got 5 positives, i took them Novemeber 5th-8th.(2nd line was faint) I am currently 4 days late and tested a negative yesterday morning. Some of you guys said it might be a chemical pregnancy..but arent i supposed to bleed thinking its my period? ive read that you bleed right after and can even have clots.i have NO bleeding or cramping of any kind. Am i missing something here? (i dont take any kind of medications, this is my 2nd Month TTC)
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoTTC:Tested positive before miss period?
I took an early pregnancy test a week before my period was expected and got 5 positives.but this morning I got a negative.I am currently 4 days late and have no bleeding or painful cramps. What could it be?
6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoTTC: Early test showed positve and now a negative?
i am TTC and took an early pregnancy test 5 days PRIOR to miss period and got 5 positives (2nd line was faint) i am currently 3 days late and took 2 tests this morning and it showed negatives. What is going on? Did i get a false pregnancy line by taking it too early?
5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoI need Suggestions for Honeymoon for Mid September of 2010?
we would like to go out of the country, im having a hard time finding any place to go since its either hurricane or monsoon season! we are planning on staying for 5-7 days and with a budget of atleast 5k (including airfare and hotel)
4 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade agoi need Suggestions for Honeymoon for Mid September of 2010?
we would like to go out of the country, im having a hard time finding any place to go since its either hurricane or monsoon season! we are planning on staying for 5-7 days and with a budget of atleast 5k (including airfare and hotel)
5 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoDoes anyone know where i can find Dark Blue/Navy Candies for wedding favor?
something in the line of m&ms, jelly beans etc.i'll be putting it in a little jar.
5 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoMotels/Hotels near Monterey Bay Aquarium?
any suggestions for motels/hotels near the aquarium? (3 miles radius) i plan to check in on 7/6/09 (1 night only) My budget is about 120 maximum. i want motel/hotel that has dining, shopping etc around it..preferably walking distance.
3 AnswersSan Francisco1 decade agoRoad Trip:Los Angeles to San Francisco?
i will be heading out on july 6th,(taking the PCH) my first stop is the Hearst Castle. After that we will be driving to monterey to stay during the night. Morning ,we will be going to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Evening, we will drive to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. Night, drive to Pleasanton to stay until friday, i was wondering what else is between those area that i might want to check out?
5 AnswersSan Francisco1 decade agoIs this the "right" time for a rabbit to molt?
i have a 1 year old American Fuzzy Lop. This is the first time hes been losing this much fur.(he has shorter fur under all that loose fur). i was wondering if this is the right time to molt or if there is such thing as a right time.
3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoFireworks by the sea ventura county?
Has anyone been to the festival? Any ideas for july 4th celebration?
3 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade agoi need suggestions for 1 week vacation?
i am from the los angeles area and was wondering what/where are some nice places to travel to.
8 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade ago