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  • When was the last time Georgia beat Florida and Tennessee in the same football season?

    The Bulldogs beat Tennessee a couple weeks ago, and just beat the Gators this past Saturday. I can't recall the last time Georgia pulled off the double whammie.

    1 AnswerFootball (American)10 years ago
  • When will Don Mattingly be fired by the Dodgers?

    I like him, but this guy is totally lost as a manager. No passion, constantly shuffling the line up and leaving better players on the bench, leaving pitchers in too long. Also, can someone please tell Don Mattingly to keep his hands away from his head when he's being interviewed? He constantly fidgets with his fingers and rubs his face.

    11 AnswersBaseball10 years ago
  • Who sells quality mattresses at low prices the Los Angeles area?

    Where did you get yours? What type? How much did you pay? Were you able to negotiate the price down?

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Who's your early pick for the Heisman Trophy this season?

    Players name, position, and school

    I'll give you my pick after the first 10 answers.

    10 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Should we drive electric cars to save the environment? see additional details before you answer?

    They say if every one of the 110 million US households replaced just one regular light bulb with a compact flourescent, it would be like taking 1.3 to 6 million cars off the road (depending on where you get the info).

    With that in mind, what if every US household replaced their gasoline powered car with an electric car, how many cars would that be like putting ON the road? :)

    15 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles1 decade ago
  • If 15 million American citizens illegally evaded federal income taxes, will the government forgive them?

    Will the government give them amnesty? After all you can't put 15 million Americans in jail for tax evasion.

    Perhaps Congress could pass much needed "Taxpayer Reform".legislation. Obviously the current tax laws aren't working. This bill would require tax evaders to pay a "meaningful fine" of say $1000 or $5000 to get back in good standing with the IRS (without having to pay the original taxes that they evaded, of course). This will bring these good people, that are just trying togive their families a better life, out of the shadows.

    But we can't make them pay the taxes they evaded. That's just not realistic. Most of them have used that money already to buy homes. They are just trying to live the American dream like anybody else. If they had to sell their homes, the housing market would collapse.

    Other tax evaders have used the money to start businesses. They are actually helping the economy.

    Call your senator and tell them to vote YES on AMNESTY FOR TAX EVADERS

    9 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Question for Democrats and Republicans: Which candidate from your party do you want to win the nomination?

    This question has 2 parts:

    1) Which candidate (declared or undeclared) from your party do you want to win your party's nomination for president?

    2) Which candidate from the OTHER party do you think would have the best chance of beating him/her? Even if you think no one on the other side could beat your candidate, who do you think would have the best chance?

    The top candidates of each party are (in alphabetical order):


    Hillary Clinton

    John Edwards

    Al Gore

    Barak Obama


    Newt Gingrich

    Rudy Giuliani

    John McCain

    Mitt Romney

    Fred Thompson

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What country do you think will be the next super power of the world?

    All empires fall from dominance at some point. The Romans were once the most powerful. Spain had a time of dominance after discovering the "new world". The British were extremely powerful because of their unmatched naval superiority. Now the United States is considered the most powerful country in the world. But that will come to an end some day....very likely sometime in the next half century as you can already see the seeds of our fall from dominance taking root. I think we are already on the journey to the end (not from existence, but from dominance). We are largely coasting on the momentum of our former greatness.

    We can talk about deficits and the dollar falling, but the real culprit is the people. Our population is increasing in self-centeredness and ignorance (or am I just getting smarter? ha ha) and decreasing in wisdom and morality....the perfect environment for corruption to flourish.

    So who do you think will be the next superpower? Why?

    23 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can you buy a car if you don't have a license in CA? Can you get car insurance without having a license?

    My friend has a driver's permit. She wants to buy a car and practice driving in it so she can get used to it. Then she wants to use that car when she goes for her driving test at the DMV.

    Can she buy and register the car without having a license? If so, can she get insurance on the car without first having a driver's license? Thanks for your help.

  • Lies about Iraq? What do you think of these facts?

    1. Bush lied? These people must have lied too, eh? )

    2. Are our soldiers are dying at an unacceptably alarming rate?

    In 4 years of war, about 3200 out of about 130,000 have been killed. The annual death rate is 6.15 per 1000 soldiers.

    The death rate for the civilian population in the United States in 2005 was 8.25 per 1000 people. )

    So a US soldier has a better chance of survival in Iraq than a randomly selected US citizen "safe" at home in the United States. Granted most soldiers are young and healthy, but this gives some perspective.

    20 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • IS YOUR BED COMFORTABLE (rate from 1 to 10...with 10 being the most comfortable)? WHAT KIND IS IT?

    I have trouble getting comfortable on my bed and I want to buy one that is more comfortable. I'd appreciate brand and models names and where you got it, if you can. Thanks for your help and recommendations.

    6 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Why do liberal Democrats pretend the US military death rate in Iraq is so high? What about these stats?

    If today's Dems were in power during Hitlers time, how fast would we have pulled out of Europe? No way Kerry and Durbin could stomach these losses.

    Check out these stats for perspective. Contrary to what Murtha and others say, we aren't losing men and women at an alarming rate.

    War......Deaths... Duration(months).... Deaths/month

    WWI.....116,708............ 19...................... 6,142

    WWII.....407,316............ 44..................... 9,257

    Korean....33,651............ 37........................ 909

    Vietnam..58,168............. 90........................ 646

    Gulf..............148............... 1.......................... 148

    Iraq............2,582............. 40........................... 65

    With 134,000 troops in Iraq the annual death rate is 5.79 per 1,000

    In the US general population (at home) the annual death rate is 8.25 per 1,000.

    We are dying faster here than in Iraq! Granted the troops are almost all young and healthy, but this is a war.

    10 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Why must embryonic stem cell research use human embryos instead of, say, chimpanzee embryos?

    Opponents of stem cell research say using human embryos is wrong because life begins a conception. An embryo, having already been concieved, is human life. Therefore using human embryo is tantamount to experimenting on people like you and me.

    They also say adult stem cell research (which doesn't destroy life) has already yeilded some treatments or cures, while embryonic stem cell research has not.

    Supporters of embryonic stem cell research say it holds enormous promise for curing or treating all kinds of deseases and ailments.

    Back to the original question. Since it's RESEARCH right now, why not use stem cells from chimpanzee (or other animal) embryos? If it works, then we can worry about the ethics of using human embryos.

    This seems like such an obvious I missing something? Or is the whole ESCR debate purely politics?

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How in the world does increased carbon dioxide (CO2) and other "green house" gases make the earth warm up?

    I've never heard anyone answer this question. I've only heard them say, essentially, that there's a correlation. I want to know how the mechanism works. Why and how does CO2 trap more heat than oxygen or some other gas? Otherwise, if global warming is only correlated with a rise in CO2, couldn't you just as easily blame it on the existence of Al Gore? Since he's been alive, the earth has warmed up quite a bit.

    There seem to be a lot of other theories that make more sense intuitively. All the black top we lay down absorbs and retains heat. All the billions of machines, appliances, and devices that operate daily (and weren't around 100 years ago) give off a whole lotta extra heat. All the cars and buildings with glass windows all over the world have sunlight shining into them and the heat gets trapped inside. They are all actually mini "greenhouses".

    7 AnswersWeather1 decade ago