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  • Positive PPD Reading?

    My husband is from Pakistan and immigrated to the USA one year ago. I can't remember for sure, but I do recall that he had a chest x-ray for the embassy as well as several other tests for things like hep b, tb etc. Obviously he passed all those test. Anyhow, he had a PPD done last Friday and today it was read as positive with the swelling above 10 mm. He is in the military and there were 6 other people in his company that tested positive for the same test. Does this mean that he got it from someone he works with? Or is it possible that when he immigrated here, the vaccinations he had make the test inaccurate? I am really worried because they (the military)are already talking about making him take classes about TB and medication for the next year. He is deploying to Iraq for 15 months and I worry that it may be harmful for him to take strong meds if he really doesn't have Tb. Also my daughter was born abroad and tested neg. just a few months ago. Any advice? I am worried.

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Am I handling things the right way regarding my family?

    To make a long story short, my parents as well as my only older sibling have wanted for years to see me on the streets. But I grew up and survived somehow and got myself together, married a great, well educated and loving man. I lived abroad for a few years and became cultured in many ways. We have two beautiful babies together and live in a nice US city.

    Since my firstborn came along (18 months ago), my family tried to get access to her and to be abusive to me. My husband has taken a government job so that we can live in a secure place because he worried before that they would try to make domestic problems for us. My sister (whose husband also works for the govt) has tried to interefere with my hubby's work (failed)

    I have been cutting off communication with them gradually and now don't even want to answer the phone anymore. Yesterday I received another disturbing call from my father and asked my husband to talk to him and tell them not to bother us anymore. ? continued

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I have suffered for years with female problems...?

    I am 27 years old, have two children and had my tubes tied. But I had a misconception that tying my tubes would fix the problem. My diagnosis is ovarian failure and ovarian dysfunction. I recently had an episode of heavy bleeding that lasted for 10 weeks solid (even while taking birth control pills to stop the bleeding). My question is the doctor gave me two options, one to take strong hormonal pill daily to see if it will control my problems and the second to go ahead and have a complete hysterectomy.

    I have taken hormone pills in the past and still had problems so I am wondering if I should just go ahead with surgery and get it all out? Also do you think a hysterectomy will cure the pains and problems I am having? I don't care if I have to take hormone replacement therapy anything is better than what I am going through now! I feel constantly like I am having back labor pains and debilitated a lot from it.Please give me some advice?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Should I Call My Mother After Past Issues?

    We haven't talked in a year because last time I went to visit her, I was big and pregnant and brought my one year old daughter. She was so ugly to us that I had to throw all our stuff in the suitcase and haul my big tummy and baby to a relatives house where I booked a flight and left the next day. The trip from hell cost me $700. She hasn't contacted us for a year and obviously thinks that she does nothing wrong. She shows no interest in being a grandmother to my 18 month olf daughter and didn't so much as call when my son was born and he is 5 months old now.

    I feel bad that things are this way but wonder if I should call or not? My husband is in the military and deploying to Iraq in two months and I really wish things would be smooth with my family. But I know she is abusive and wonder if it may be best just to leave things as they are... Any advice on how I should deal with this? I don't think my kids deserve to be ignored like this and think they may be better off without.

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • When is the right time to set limits with visiting and controlling relatives?

    Hi! When relatives come to visit they push the limits, for example using our family car as if it were a rental to drive hundreds of miles. We just moved to a very scenic and beautiful mountainous vacation spot. It seems that everyone has used us as an excuse to get a free vacation. They could care less about really visiting with us.

    My husband tries hard to be the accepted in-law but the more respectful he is, the more rude they are. After a relative visits he always feels that they have overstepped their limits as guests and he is right! His family members live in Asia so we don't see them very often.

    We do well for ourselves and have a good savings and decent income. I feel so disappointed with my family and really want to create more distance because they are so rude when they visit and also try to control me as they know my husband is going to deploy to Iraq soon. I have enough on my plate and need to know how to get them off my back while I am alone with children?

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What is a good homemade recipe for fried shrimp?

    I already know how to peel and devain them. I would like to know your favorite way to fry them up. No pre-packaged mixes, just some idea of how to do it with flour and what seasonings...I have 3 lbs of jumbo shrimp and think it would be so good for dinner! Thanks!

    11 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Severely Tilted Uterus Post Partum?

    I had a baby four months ago via c-section and tubal. Since delivery, I have had a LOT of female problems. I had heavy bleeding that lasted for ten weeks straight and visited the ER three times with heavy irregular flooding. I had two different ultrasounds today, one extrernal and another internal to check my uterus. The tech said that my uterus is severely tilted. I am concerned about it as I just had a baby and have heard that usually a tilted uterus is corrected from pregnancy and it seems strange that it would be like that. I have had some gushing of clear fluid a few times and have been scared that it is some kind of cyst. Any advice would be helpful.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Tilted Uterus Post partum?

    I had a baby four months ago via c-section and tubal. Since delivery, I have had a LOT of female problems. I had heavy bleeding that lasted for ten weeks straight and visited the ER three times with heavy irregular flooding. I had two different ultrasounds today, one extrernal and another internal to check my uterus. The tech said that my uterus is severely tilted. I am concerned about it as I just had a baby and have heard that usually a tilted uterus is corrected from pregnancy and it seems strange that it would be like that. I have had some gushing of clear fluid a few times and have been scared that it is some kind of cyst. Any advice would be helpful.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What to 'be' when I grow up and kids are in school?

    I am a military wife, homemaker, and stay in home mother of two babies. In a few years when they begin school I would like to pursue a career of some sort. Trouble is that I don't know what to do?

    When the kids are about 7 years old, they will be sent abroad for boarding school and then I will have a lot of time to work or study. Are there any online tests or questionaires that I can take to see what I would do best at? Thanks!

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Living on Military Base - weird neighbors?

    We live on a military base in a HUGE three bedroom townhome. We have liked living here thus far for the past five months. As you know military people are generally very friendly but some have a tendency to not know when to go home, sit around outside all day and watch each and every movement of other neighbors (me being one)... Not only do they gossip and talk behind everyone's back -whilst still being BEST buddies, they mooch off others, drink too much, and use foul language in front of the kids. They also frequently call the military police on one another and I hate that!

    Anyhow, just as an example the other day I took my daughter for a walk to the park (it was a park that is near two units down from us (each unit has its own park). SO I took her to another one IMAGINE??? My neighbor yelled my name way across the grounds several times. It was really a bit embarrassing to me. I just waved. Later as we headed back to our unit, she says 'What's wrong with OUR playground???' ? cont

    15 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Living on Military Base -weird neighbors???

    We live on a military base in a HUGE three bedroom townhome. We have liked living here thus far for the past five months. As you know military people are generally very friendly but some have a tendency to not know when to go home, sit around outside all day and watch each and every movement of other neighbors (me being one)... Not only do they gossip and talk behind everyone's back -whilst still being BEST buddies, they mooch off others, drink too much, and use foul language in front of the kids. They also frequently call the military police on one another and I hate that!

    Anyhow, just as an example the other day I took my daughter for a walk to the park (it was a park that is near two units down from us (each unit has its own park). SO I took her to another one IMAGINE??? My neighbor yelled my name way across the grounds several times. It was really a bit embarrassing to me. I just waved. Later as we headed back to our unit, she says 'What's wrong with OUR playground???' ? cont

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Q 4 Daddies?? He ruffs him up a bit???

    I just asked a question a few minutes ago as to why my 4 month old son always cries when my husband picks him up.

    Truth be told, I have noticed a few times that my husband ruffs him up a little, not hurting him or doing anything abusive, just playing like boys do (acting like he is boxing, rolling around on the floor or whatever). He never does anything that hurts my son, but I think it's a macho man thing to be like that with a son. My husband doesn't really know how to show affection with him as he does with our daughter. To other dad's who understand this, what is the root of it really? How can I help them bond better? My son just doesn't like it but I am sure he will be different as he gets bigger. My husband tells me that I kiss him too much and treat him like a delicate frilly girl. Maybe he is right. How can we balance out this equation? Things were so different with our firstborn (daughter)....

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Has this happened with mommies of toddlers?

    My daughter is 18 months old and she will NOT say mama. She calls me mama only whenever she is throwing a fit, really upset, or demanding something. She says dada dada all the time and points to him, acknowledges him and even greets him with a 'hi, dada' when he comes home! But when my husband asks her to say mama or anyone else does she won't say a thing! It really hurts my feelings.

    Could it be because I am with her 24/7 since birth? I feel like it is some mistake that I have made? I read to her every day, she colors with crayons, we go to the park regularly, do everything together, I try to teach her words. Am I not doing something right or is she just too little to say certain things?

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Help! My son cries at daddy a lot???

    I am a little confused about what to do? My 4 month old son always starts crying when my husband picks him up. I know it really hurts my husband's feelings and I just don't know what to do about it. My son is really attached to me a lot and my husband is in the military and was away for a while, he also works long hours and isn't home enough to really bond with him. Has anyone else ever experienced this and what can I do to help the two bond better? I have tried showing my husband ways to comfort him and to calm him but my son has his own mind that he wants mommy only and nothing to do with daddy. Tips with an experienced parent who has been through this would be appreciated!!!!

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My neighbor won't return my expensive corningware pots???

    Hi! I really don't know how to deal with this situation. My neighbor who has the reputation of being the neighborhood mooch -recently had a funeral at their house. I lended her some expensive fabrics/tapestries to use during the service (two were worth about $20 and the third hand embroidered worth $60+) I brought them from India myself. Anyhow they also had people sign up on a list for bringing dinners to their home. I brought two large casseroles in my best corningware set.

    This happened last month and now I want my stuff back! I casually mentioned it to her two weeks ago and she still didn't return it. She never even gave me a thank you for everything that I did for their family, I also have given her gifts two other times with the same result. I refuse to lower myself to go over to her home and beg for them back. I think it's tacky so what is the proper thing to do?

    PS I won't ever do anything for her again.

    15 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Family Business Investments?

    My husband's brother needs some help to open a large bookshop. The trouble is that 4 other younger brothers hate him (they kicked him from the family business) and mother is close to them and is unwilling to help support him get out on his own, yet she refuses to give him part of his birthrights. This is a Pakistani family and culture is different.

    He is at the age to marry and mom set up the engagement but then she refused to take part in wedding plans! It is so complicated and we want to help him start his business. So how do we get mom's blessing to assist without makign her think we are betraying her judgements? In coming years other brothers will marry and no longer support her, I am sure, and this investment would offer her a stable retirement and support her in old age. I am really concerned and want to get her approval of our giving this very big loan to brother. Any advice would be helpful, preferably from an asian person who understands that culture and family system?

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • Family Business Investments?

    My husband's brother needs some help to open a large bookshop. The trouble is that 4 other younger brothers hate him (they kicked him from the family business) and mother is close to them and is unwilling to help support him get out on his own, yet she refuses to give him part of his birthrights. This is a Pakistani family and culture is different.

    He is at the age to marry and mom set up the engagement but then she refused to take part in wedding plans! It is so complicated and we want to help him start his business. So how do we get mom's blessing to assist without makign her think we are betraying her judgements? In coming years other brothers will marry and no longer support her, I am sure, and this investment would offer her a stable retirement and support her in old age. I am really concerned and want to get her approval of our giving this very big loan to brother. Any advice would be helpful, preferably from an asian person who understands that culture and family system?

    1 AnswerInvesting1 decade ago
  • What's up with my dad???

    My dad came out to visit us three weeks ago with my step-mother. We had a pleasant time for the most part but my step-mom was very insulting during the whole time and so ugly with my husband. Anyhow, they went back home and called to inform us when they got back safely shortly therafter. I was so irritated from the way my step-mom treated my husband that I avoided answering the phone and cell for two days. Then I finally talked to my dad because I realized it wasn't fair to take anything out on him -it was her behavior after all. We talked shortly he said they got in safely and since then there have been no calls from my dad.

    I don't feel comfortable calling after the intense rudeness of my step-mom. But now I am wondering why my dad is not calling. I know I was slow to get back with him but I really was upset about things! Anyhow I don't know what to think. Should I call my dad? Or should I stand my ground? I always call him regularly but otherwise he doesn't call, its one sided.?

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What to do about my needy neighbor????

    I have a neighbor that has a pattern of becoming buddies with a specific neighbor and then when she wears out her welcome, she moves on to the next neighbor. I have seen it happen twice in the last 5 months.

    Anyhow she was pregnant (she has two sons that are real close in age and the third was also quite close). During her pregnancy she was saying that they are so poor and this and that and I think she was using it as a way to have others feel bad for her and to give her things. She had a miscarriage in late pregnancy and there was a funeral. I offered to help her because I felt bad and the next thing I know, I am practically coordinating the entire service.

    The weirdest thing about today's funeral was that both she and her husband had smiles on their faces the entire time. I heard from other sources that they are getting $10,000 because the military has some fund for it. It just bothered me that they smiled so much and I got the impression that they didn't really care inwardly

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Funeral Flowers/Plants ?

    I am trying to figure out what kind of flowers/plants I should get for a funeral. It was for a stillborn baby boy. I was thinking along the lines of yellow or light blue colors flowering plant this way it won't die as fresh cut flowers do.

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago