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  • Why do some people gain weight after gallbladder removal?

    My father had his out a year ago, and has put on a little weight since. He swears he started to gain the day after his surgery. And I have an aunt and a cousin that also had theirs out that gained a lot of weight after.

    What causes the weight gain in some? And is it more common to have weight gain, or weight loss after? Or no change at all?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Not sure when to get another pet?

    We lost of dog this morning. Well actually we fired a driver yesterday (for many reasons) and this morning, found our dog dead. He had been choked to death. My dog wouldn't let someone he doesn't know come near him, (130-40lb malamute). But he knew this guy well.

    My little ones, don't get what is going on. But my older ones are very upset (11 and 10 yrs old) They have dealt with death before. They got a box and put the dogs food bowl in it and all his favorite toys, and what was left of his food. And buried it with him out in the field.

    I am just not sure when would be the right time to get another dog. My husband is thinking this fall. He wants an english mastiff this time. Or maybe another mal. Just not sure if it is too early, or maybe a good idea to help them get over the loss of our dog?

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What does a 79% left shift mean?

    I was in the hospital last week for my gallbladder. All of my blood counts were just a little on the low side when I went it. But my wbc said the value and then "a left shift of 79%".

    I looked that up and it said something about immature cells. Is 79% bad? Or really high? Before this my platelet and white cells were normal, but I had smaller then normal red cells. That has been going on for 1 1/2 yrs.

    I am a little worried, as my father and 2 of his sister all have had panctopenia. My dad was finally diagnosed with MDS. I go back next week for my post op check up, I will talk to them about this then. Just wonder what it means though.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Anyone else need a vacation?

    I really need a vacation! The high light of my week, after being in the hospital, is the fact I don't ever have to buy diapers again, woohoo all my babies are potty trained!!

    I realized I need a vacation, since this is the most exciting thing going on in my life right now! Or at least a big shopping trip haha!

    Anyone else need a break from the every day activities of a SAHM?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Anyone else get annoyed?

    Does anyone else get annoyed with parents who bring their children to restaurants. And then allow them to scream, run around, beat on the table and just flat out misbehave? Or is it just me?

    The one that got to me the most, was 2 kids about 6 and 7 or so, who were just BAD! They were beating on the table with their silverware, and yelling and all kinds of things. These are kids more then old enough to know better. And the adults just let em do it!

    And then the mother, said, it looks like family day and laughed... their were many other couples there with their kids, who were behaving.

    I actually wanted to just leave, since they were sitting right next to us.

    Anyone else find this annoying, and wonder what is wrong with parents who don't even try to make their children behave?

    17 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How long till I can eat "normal" food again?

    I had my gallbladder out on monday. Have only been eating yogurt and jello since. I got oral thrush from being in IV antibiotics the whole week I was in the hospital and not being allowed to take anything by mouth other then sips of water with my meds. So nothing taste good anyway now because of the thrush.

    But once the thrush is gone, how long should I stick to soft foods? My doctor told me I could go ahead a work up to regular food over a couple days. But my stomach is still pretty queasy feeling and I don't want to rush it and have problems. There are a lot of things I want to eat, that I haven't been able to in a long time. Just worried they will still make me sick :(

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Oral thrush, how long till it goes away?

    I started the oral mouth wash medication last night for oral thrush. How long does it take for it to work, or at least start to feel better?

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What can you do when insurance won't cover meds?

    My father has MDS. He is supposed to go bi-weekly for injections to raise is red and white cells. He has had the shots twice now, and his insurance is refusing to cover them. They are very expensive, 1 is 5000 a shot the other is 1000 a shot. He cant afford 12,000.00 a month for these shots. But his blood counts are so low, his doctors say it could kill him.

    The insurance is at least covering the pills he has to pick up each week from the doctors office to try and raise is platelet count. But these are still experimental. The drug company ships them right to his docs office.

    I have told him to get his doctor to call the insurance company, and see if maybe that would help.

    Anyway had insurance refuse to pay, if so what did you do?

    3 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Normal SED rate, but lots of inflammation?

    What could cause a SED rate to be normal (16), but still have a lot of inflammation threw out the body. When I say a lot, I mean a lot. I have over 100 enlarged lymph nodes, and big huge spleen and liver. Horrid lungs. All of that is from Sarc. And some kind of arthritis it seems now.

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • OA or RA, I have one or the other just not sure?

    I know I have some form of arthritis. Just not sure which. I am really starting to think it is RA.

    My hands swell when I do little tasks. Like peeling potatoes.

    My foot and ankle kill me in the morning, I cant bend my foot straight any more. Due to pain and stiffness.

    I thought I had slept on my neck wrong a few weeks ago. Until it didn't go away. I also have a deteriorating bone in my back, not sure which was just told back, right side, but not the hip.

    Which does that sound more like?

    I know I need to see my doctor. Just have to find time to go.

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Anyone else have a toddler that does this?

    Anyone else have a toe nail biter. My son who is 4, bites his toe nails. This completely grosses me out. And I am convinced it is genetic, my husband also use to bite his toe nails lol Their both gross!

    My son finds it very amusing when I tell him to stop it because that is nasty, or gross. He just laughs.

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What is the normal or average age?

    What is the normal or average age that child should be riding a bike with out raining wheels? And what is the youngest you have a seen a child with out training wheels, riding a 2 wheels bike?

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • MDS, is there a type that is heritray?

    Is there any type of MDS that is hereditary, my father finally got a diagnosis of MDS this week, after having pancytopenia for at least 5 years. He also has/had 2 sisters both with pancytopenia. 1 that after having low counts for years, with no sign of cancer with multiple bone marrow biopsy's, developed AML and passed 2 years ago, just 2 weeks after her cancer diagnosis. My father had 3 bone marrow biopsy's and seen 3 other hematologist before seeing a new hematologist a couple weeks ago, that did yet another biopsy. And finally was given a diagnosis yesterday, I told him 2 years ago to ask about MDS, and told him to ask this new doctor about it, but he didn't have to since he actually said this what is wrong with him.

    Neither of his sisters have ever been given a diagnosis of MDS either. But look how long it took my dad to get one.

    1 AnswerCancer1 decade ago
  • Predisone, is this normal?

    I have been taking Predisone for a little over month, at 30mg a day. It has helped with some of the problems I have until this last week. Literally over night all of the things that it had helped, are coming back. It seems that it is no longer working. Is this normal for predisone, can you become resistant to it like other medications? Not sure what to do now, since my doctors only wanted me on it for 2 months anyway due to my age.

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • TB skin test question?

    I had a TB skin test today, and was told by the nurse that a reaction if there was one usually started soon after the injection under the skin. And that by 12 hours after it would be very noticeable.

    I just wanted to know if that is normally what happens, and also what is the longest it could take for a reaction to start?

    So far 9 hours after, it looks like a normal small red dot from a needle prick, and that is already starting to disappear. I had a negative TB skin test years ago when I worked at a VA hospital. With that one I had the normal slight redness from being poked, but don't even have that this time. So I am hoping for the best.

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is it supposed to hurt this long?

    I had an axillary node biopsy done 2 weeks ago. I was told the pain and swelling would go away with in a week.

    But it has been 15 days, and I am still in a lot of pain. I have had my incision looked at twice now, once last week, and again today. It looks great. It is healed over almost completely. But the pain is still there.

    I cant lift my arm over my head, or move it very far back, or forward with out pain shooting threw my armpit, and chest muscles.

    My doctor is still giving me pain meds, but they only dull it.

    This doesn't seem normal, has anyone had pain is long after, that require prescription meds?

    2 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Biopsy results?

    I had an axillary biopsy this morning. And on my discharge papers it says they will call me with my results, instead of having me come in.

    I am wondering if this is common practice, to call someone who may have cancer (lymphoma) to tell them over the phone?

    4 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Axillary Biopsy?

    I have a consult with surgical oncology this Thursday. I am supposed to have an axillary biopsy on the right side next week. And I am wonder what I should ask them?

    Anyone who has had this, did you have side effects after? Or any permanent damage from it?

    Is there an area that is safer with less sides effects that I should ask about. I have swollen nodes in my neck, chest, abdomen, and groin.

    2 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Doctors are driving me nuts!?

    My doctors are unsure what is wrong with me. After multiple blood tests they have ruled out about every thing from lupus to HIV. You name it, they have checked it.

    My symptoms have been, swollen lymph nodes, first one I found was in my neck under my jaw bone. And I had a breast lump, that was seen to be another node with an ultrasound. I have night sweats, fatigue, weight loss, and fevers.

    My GP found nodes in my armpits, groin, and under my collar bone with a physical exam.

    So he sent me for CT scan of my chest, abdomen, and groin. I got the results from that friday.

    I have generalized lymphadenopathy. I have nodes ranging in size from 3cm - 8cm.

    I also have an enlarged spleen, and an enlarged liver that also has a small spot on it that they are not sure what it is.

    Lesions in both lungs, and something going on with the bone in my back on the right side. They say it is either a weak spot or something growing in the bone.


    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Sarcoidosis or cancer? Anyone been threw this?

    My doctors don't know what is wrong with me. I have had about every blood test there is, and they are all normal. They first thought I might have breast cancer, that was spread due to a swollen lymph node in my neck. Ultra sound showed that the "mass" in my breast was also a lymph node, that was about 3cm. They said it wasn't breast cancer, and blood tests ruled out lupus. So they sent me for a CT.

    The CT that shows over 100 enlarged lymph nodes. The largest one being in my abdomen, that is 8cm (a little over 3 inches). Swelling of the spleen, and liver and a small spot on my liver. Lesions in both lungs, one that is 8cm by 5 cm.

    It also showed something abnormal with a bone in my lower back on the right side. That my doctor says may either be a weak spot or something growing in the bone. So now I need an MRI to see what that is.

    And they are doing a biopsy of the lymph node in my right underarm. It is also massive in size, and they are going to remove the whole node.


    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago