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Lv 1226 points

just cliff hangin :)

Favorite Answers18%
  • Dying Hair Manic Panic Midnight Blue?

    Im African American and my hair is jet black. It's never been dyed before but it has been chemically treated in the past years. I have not chemically treated my hair since January, this year. I am not planning on bleaching my hair because I know it will take my hair out. I also do not plan on dying my hair myself. I was going to a professional. My question is: will the color show up well even though I am not going to bleach it? Will it be safe to dye my hair? Can I still chemically treat my hair months after I dye my hair?

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • A letter to the modern black man from the ku klux klan?

    I have an assignment. I have to find a copy of the letter the Ku Klux Klan wrote to the moder black man. It tells why they did what they did and one part of the letter thanks the black man for doing most of the things they did to keep theirself down. Does anyone know where I can find it?

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Same sex marriage in U.S.....?

    Where in the U.S. is same sex marriages allowed?

  • Different types of lip rings?

    Can you use tongue rings as lip rings.?

    2 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • The right makeup for me?

    I am trying to find my right shade of make up.. It's always been hard for me because of my light skin toned.. I'm mostly looking for a concealer for under eye discoloration. Does anyone have any tips on how I can find my right shade.?

    6 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Deep, dark circles..?

    I want to get rid of the dark bags I have under my eyes but nothing works. I've tried being on a regular and irregular sleep habit and I've tried products from the stores but nothing is helping. To make matters worse, I'm very light in complexion and you can see them very easy. Surgery is out of the question though. Any advice on how to get rid of them.?

    Skin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Is it a reasonable price..?

    Do you think $70 is a good price for snake bites and venom piercings? One, alone, costs $35

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • How can I ask her...?

    I want two piercings for my 16th birthday. I don't think that's much. I want snake bites and venom piercings. My eldest brother said he will take me to get them and pay for it. The only problem is that my mom has to agree with this. I have two other sisters that have turned 16 ages ago. They wanted a lot. A huge party, money, clothes, a car, and whatever else their brains could think of. I want to ask my mom for the piercings but I don't want her to say no. Im a somewhat spoiled child and I cant tolerate people telling me no. That's because she doesn't tell me no to many things I ask for. But she would say no to this because she isn't a fan of piercings at all. So my question to you is: How can I ask my mom for permission to get my piercings on my 16th birthday?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Im looking for pictures for a presentation.?

    I have a project about child abuse. We made our own story and pictures must be included in the slides. I cant find any pictures that relate to whats going on in the story. I need a picture of a child killed by a blow to the temple, a person putting a small body in a frozen lake, a man driving off into the night, and a man stalking a child's room in a dark shadowy way. Please help.

    4 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • being bisexual is hard for me.?

    I want to tell my family that I am bi but they won't accept it. They already don't like most gay and bisexual people. But it's my family.....I want them to accept me for me. But I know for a fact my mother will never accept this. Is there a way I can tell her without her getting upset? Or should I just keep this to myself until I move out and be on my own?

  • trying to get on myspace?

    im at a school computer where basically everything is blocked and i really need a access point. help!!!!

    1 AnswerMySpace1 decade ago
  • Im looking for good authors?

    I am doing a report on a good author and I don't know any. Could you please tell me your favorite authors, the book they wrote, and a quick summary of that book. Thanks a million. P.S.-i would love to meet any new people out there. Just look at my profile and get my email address

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • The Misfit by Flannery O'Connor?

    where can i find the story online without having to buy the book?? Its for a book report that i must do but im not having any luck finding it

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • i have a weird shaped hickey!?

    my boyfriend gave me a hickey. I have to go to school with it until it goes away. I am tired of everyone making a comment about it. I am very light skin and it is very easy to see. I am trying to find a few different ways to make it go away faster. My hickeys take at least 3-5 days to go away. So if you all can help me out i will greatly appreciate it. So any way that may have helped you guys please tell me so i can get rid of this stupid hickey. Thanks a million!!!!!

    10 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • flirting ex boyfriend?

    my ex boyfriend flirts in my face with this very ugly girl that i dont like. I have another boyfriend but i cant stand to see him get with someone that is a whore. What should i do??

    13 AnswersFriends1 decade ago