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Lv 44,698 points

Andi Angel

Favorite Answers20%

Hey! Well, what is there to say about me? I'm 22, I live in Michigan. I just graduated from college, where I studied special education with a focus in learning disabilities. On Answers, you'll probably find me in the entertainment & music section mostly. Few random facts about me: ~ I don't like vegetables ~ I'm afraid of fish ~ I have a tattoo and want another ~ I'm random

  • I'm dating someone with Gender Identity Disorder....?

    I've been dating the most amazing guy for a couple of months now. He's 27, I'm 23. I'm a girl, btw. We hit it off right away, we have a lot in common, and we have all the necessary things to make this relationship last (communication, honesty, trust, etc). A few nights ago, he told me loved me for the first time, but right before that he said there was something he had to tell me if we were going to take that next step and say "I love you". He admitted to me that he has Gender Identity Disorder. He said he doesn't feel comfortable in his own skin, and hates the fact that he's a guy. He said he has been to counseling in the past, just to talk about it and get things in the open. And he's also taken hormones or something like that, and they really helped him feel evened out, or more balanced. He used to cross-dress in the past, but he really doesn't anymore. He said he's definitely straight, and he doesn't think he'll ever have a sex change operation because there are some sacrifices he's not willing to make. He works in law enforcement, which is his passion, so that would be difficult. And also he would like to get married (to a woman) and have a family. It caused problems with other girlfriends, but he agreed to start going to counseling and taking medication again, if it will help our relationship.

    I told him that I still love him and it doesn't change who he is as a person. But I'm afraid he'll change his mind down the road and want a sex change. He's really the first guy (and I've dated a lot of guys) that I've seen myself having a future with. But if he gets a sex change, I'm afraid that we couldn't be anything more than friends. I wouldn't stop him from doing something that truly makes him comfortable with who he is, but I'm afraid of losing him.

    So has anyone been in my situation before? Any advice? Or any websites/support groups or something that would help me out?

  • Stapler in Jello prank?

    I want to put my co-workers stapler in Jello (like on The Office), since he's been playing a few pranks on me. He's laid back and would find it funny. It's a red stapler, like in Office Space, so he's attached to it. Of course, I've had it for four hours and he hasn't noticed it missing.

    But I'm afraid that the jello and everything will ruin it. Will it be okay if I wrap it in saran wrap? Or stick it in a bag or something?

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Over the counter sleep aids?

    Hi there! Does anyone know of any over the counter sleep aids that I could try? For as long as I can remember, I've had trouble sleeping at night. It's really starting to take a toll on me, and I want to try other things before trying prescriptions.

    First of all, I'm completely healthy. I don't have any anxiety or depression or any other health concerns. I don't think my lack of sleep is stress related either. Because even during stress free times, I can't sleep.

    I just have difficulty shutting my brain off or something. No matter how hard I try, I just can't. I've tried Tylenol PM. Doesn't work.

    I don't have trouble staying asleep. Once I'm asleep, I stay that way. It's just the getting to sleep that is hard.

    7 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • For those who have bought things on Etsy? ?

    I'm a huge fan of Etsy. I don't sell things on it, but I like to browse for stuff to buy. I am finally going to be buying something because I found the perfect Christmas gift for someone. The person is making one for me and will put up a private sale thing or whatever.

    My question is, since I've never purchased something before, how does it work with PayPal? I know what PayPal is, and I know sort of how it works. But do I have to go to and open an account, or do I enter the credit card info and stuff right on Etsy. I'm just confused about that process. I'd like to know beforehand because credit card will be the easiest way to pay for me. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • My boss added me on facebook....?

    I know this question has been asked before and I should use the search bar, but I figure I should explain my personal situation. My boss just added me a as a friend on facebook. I'm a 22-year old (fresh out of college) special education teacher. I am facebook friends with a few other teachers I work with, but we're actually friends at work and in the same age range. I am also friends with our school secretary. She's a little bit older, but is very open-minded and really cool.

    Our principal, who added me, is my mom's age and seems really uptight at times. There are a few pictures of me drinking on facebook, but I'm legal so it's okay. And there are pictures of my tattoo (which she doesn't know I have, but other teachers there have tattoos that she knows about). Other than that, not a whole lot of my stuff is inappropriate.

    So should I add her? I'm having doubts because her and I aren't all that close or anything. And I'm wondering if because I'm brand new, if it would really be the best way to present myself? Also, I am teaching kids with disabilities at her school, so I don't want her to find anything that would make her not trust or me, or not want me back for another year.


    3 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Scrubs- My Musical episode?

    Does anyone else think that the "My Musical" episode of Scrubs is one of the most creative episodes of any tv show EVER?

    I love "Guy Love" and "Dr. Cox Rant Song".

    Thoughts? And is anyone else attracted to Dr. Cox in a really weird way? Because I totally am.

    5 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Special Education Teacher?

    Hi everyone! I just got my first job as a special education teacher in a K-8 school. My youngest students are 2nd graders, and then my oldest is a group of three 8th grade girls. There's a mix of disabilities (Learning Disabilities, ADHD, and two students with autism). I'm fresh out of college, but everyone at the school has been really helpful in getting me started and providing me with resources.

    So my question is for students who have been through special education, or parents of students in special education. What do you expect from a special education teacher? What are some things that I could do to show my students and their parents that I care and am there to help? Anyone can answer, but I'd appreciate the views of those who have either been through special education, or a parent's views. Thanks!

    12 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the new Clue?

    Check this out! It's crazy! Why would they do this to such a classicly great game? This is crazy! What do you think of this?

    15 AnswersBoard Games1 decade ago
  • Ideas for first day of school?

    Hi! I just got my first job as a special education teacher (resource room) in a K-8 charter school. The school did their hiring a little late, so I don't have much time to set up my classroom. My classroom is really tiny, with no windows. I need some ideas of how to decorate or just brighten things up.

    Also, what are some good activities for the first day of school? I'll have a whole mix of grade levels. It will probably be mostly kids with learning disabilities, but you never know. So what are some good first day activties I could do? Just kind of "get to know you" games. They may know each other, but I'm new. So what are some good activities through which they could get to know me?

    Any ideas would be appreciated! Thanks!

    4 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Am I the only one who had mixed feelings about Breaking Dawn?

    I assume most people are done with Breaking Dawn by now. All the super-fans anyway. I see that a lot of people hate it, and some people liked it. I have mixed feelings. There was a lot of good and a lot of bad.

    For example, I loved the chapters that were told from Jacob's point of view. I think it's great to see the story from a different perspective. And I NEVER liked Jacob, but I gained a lot of respect for him after realizing what a tough position he was in with the pack.

    I also liked that whole thing with Charlie getting resolved, and of course I loved that everyone ended up happy.

    However, I feel like Nessie was a little much, and I really wish there had been a fight with Volturi. At first I didn't like that Bella wasn't really "Bella" after the change. But then I realized that her human life was behind her, this was a fresh start. All her insecurities were unnecessary. I never liked her much before, so I found her tolerable after that.

    So I just have really mixed feelings about the book. Overall, I'd say it was "okay". Not great, but not the worse thng I've ever read either. I'd probably read it again eventually, but for now I'm going with "okay".

    So is anyone on the fence like I am? All I've seen is "I HATE IT" or "IT'S AMAZING! OMG!" So who's on the fence?

    17 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What to wear to the Breaking Dawn release party?

    Hey everyone! I randomly decided today to go to the Borders party tonight (Amazon wasn't going to get it to me in time). I don't really have time to throw together a costume. Or if I did, it wouldn't be worthy of winning any contests. I just don't have time because I have a surprise party to go to in a couple hours and I'l be going right from there.

    So will I look stupid if I don't wear a costume? I was thinking of just wearing a shorter black skirt, red top, and white necklace. So I'd be black, red, and white like the covers.

    Would that be okay or would I look like an idiot?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Breaking Dawn Amazon Arrival Date?

    Hey! I pre-ordered Breaking Dawn from Amazon because it's just so much cheaper! And I assumed I'd be getting it on Saturday when it comes out, because that's how Amazon always did Harry Potter. But when I checked my Amazon account it said it's estimated arrival was August 4th! I live in Michigan, so I'm not outside the continental U.S. or anything. So does this mean Amazon gets it on Saturday and THAT'S when it's shipped? I don't want to wait until Monday, but at the same time, I don't want to spend a ton of money at a bookstore when I already ordered it cheap off Amazon. Anyone else have this problem?

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Counting Crows & Maroon 5 Concert?

    I'm seeing Counting Crows and Maroon 5 on August 29th in Detroit. I think Augustana is performing too. I love all three of these bands, so I'm expecting a great show.

    Has anyone seen this tour? Is it really great? What do I have to look forward to?

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Wedding Party Dance?

    I'm maid-of-honor at my best friend's wedding in a few weeks. She asked me for suggestions for the song for the wedding party dance. She said she wants something slow, but not too romantic. I thought that's kind of hard to find, since slow and romantic usually go hand-in-hand. Any suggestions?

    10 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Did anyone else pick up on the mythology references in Hancock? (SPOILER WARNING)?

    Did anyone else pick up on the mythology references in "Hancock"? Zeus's symbol is the eagle, which we see throughout the movie- on Hancock's hat, suit, everywhere. So Hancock is Zeus. In mythology, Zeus's wife, Hera, is easily angered. Charlize Theron's character is therefore Hera. Zeus and Hera, Mary and Hancock, husband and wife.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Flash broken on my digital camera?

    I have a Kodak EasyShare MD853 digital camera that I received for Christmas (so about 6 months old, and the flash is not working. I charge the camera by plugging the USB cord into my computer. I've let it get a full charge and the flash still doesn't work. Is the flash bulb just burnt out? There are a few camera repair places in town. Is this something that is fixable?

    1 AnswerCameras1 decade ago
  • Where can I watch Season 7 of Scrubs online for free?

    Hey! I just recently got into the show "Scrubs". I'm finishing up the Season Six DVD's, and I don't think Season 7 (the season that just got over) will be on DVD until September. I think there's only 11 episodes because of the writer's strike. They aren't on, and I doubt they'd be on yet (Scrubs is switching networks). So where can I watch Season 7 online for free?

    4 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Bra for under a bridesmaid dress?

    I'm maid-of-honor in a wedding this August, but I need some sort of undergarment this week for getting alterations done. Would would be the best to wear under this dress? It's long, strapless, one piece but looks like two pieces. Should I wear a strapless bra, or more of a bustier style strapless bra to kind of give more of smooth look?

    This is the dress, but it's in sage green instead of black:

    Any suggestions?

    10 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Teaching Job Interview?

    I have two interviews this week for teaching jobs. One is at a charter school, the other is at a public school. Both are special ed positions. I've been on a few interviews before and have gotten pretty far into the second round, but have not gotten any offers. They all had great things to say about me, but I'm getting to the point where I NEED a job, because I have student loans to pay off.

    Any advice to help me land a job?

    6 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Curves for Women?

    I'm thinking of joining Curves this summer. I'm 22, and I'm not overweight or obese or anything, but I don't work out enough and want to lose a few pounds and just get a little more toned. Plus, I'm maid-of-honor in my best friend's wedding this summer and want to look great in my dress.

    I'm thinking of joining Curves in particular because I'm a little self-conscious at big gyms with hardcore fitness people. I feel like I'd be okay at Curves though.

    So has anyone been to Curves and been successful? Also, how much is it? Is there a start-up fee and then a monthly fee? How does that work?

    Any help would be appreciated!

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago