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  • Pedigree Dog Food?

    Did you know that you can participate in the Pedigree Adoption Drive even if you don't buy Pedigree Dog Food for your dog?

    You can make a financial donation to the adoption drive that is tax deductible.


    You can purchase a 22 lb bag of dog food ($10.00) for the animal shelter of your choice and Pedigree will match your donation. So if you purchase 2 bags for $20.00 -- the shelter of your choice gets 4 bags to help feed shelter dogs.

    My dogs are shelter dogs, so I bought 2 bags for the shelter where my dogs were adopted.

    I just thought it was a really cool and easy way to help shelter dogs in your area and wanted to pass it on. They don't tell you about this part of the program in the tv ads.

    Here's the link:

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago