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  • How many animals can you keep in a rental in Florida?

    My family will be moving to Florida next year and we are weighing the options of buying again or renting as we don't know how long we are staying.

    I want to know if we would be able to rent a house with the amount of animals we have and potentially want. We have 3 cats (might be adding one or two more), 2 guinea pigs, will have 2 bunnies, and will be getting 2 dogs. If we rented a house, would we be allowed to keep this many animals? We also want to get goats and chickens.

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate3 years ago
  • How to cool down a betta fish?

    I understand they are tropical and need warmer temperatures but in my house, we do not have air conditioning. and the house gets very very hot in the summer. sometimes the temperature in the house gets around 100 for sustained periods of time. A room cooler is not an option. A window box conditioner isn't either. Is there a way to keep the fish cool for the summer? I do not have a fish yet and won't get one unless we can keep him safe during the summer so does anybody have any suggestions?

    3 AnswersFish3 years ago
  • How to keep a fish tank cool?

    Hello! I am have been wanting to get a fish for a looooong time. Mainly just one betta fish. The only issue is I don't have air conditioning in my house. My windows won't allow a normal air conditioning unit. Is there anyway that I can cool the tank and keep the fish alive throughout the summer months?

    5 AnswersFish4 years ago
  • How to I fix my 5th Generation apple Ipod?

    I have had this Ipod for about 4 years so it could be that is has reached it's time. About a month and a half ago it suddenly stopped charging when I plugged it in. It would light up the screen but would not charge. I moved outlets, switched up the box and cord, etc. Now it won't turn on at all. I have held all the buttons down, both buttons together for long periods of time. I have tried plugging it into the computer and nothing is working. I would really like to avoid going into the apple store and I can't afford a new one. Is there any way to fix this or turn it on or is it officially dead?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players4 years ago
  • Can somebody tell me about the Navy Reserves?

    I want to join the Navy but I want to spend more time at home with my family and to build my equestrian facility.

    What do you do on the weekends and those 2 weeks you are away? How often will you get deployed if ever? Could I be someone who mans the weapons in the reserves?

    Anybody who has served or is currently serving, I would greatly appreciate any information! :)

    3 AnswersMilitary4 years ago
  • Boise Idaho?

    We are looking to move around Ada county Idaho. (Meridian, Nampa, Kuna, Boise).

    I have researched a lot and my only concern is the scenery.

    Does it have trees, rivers, forests, and green grass? The pros far out way the cons but a beautiful place to live is very high on the list.

    1 AnswerOther - United States4 years ago