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Politically minded.

  • Indices/Exponents problem with big powers?

    I do now know how to solve something like this...

    ((4^431) x (8^432)) / 32^429

    Anyone who can show me correctly and efficiently will get maximum points!!!

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • Why did Trotsky totally and utterly oppose Stalin?

    Trotsky went to all lengths to bring down the Stalinist USSR. Most imperialist/bourgeois viewpoints go on to say it was because Stalin was an outright dictator.

    Personally I believe that Trotsky, who opposed Lenin right up to the even of the revolution before joining the Bolsheviks, basically thought that as the main co-pilot in the revolution he would be next in position to take leadership. I believe that he was basically so bitter at this fact to the point that he refuted against the Soviet Union just to bring down the name of the man that took what he thought was his position.

    Can anyone else give me anything else to go by apart from the 2 views I've already mentioned?

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why does Western Imperialism embrace?

    Nazi propaganda, such as Goebbels' tale of the USSR executing the mass amount of Polish officers in Katyn, even though Goebbels' diary itself seems to clearly indicate that it was a simple propaganda ploy to stir up Russo-Polish negotiations, which would have been pivotal in Poland's defence as well as the USSR's.

    A few years back, George 'Dubyer' Bush even quoted Aidey Hitler word for word when talking about the Afghanistan/Iraq incidents (you never knew which one he was talking about he crossed the names over that much).

    Do the West wish that we could go back in time so that they could swap sides?

    Or will they just jump on any band-wagon that pulls up, or utilise any kind of information/intelligence/propaganda to get their own way?

    Or is there another reason that I am completely missing?

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why is it that Israel, a jewish country, is...?

    ...Completely and anti-Communist? Especially confusing when it was the Stalin-lead USSR that defeated Nazi Germany (the biggest threat the Jews have had to endure) and it was also the Stalin-lead USSR that liberated the Jews.

    When Jews fled European countries during Nazi Germany's expansion, many fled to Russia. In Russia, they were welcomed and given shelter, food and a place in which they would not be marched to Gas-Chambers.

    So why, when Israel is a jewish based country, is it so totally and utterly oppressive against Communism? If it were not for the USSR, then Israel may well have not existed, and to this day, there may have even been the chance that Jews may not have existed.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Antisemitism and hypocrisy?

    If you have a negative opinion about someone Jewish, your an antisemitic, a racist, a fascist.

    If you have a negative opinion about someone Arab, you are well within your rights.

    At least, that is the impression I've gotten from the site I've referenced.

    Israel has entirely oppressed all others within its vacinity. It must have done since it's only been where it is since this side of WW2.

    On this site, Arabs are referred to as terrorists probably more times than Hitler made clear about his views of Jews.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • When a politician says...?

    That a woman's body has ways in which to prevent rape, should he not be totally dismissed from having any political activity?

    If I were a woman, i would be seriously considering an assassination attempt at such a remark.

    1 AnswerGovernment9 years ago
  • Republican acceptance from Mitt?

    In my eyes, as well as many non-American-Republicans, it was totally ridiculous.

    Clint Eastwood, a film-star, with no idea about politics, barely able to finish his sentences. As much as I love his films, what an absolute joke.

    Mitt being video'd in his own home with his children sitting around with the lighting inch-perfect...

    And when he spoke off Obama's aim to 'reduce the tides', which is in relation to the global warming situation that is vastly troubling and will cause great future difficulties, he tried to make it sound like it was a literal joke...

    It was, to me, just a complete and utter brain-dead convention. And I just cannot see how anyone at all in the whole of existence can buy into an absolute load of tripe.

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • US Election is a total con so why is nobody doing anything?

    Whichever of the 2 candidates get's in, the country will be worse off in 5 years time without fail.

    Both candidates are right-wingers, both candidates will continue to run the country in the way of privatisation and elitism.

    There is no possible alternative at all. Its just a black president of a Mormon president. I'm no fascist, but that is literally the only difference.

    Why don't you American people actually demand a candidate for the things that you actually want.

    You are the supposed most-powerful country in the world, but you will say nothing when you are being blatantly conned by 2 right-wingers with different coloured ties.

    Why do you just sit there?

    13 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • US Presidential Election?

    With all the debt that is world-wide, the winner should surely be he who proposes the best route out.

    Romney's proposition is pretty much that of the EU austerity process, which is about to hit a triple-dip recession. A process of cutting jobs, people doing more work for the same pay and privatisation throughout as many possible industries.

    This doesn't solve any debt issue's though, as demonstrated by all EU countries.

    Obama so far has not really proposed anything major, which would indicate his main headline is yet to come.

    To me, it looks like an Obama win is on the way.

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Mechanics M1 Edexcel Question?

    2 balls travelling towards eachother.

    Mass of ball A = 0.6kg Speed of A = 8ms^-1

    Mass of ball B = 0.2kg Speed of B = 2ms^-1

    Immediately after, direction of A is unchanged.

    B is twice the speed of A

    Find the velocity of A immediately after collision.

    Somebody work through and show me the equations to use. I keep getting stuck half way through

    3 AnswersStandards & Testing9 years ago
  • Quadratic Equations help?

    Can somebody go through working this out step by step. Thanks

    9x^2 + 9x - 270 = 0

    4 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Maths: C1 Practice Questions?

    Write x + 5x^3 / √x in the form x^m + 5x^n where m and n are constants

    3 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Communism: In the UK, if it were to be achieved, how would it be done?

    Would it be achieved by the revolutionary process alike the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, which is regarded as violent, or would it be achieved in a peaceful, political and diplomatic manner through election and/or gradual process?

    The system we are told exists would suggest that the latter is possible through the freedom of choice, but in terms of human reality, is this acceptable?

    10 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • Does the Assange case prove that the media is just a government tool?

    Assange is basically a full journalist. All journalists are informers to the public, that's a fact given every copy of every newspaper since forever. Unlike others however, he has revealed many things about many sides and many views, seemingly taking no side at all, and purely exposing all information.

    On the whole, we do not see this. Sky and BBC are example's of conservative run media, many countries have state TV, so it's the state saying what the state wants to say, and there are rarely any totally free-minded journalists. In other words, the vast majority of journalism we see is just propaganda to its own cause.

    For his difference, he is being threatened, currently with no warrant, for allegations in Sweden, that miraculously appeared, only so that he would in turn be deported to the US and charged with probably some kind of terrorist charges, based on actual facts spoken, as opposed to propaganda.

    6 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • Maths C1: Solve completely:?

    Solve completely:

    (x+2)^2 - 3 = 0

    It says that the answer is x = -2 ± √3

    No matter what I do I cannot get this answer. Somebody please explain it through.

    3 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Why is communism seen as a failure?

    When Cuba, probably one of the smallest countries going defended off the American attack. North Korea is still successfully keeping its country alive, regardless of the 2/3 being in poverty - caused by the agricultural and basic human resources being cut off by the American's during the Korean war. China's government is a communist government, although their trading flexibility may differ, principles in vast respects hold true to Maoism. Brazil and India, up and coming super-powers have a large communist influence. Veitnam is still communist after all the hero's from 'Nam.

    The Soviet Union was THE superpower of the world for nearly a century, and if not falling into the silent attack from the Americans, where it realistically turned itself into a failed capitalist state, enabling consumption (which was all a result following Stalin's death), would still be.

    Quite simply, it hasn't failed...

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Do Americans get annoyed?

    When they're called Yanks? Does they see it as racist?

    9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Why do people think Hitler was socialist?


    What part of him really? Not that going to war AGAINST communists and socialists (which he classed pretty much just as Jews) is a good enough reason...

    10 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • Is Syria just the next Iraq war?

    Take your time cause there's quite a lot I have to say to begin with.

    So the people of Syria want 'change'. What is this change however? There is a vast collection of various religions and lifestyles, so they need something that is going to allow for all to live equally. To me, it seems that the change that the people want is much of the same as in Libya, a Western influenced change. They want more 'freedom, and more 'democracy'.

    Firstly, would the allowance of more democracy not make the state totally unstable. With such a collection of differences in lifestyle, there would be no saying who was in charge. And the potential of constant ongoing religious or civil wars would be quite high.

    Secondly, who defined the terms of 'freedom' and 'democracy'? It is a clear Westernised link, and while many may argue that they are true to the Westernised lifestyle, we must also remember, again, the variety in cultures. Many of these specific cultures already oppose it. So in a sense, they are fighting a war for a westernised lifestyle which they incidentally oppose? It doesn't make sense at all....

    In the end, the Free Syrian Army are going to call on the UN (basically the US, Israel and allies) to finish the war off for them (not to forget that Iran are drastically being brought into it, again for the tactical position of the Iranian state). The west will obviously demand some form of power for their work, just like Afghanistan, just like Iraq, just like Libya, just like South Korea, just like every other state they have crushed in the name of 'freedom' and 'democracy'.

    Its clear where my opinions lie, but the question is simple, is this the next Iraq war (as well as those other countries mentioned)?

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Physics: Mass and Gravity?

    Am I right in saying...

    -Mass causes gravity/Gravity is caused by mass (No mass = No gravity)

    -Gravity is the resultant force caused by the curvature of space-time due to the mass of 'a particle'.

    -The greater the mass, the greater the curvature of space-time, hence the greater the gravity

    4 AnswersPhysics9 years ago