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  • Best car color and why!?

    Ok so i may be getting my car re-painted it is a 97 Cabrio

    currently is white and i love it.

    I am debating on weather or not to keep her white or change it up and get RED or even midnight blue.

    What is the best color for a car? and the worse

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • 10 months post gallbladder removal and having blood in stool?

    OK so ok march 16 i had surgery to have my GB removed. i was 24 at the time.

    good health, i had 7 attacks of gallstones due to stress.

    However i am now 10 months post OP and i on occasion have blood in the mucus of my stool. Would this be any thing i should worry about?

    I do have IBS and suffer from being constipated quite often.

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care5 years ago
  • VW cabrio speakers not working? solution?

    Ok so i have a VW cabrio 1997, this is my first car and am fixing her up to be a classic ( wolfsburg edition)

    only 47.000 miles on her too!

    However i noticed that the passenger door speaker and right dash speaker are not working, we installed a Kenwood radio since the blaupunk one that was in it ( from previous owner) wasnt working well. All the connections seem to be correct. I have checked fuses but before we got pulling the radio out again i would like some advice on what it could possibly be?

    Wire disconnected / no good

    speakers no good

    bad connections from radio

    The sound is fine from the drivers side on all of them and the passenger back is working fine to.

    any advice would be nice, other then getting a newer 2015 car ( I dislike the newer cars to many eletrical functions )

    thank you


    2 AnswersCar Audio & Electronics6 years ago
  • Pros and cons of Montreal VS. Halifax?

    Ok so iv lived in Montréal since i was 3, all my mothers family is in Halifax and i used to visit on a annual basis.

    Personally im thinking of moving their in the next year because of my close connection to my mothers family and not my dads ( quebecois)

    I speak minimal french but cant get a great job because I cannot speak french as if it were my mother tounge.

    What would be some pros to living in Halifax Nova Scotia?

    Other then the obvious of escaping the language nazies and high taxes.

    4 AnswersHalifax6 years ago
  • Galbladder operation while on period, but cant use tampon or wear underwear?

    ok i am a 24 female

    i am going in 3 weeks to have my galbladder removed after 9 serious attacks. my problem is i have to stop my pill the month of the surgery to help prevent blood clots ( cause by the pill) so i cant just start taking the next month to delay my period.

    the operation is on the first day of my period, which is normally not heavy.

    i was advised by the nurses i cannot have a tampon in and i cannot have underwear during the operations but i have to place a pad their prior to going into operation, i am used to pads and only use them.

    My question is do you think i could wear a Diva cup for the surgery? i will call the hospital as well because i feel very ackward having to wedge a pad between my legs during the operation :S

    Has any other woman had this kinda of experience, i know hospitals must go through this a lot and see worse things then this.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • 3.96Gallon aquarium substrate sand or gravel?

    I currently have a 3.96G marina splash aquarium with one male betta and 2 snails

    i have gravel in the aquarium and i honestly hate it, the poo and wasit sinks to the bottom between it and looks so unnatural

    I was considering putting white or black sand in it but am un sure due to the size of the aquarium ( )

    would sand be easy to clean in this aquarium since i would only be putting it in the center part of it for the time being and maybe a little around it ( in the opposite color so white / black )

    i need opinions i have done my own pro and con of it but i would like to know baised off the shape and size of my aquarium and its habitants would sand be a better option as well as how is the difficulty level of cleaning it , i have seen videos and it looks fairly simple since i take me time when doing water changes.

    1 male betta 2 snails ( zebra and blue mystrie)

    1live plant

    1 heater and integrated filtartaion system with 2 filter cartridges


    Christina ( age 23)

    1 AnswerFish7 years ago
  • Waste control in a 3.96G aquarium?

    Ok so i have a marina spalsh ( 3.96 G ) with filter

    I recently did my first 25% water change and i notice their is still quite a bit of waste in the tank.

    I have 1 male betta and 2 snails ( one nerite zebra and a blue mysteriy )

    My mother has a 49G aquarium with 3 fancy tail gold fish and she mentioned to me nutrafin waste control.

    Would it be Worth putting into my aquarium since i do not want the ammonia levels to get to high from the poo.

    I switch the food often between pellets , dryed blood worms and frozen blood worms but it seems my betta is a picky eater and misses alot of the food. I do put less in but even then he will only eat 3-4 pellets if i do not show him where the rest are. he will only feed in the evening with the snails whom i put 1/2 a algea wafer in plus a piece of cuttle bone( for their shells)

    i also have one live plant that i feed according to the nutrafin bottle one less then 5ml portion per week.

    Should i up the water changed to every 2 weeks 25% plus the waste control?

    ps: the mystery snail was my moms but he did not like the cooler water of her aquarium and kept getting knocked over by the gold fish, i may introduce the zebra to her tank since she has a abundance of algea in it


    Christina ( age 23)

    2 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • Blue Mystery Snail in aquarium?

    ok so info:

    #.96 US gallon marina splash aquarium

    10-30 G self adjustable heater

    1 live plant

    1 male betta

    and 1 zebra snail

    Ok so i bought my zebra and mystery snail at the same time both were fairly small and already they both grew ( in about 2-3 weeks times) The mystery snail however i am curious as to how fast they normally grow ( i know their part of the apple snail family so i know the expected size they can get to )

    Also i was curious as to know do mystery snails need a male and female to breed? or are they all in one lol I kinda want some baby snails ( which i wou;d house in a smaller aquarium to avoid the betta and zebra from eating them)

    Also can a Zebra snail live in cold water? i am asking because my mother has a 49-50 G aquarium with 3 fancy fan tail goldfish which are really big. The last apple snails that were in their died due to too high acidity levels ( we also lost one fish :'( ) I know zebras are extreme algea eaters but i do not know what levels of water they can tolerate ( temperature wise)

    Any help is great

    --> my aquarium b4 the live plant snails and fish

    I know some people say bettas = 5G or more but the one i have in it is currently VERY happy and active ( i will even be switching up the decor next water change and i do the same with the food , blood worms, dried worms and pellets)

    once again thanks

    Christina ( age 23)

    1 AnswerFish7 years ago
  • Otrho TryCyclen-lo and spotting after 5 months use?

    Ok so i have been on this brand for 5 months I started it in Nov/Dec after switching from Alesse which was making me Depressed.

    I am 23 years old and use BC for keeping my period on track/ lighter / no BABIES!!

    SO recently which started last month i was supposed to start on the 17 March and i had odd spotting on the friday/ saturday and it really felt like my period was going to start on the weekend but did not. Now again the same thing this month i am supposed to start on monday and once again this saturday I started spotting ( it is not light it is more like old period brown )

    and NO i cannot be pregnant because me and my Bf use condoms as well ( i have high anxeity and have a high fear of pregnancy )

    Any who , I was wondering if anyone has had the same effect with this pill brand and if on this brand did it start on the first sugar pill? or a few days after ( your period that is)

    Normally my period start on the 3-4 sugar pill which is the monday ish. But it seems it is trying to start / change dates to the first sugar pill which is Friday ( which would also be the same day of the week i start the active pills on)

    I was wondering if I was to start taking the pills on a saturday/ sunday if it would push the spotting back to the sunday/ monday I am trying to avoid any spotting on the weekend since next month i have a event where I cannot wear a pad, and i am allergic to tampons. I may consider a Diva cup but would that really be worth it for such small discharge

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • How to make period start on a momday with BC?

    So im 23, i have been on BC since i was 16 i have recently went off ALESSE due to depression side effect and am on ortho try cyclen Lo and it is making me spot the friday and saturday then is will stop sunday and my period will start on the monday or tuesday depending on the lenght of the month ( 30 or 31 day month) I want to make the spotting stop or have it so my period start on the monday how would I do this.

    I normally start a new pack on a friday so i believe my period is trying to start on the first sugar pill which would be a friday. so if i take the next pack starting on a monday then my next period should start on the monday or ill get the spotting on the sunday / monday rather then the weekend.

    I have allwas taken my pills correctly never to skip a period the only reason i need to do this now is because in may i have a convention to go to where i am entering in a masquerade competition and i cannot wear a pad with the costume i will be entering. And I am allergic to tampons so their out of the question!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Good Companion for a Male Betta in a 3.96G aquarium?

    I recently started my own aquarium, it is a Marina Splash

    Size is 15L / 3.96Gal

    This is a photo of it here

    I have added a Live plant this this photo was taken and re added leaves to the fern since bettas do not like large open spaces.

    I have a Male Betta in it currently and he is setteling in fine to his new territory.

    I am looking due to the size of the aquarium what could be a possible Tank mate for him.

    He has a curious personality and is not that aggressive ( unless a mirror is put in front of him , Obvisly!!)

    Ive read that Snails, cherry/ghose shrimp, Pleckos, pygmy coridoras and Neon tetras.

    I like the neons but they can peck at a bettas fins so I am going to cross them out.

    Has any one had any luck with other types? as well as if i was to get the shripms / coridoras / snail how many of each could I add?

    guarenteed i would only get one zebra snail ( their so pretty)

    7 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • Alesse 28 birth control and your experiences?

    ok so i started BC at 16 i was on tri cyclen and that was to high a does made me super moody and crazy, then went on Alesse been on it for 5 years straight.

    I recently notice ( with the help of my Bf) that not only have i had a complete loss in libido but that i am becoming more and more emotionally numb. as well as on occasion get a breakout like rash on my arm ( which i thought was due to exima but I think is due to the pill)

    I would like to know how many other people who have used this one had bed effects after the first years of use .

    the pros i get are : 3-4 day period, no cramps,

    cons after 5 years use is : migraines, depression, more anxious/ irritable, extreme fits of anger / saddness, no sex drive,

    basically i feel as though their is no point to anything even my favorit holiday ( halloween) i found pointless and that is not even me, could this be cause to the pill?

    have you have to stop using Alesse due to any of these side effects?

    I am yes going to be calling my Dr, and posibly changing it to a different brand ( possibly Loestrin)

    and / or stop taking it for the month of november if i cannot get in to my Dr in time to get a prescription to a new pill since Oct pack is finished and this week is my cycle.

    thank you for your comments

    additional info i am 23 in a few weeks time, starte the pill for period related issues and my anxiety towards getting pregnant. I have a bf of 2 years now and it is becoming a very big issue for not only him but myself.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Ovulation smptoms or what?( WOMEN ONLY)?

    Ok so my period is due in 17 days i had my last period last month

    I'm on the pill take it everyday and never miss it, last weekend i had sex with my bf ( im 22 btw) and he all was pulls out. We have been together for a year and a half and know each other for 6 years before hand.

    A few months ago i went to the hospital because i was having abdominal pains on the left side and was told it was possibly a ovaryan cyst that ruptured as well as ovulation. I got bloated, tirness fatigue and felt down right sick.

    I am again getting these symptoms other then the pain and i am thinking it is my body ovulation on the left hand side ( i was told i have 1-2 other small cysts on this same side as well as a gull stone )

    I took a pregnancy test this morning because of high anxiety and it came out negative ( big sign of relief )

    So i'm making myself stressed atm because i keep thinking it could be pregnancy,

    Could it jsut be me ovulating, or my IBS acting up?

    Additional info i am moderatly intolerant to right dariy products i know my limitations

    as well as thesame thing as last time felt constipated and have had a hard time going #2 passing only small pellet like turds ( sorry TIM )

    so i would like some input from other women who have had ovulation symptons or IBS symptons like this.

  • feeling sick and a negative prego test?

    Ok so i am on birth control have been since 16 now i am 22.

    a few month ago i had something similar to this but more painful and was told it was a ovarian cyst causing problems during ovulation, once again on the same side as last time it is firm to the touch and tender as well as I feel bloated and not well ( all most like the flu)

    its been a week since I last had sex ( last sunday to be exact) I got my period last month they last 3-4 days and are light due to my BC which i take everyday never miss it.

    additional info is that i have IBS, high anxiety and a slight intolerance to dairy ( i know my limits)

    I took a home test this morning and thankfull it came up negative,

    I wanted to know if anyone has had ovulation pains like this or if it could even be ovulation since I know i'm not prego

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Fathers day gift ideas?

    Ok so i am 23 my parents are divorced I am going to be seeing my dad next weekend for breakfast.

    I am starting to have a good relationship with him again after the divorce ( when i was 16) and I honestly don't know what to get him.

    I know he enjoys reading, crosswords and the such ( as do i )

    but I feel like If i get him anything like i mentioned above it would be a repeat of what i've gotten him in the past, also candy is not good because he is diabetic. Any ideas? Other then buying breakfast and a corney card

    6 AnswersOther - Holidays8 years ago
  • what do you think of my size as well as need help with bra measurments?

    ok so i am a 22 year old female

    I am currently working out to lose 5-10 pounds i ma at 135 i want to be 125 to 120

    i am measured as a 34D at LaSenza I am a FULL CUP i should mention as well

    When i measured myself at home last time my bust was a 34' exact now i'm 35' with a under bust of 30' waist being at 28' (smallest not the navel )

    I'm curious as to if this would make me eligable to wear 32DD? since i know that if i down the band size i need to go up a cup.

    I am currently wearing 34D and they fit well i find they don't keep their tension on the back.

    and yes i know how to wear a bra properly, last time at lasenza i spend 1/2 a hour talking and trying on bras with the help of a lady working their ( who explained how the band is to not rise up my back but sit straight and align if not a little lower then the bust as to provide good support)

    I'm also curious what do you guys think of a woman who is 5,1' measurments

    35-28-38 bust-waist-butt

    i'm very self concious about myself and my weight since i am sort it seems to sit on my pooch area which is now slimming down.

    both male and female answers are wellcome for this. If your answer is helpful i'll try to answer one of your questions

    thanks :D

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • computer error on my work computer HEELPPPP!!!?

    ok long story short i was closing my cash printed the card machine paper, the Visa's didn't balance and the other guy who was in charge of making sure all the computers are close looked and the computer said their was only 1 visa transaction done while the card machine ( as well as all the papers from visa ) said their was 51 the cash was missing 235$ because of it.

    i am worried that some how I will have this deducted from my pay, though I think it may not because it is a techinal error since all the other cards are fine and it is just Visa that said their was only 1 transaction done all day ( all the other cards matched up to the computer)

    as well as i triple check each transaction I do all day long before handing over the receipt to the


    even the guy that was helping was confused and didn't know what to do in this instance, though a copy of the end of the day stuff is printed as well as the paper from the card machine is put in a envelope for the managers to see.

    Need advice

    btw i'm 22 and a student female i've been cashier (not only at this place) for 3 years

    1 AnswerOther - Computers8 years ago
  • what is a good blemish or face cream?

    Ok so i don't have perfect skin and my skin tone on my face is uneven and I would like to find a facial cream and i can apply daily to help correct that I am 22 year old female, and i use a hydrating cream and anti shine cream as well so my face dosn't look shiny

    does anyone know of a bran and can post a link to a photo


    4 AnswersMakeup8 years ago
  • would losing 10-15 pounds be good for my shape?

    ok so i am 22 female i am 5,1'

    i measure bust 34 waist 29' and hips 38' all in inches

    I believe i weight currently around 135-140 and would like to go down to 120-125

    for my shape and size would it be a benefit? I am going to do it anyway lol

    I am starting HIIT ( high intensity interval training) from a video on youtube as well as using Hydroxi CUT Max for women, i was on the green coffee bean and that helped keep the water weight off but did nothing else ( so i lost 5 pounds of water weight from it)

    With taking the Hydroxi 2 times daily 1 capsule for breakfast and lunch as well as doing 10 min of exercise when i get home from work ( around 7:30-8 that is after i have supper)

    would it efficiently help me burn fat and help me make my slow matabalisum go fast as well as burn the food i am eating.

    I am a semi vegetarien so only chicken and fish i try to eat healthy with snacks of rasins, peanuts and things of the sort. I am also fighting genetics from my moms side to be short and fat.

    Would anyone with experience with hydroxi cut give me your input as well as how well it worked as well as if anyone else could guess if i worked out from now until AUG ( not saying i would stop after) but would i be able to lose the 10-15 pounds by then?

    here is a photo -->

    men are welcome to answer this as well since I am just curios

    Also i was doing insanity while on the coffee bean and it was doing great, i had to stop because of a bad knee.

    Also what do you think of the shape i have now? do you think I have a "tummy" more like a protuding tummy of someone who was chubby? ( i should mention i have the mental thing where i see myself as being FAT so it is hard for me to notice 5 founds weight loss. I only noticed it last time because i went down from a 9 pants to a size 7 pants and a 36C to a 34D )

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago