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  • What do you think of my short story so far?

    Its just a rough draft thus far but I would appreciate any thoughts and feedback(:


    The breeze tickles our noses and cools our cheeks as it flows past us and gently lifts her hair from her shoulders. I watch her hide a slight shiver with a quiet chatter of her teeth. Her fingers tremble but manage to clasp the dark black buttons of her charcoal pea coat that hugs her fragile figure. The lights of the city bounce off corners and dance shadows of red and purple across her delicate face. I silently wish I could relive this moment forever but I know it will endure in my memories.

    I peel my eyes away from her winged eyeliner and shimmering lips to glance upwards at luminescent stars. We take a moment to reminisce all of the years we’ve spent together and we joke of the time she and I wouldn't leave the house for days at once, too busy enjoying each other’s company. Her laugh was always so precious and melodious to my ears.

    Her giggles trail off as she pulls her platinum hair to one side of her. It loosely hangs just around her waistline and frames her body; she had been growing it out ever since I can remember. When we were young and just finding our way in the world she wanted to be a perfect Barbie doll, but the feeling has long since passed.

    A gentleman by the name of Aaron stops at our table, interrupting the beautiful silence between two shared hearts. He wears a black dress shirt and a ruby red apron covering his lower half. He was quite a handsome fellow, I suppose. I could tell he was pleasantly surprised at the ravishing beauty my date held. As usual we exchange small talk of zero importance before ordering what we wish to drink. I order a bottle of their finest champagne for the two of us to share. He nods and quickly scurries away to tend to the next couple expecting him.

    His voice booms in the distance and she reaches across the table with her hands open, awaiting mine. The lights of the city reflect in her deep blue eyes like anchors in the sea. The rushing taxis and shift of heels along pavement drone out and all I see is her. She laughs at me and I realize that I’ve just been staring at her while she waits for me to put my hands in hers. I clumsily pull my hands out of my jacket pockets and she shies her smile away from me. I always loved her smile.

    I remember when we were nine and she would borrow her sister’s retainer to try to straighten her teeth even after I said they were perfect. And when we were fourteen and I lent her $11.00 for whitening strips even after I said they were perfect. And even now as she subconsciously tilts her head 45 degrees into her shoulders even after I say they’re perfect.

    Her hands are still open to mine, wanting to embrace them and hold them for all eternity, as if they were the treasure chest her map led to. I lift mine to hers and instantly feel the sweet serenity in her fragile hands and her fingers intertwine with mine. Her barely sun kissed skin was always so soft and her touch so light and inviting. Sometimes lingering.

    Her first lover was always the piano; she adored the reverberating notes, as I adored her. She played a piece for every emotion and every key. A lifetime of this caused her fingers to become slim and dainty, now interlocked with mine.

    And no words will ever have the capacity to explain how much I really do adore her. No poem of fancy meter, no song of brilliant lyrics, and of no means this simple love story. Do I believe in love? Yes, of course. Love may be the only intangible thing Ill ever believe in. But, I also believe in heartbreak. And that all beautiful things must someday be destroyed.

    Thank you in advance!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Cool Laptop Cases For Teen Boys?

    My little brother just turned 12 and for Christmas my parents got him a laptop. I wanted to be able to get him a laptop case to go along with it but I cannot find any really cool ones. He is really into video games so ones with Halo or COD on it would be awesome. He also likes cool designs like Skulls and what not; things that he thinks his friends might find cool. My price range is anywhere below $30 preferably. I was also considering a laptop skin. All help is welcomed! Thanks!

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Christmas Adjectives to Follow Names?

    At my friend's parent's green house they have a workshop where children can come and see Santa and do fun activities like crafts while chatting with elves. This year I am an elf and we are trying to be creative and put things after our names to be more joyous. For example: Sarah Sugarplum.

    We need words for all of these names. the dash is what we have decided thus far.

    Tina- Twinkle Toes

    Sarah- Sugarplum

    Laura- Lollipop

    Logan- Licorice

    Audrey- Ornaments

    Ronnie- Ribbons

    Ashely- Angel Pants

    Madison- ?

    Melissa- Mistletoe

    Maddy- ?

    Beth- ?

    So those are the ones we have but any suggestions are welcome. And ones for the remaining ones would be awesome! Thanks in advance :)

    Also we are 16 and many of us happen to curse. a lot. any tips for new curse words like "that elfin' fantastic" would be nice. to substitute the curse words.

    2 AnswersChristmas10 years ago
  • Is it illegal for teachers to give tests on the same day as CSAP testing?

    So in science we went over our chapter and he gave us our study guides. It was the last day before spring break. He announced that the day we came back there would be a test over the subject. However, we have CSAP testing that morning. Is this illegal or just frowned upon? I am a freshmann in highschool of that matters. Oh and CSAP stands for Colorado Student Assesment Program for those of you that dont know. Thanks for your help.

    4 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • Need Creative Help With a Headline?

    So for my newspaper class i am covering the homecoming dance. i need a crative headline that is not clich'e or a song title. all help counts thank you

    5 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • need help fast for the princess bride the book essay paper?!?!?

    i have to write a essay paper on the princess bride and i chose the topic of life isnt fair. i need 3 quotes from the BOOK and what PAGE they are on asap! if you can help in any way shape or form please do. i have these two but idk if they are in the movie or the book and if they are in the book the page so if you no please help!

    "Life isn't fair; it's just fairer than death, that's all."

    Life isn’t fair, Bill. We tell our children that it is, but it’s a terrible thing to do. It’s not only a lie, it’s a cruel lie. Life is not fair, and it never has been, and it’s never going to be.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • 3d building games???????

    i want a 3d building game to build houses and stuff that i dont have to download or have a fee for. so a free, non dowload, 3d game on the internet. thank you

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • punk hairstyles? (20charachters)?

    I alredy tried google.

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • a holder for my pony tail holders?

    i have a bunch of elastic pony tails and i need something to hold them, any ideas? thanks :]

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • in my story, what should happen next?

    The Mid-Night Visitor

    By Laura (my last name)

    I knew my brother and I were definitely different from most twins. Its not that we look different or talk different but the other orphans never want to be near us. At first, Azarel and I thought it was because our strange names. Our parents gave us these names to represent us. Azarel means morning light and beautiful sunrise. My name, Abira, means strong and courageous. However, it turns out; it had nothing to do with our names at all.

    The kids could sense something different about us. We knew that by the glares and mumbling about how strange we were behind our backs. I didn’t know what was wrong with us but now, looking back, I do. But a few years ago, when I still lived at Angel Guardian Orphanage, there was no explanation.

    About a week after our parents died, we were to live at A.G.O. None of our aunts or uncles would take us in. Mainly because one lived to far away and it would cost too much money to get there from Colorado and the others were too poor to support a family. Therefore, we were stuck as some kind of living hell where they worked kids to the bone to pay for the place, along with money from the government that they pretended to spend on toys and such for us.

    A few months in hell makes you go completely insane! I mean, the meals are horrible, the staff is chilling and, the beds hurt your back, neck, and every other part of your body. Not to mention my brother and I only saw each other at dinner. During lunch, we were given a roll and a bowl of pea soup, every day. Well, I guess it could be worse; they could not feed us lunch at all. All during lunch, we were told to scrub the bathroom tiles with toothbrushes, wash the dishes, and clean the orphanage from attic to the very creepy basement. And don’t even get me started about my room mates.

    Five of us had to share a room together. It sucked because it was like they put us with people they knew we would hate. In my room was Amber, the head cheer leader, Claudia, the emo, Kati, the honor student, and Isabella, the prep. They classified my brother and me the freaks. I immediately knew Amber was our controller. She was in charge of everything. Emo girl picked the single bed out of it and two bunk beds. You could practically see the smoke rising out from her ears and out our window when Amber declared it as hers. While they fought over the bed, I picked one of the top beds and started unloading all my stuff. I had with me a green and purple duffle bag and a small Star Wars suitcase (yes I know I am a dweeb who loves things like that). I specifically chose this bunk because there was a nice little window that I could see clearly out of. Also, I could sneak out.

    That precise moment is when all the trouble started.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • what is yeast and what does it do?

    i need to know what yeast is and what it does for science class. i dont need to no what a yeast infection is...

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • hairstyles for school?

    my hair is thin, down to my shoulders and my bangs are about to the bottom of my eyes. what are some quick and easy hairstyles to do?

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • question about teen choice awards aug. 10th?

    i live in colorado and have comcast. wut channel (as in number) and wut time will it be on tomarow nite?

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • what do you think of my story so far?

    The Mid-Night Visitor

    By Laura Wesp

    I knew my brother and I were definitely different from most twins. Its not that we look different or talk different but the other orphans never want to be near us. At first, Azarel and I thought it was because our strange names. Our parents gave us these names to represent us. Azarel means morning light and beautiful sunrise. My name, Abira, means strong and courageous. However, it turns out; it had nothing to do with our names at all.

    The kids could sense something different about us. We knew that by the glares and mumbling about how strange we were behind our backs. I didn’t know what was wrong with us but now, looking back, I do. But a few years ago, when I still lived at Angel Guardian Orphanage, there was no explanation.

    About a week after our parents died, we were to live at A.G.O. None of our aunts or uncles would take us in. Mainly because one lived to far away and it would cost too much money to get there from Colorado and the others were too poor to support a family. Therefore, we were stuck as some kind of living hell where they worked kids to the bone to pay for the place, along with money from the government that they pretended to spend on toys and such for us.

    A few months in hell makes you go completely insane! I mean, the meals are horrible, the staff is chilling and, the beds hurt your back, neck, and every other part of your body. Not to mention my brother and I only saw each other at dinner. During lunch, we were given a roll and a bowl of pea soup, every day. Well, I guess it could be worse; they could not feed us lunch at all. All during lunch, we were told to scrub the bathroom tiles with toothbrushes, wash the dishes, and clean the orphanage from attic to the very creepy basement. And don’t even get me started about my room mates.

    Five of us had to share a room together. It sucked because it was like they put us with people they knew we would hate. In my room was Amber, the head cheer leader, Claudia, the emo, Kati, the honor student, and Isabella, the prep. They classified my brother and me the freaks. I immediately knew Amber was our controller. She was in charge of everything. Emo girl picked the single bed out of it and two bunk beds. You could practically see the smoke rising out from her ears and out our window when Amber declared it as hers. While they fought over the bed, I picked one of the top beds and started unloading all my stuff. I had with me a green and purple duffle bag and a small Star Wars suitcase (yes I know I am a dweeb who loves things like that). I specifically chose this bunk because there was a nice little window that I could see clearly out of. Also, I could sneak out.

    That precise moment is when all the trouble started.

    its not finished. im planning on it being a short story. please give constructive critisism. and if there is anything i can change please mention it. sorry for the length. thank you in advance! :]

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Another weight loss question?

    hi. im 13 years old and i have a problem with my weight. im about 100 pounds overweight. ive been over weight my whole life. ive tryed weight watchers and jenny craig. i hate being over weight. i want to fix it and fix it now. im looking for excersises i can do at home with no equiptment and some yummy recipes that i can eat to help out. no pills. i cant run for more than 5 minutes. i dont have diabetes or asthma though. i just cant. we have an eliptical machine but i cant do that. please dont suggest videos. thank you in advance :]

    33 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • what causes these little bumps on my....?

    i get cold sores on my tongue and i was wondering what causes them and how to get rid of em...they might be called kancer sores...idk but just wondering

    thx in advance!

    haha bet you thot dirty before you read the complete question :]

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • what happens when.....?

    there is a tiebreaker on yahoo! answers? like when you vote for answers and theres a tie breaker...just curious

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • a few different questions totally off topic from one another?

    does this painting touch you in any way ( i made it)

    for all top contributers: how long did it take you to become one?

    for all top contributers: how do you make a good answer?

    i love reading and ive read the uglies saga things, twilight saga, night world series, house of night series, city of immortals, vampire diaries, and vampire academy. got any suggestions?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Questions about lady bugs?

    my lil bro has this jar full of 10-15 lady bugs and we need to no

    1. what do we need to put in the jar with them?

    2. what do we need to feed them?

    3. do they need water?

    4. where in the house do we need to keep em?

    5. do they need to be in a bigger area then a jar?

    im too lazy to look it all up so yea.....

    if you cant answer all questions answer as many as possible

    plz copy and paste!

    6 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • making a cootie catcher....?

    what are some fortunes i can put inside for 13-14 year old girls

    1 AnswerToys1 decade ago