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Why do I think I'm so funny?

  • "and then the night rushes in" lyrics?

    There is a song that they play on the 70s-80s light rock station we listen to at work, and the hook goes something like "and then the night rushes in, and then the night rushes in" but those must not be the lyrics because I can't find it googling those lyrics. I found a Moody Blues song that goes "the tide rushes in" but that isn't it. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what song I am looking for?

    1 AnswerLyrics7 years ago
  • What went wrong with my homemade bread?

    I tried making homemade bread for the first time this past weekend using the recipe on this site:

    It tasted good, but the texture was really shaggy/crummy, more like cornbread than what people normally think of sandwich bread. Is this just something that homemade bread does because it lacks the high tech ingredients of industrial bread? Is the recipe a weird one? Anyone know what I might have done wrong? I followed the recipe very close.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • I signed into youtube at work...?

    and now all my not-safe-for-work favorites and job search sites and such are showing up on the google screen of my work computer. Anyway I can be signed into youtube (I use it for music at work) and not have the rest of the google experience on my work computer?

    3 AnswersYouTube7 years ago
  • Any idea why it would take my motorcycle so long to warm up?

    I have to idle my motorcycle about half an hour before I leave my house, or it will die when I roll back on the throttle. And even then, I often leave my choke open a little for the first 15 minutes of my ride so it won't quit at a stop sign or light. After it gets going I don't have any problems. I know it's cold outside, but I didn't have any problems like this last winter. I was thinking maybe my carb could be clogged. Can you run carb cleaner meant for cars through a motorcycle? Any other ideas for why it would act like this?

    6 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • E-mails from the future?

    I just checked my Yahoo e-mail account and it contained two emails that the date received was listed as Tuesday 9/30/08. I am writing this Sunday evening, 9-28. Unfortunately, they didn't contain lotto numbers or stock picks, only an advertisement for online Radiology classes. Has anyone else ever gotten e-mails from the future, with more interesting information? What generally poorly understood scientific principle can we attribute this reverse time e-mail notification to?

    13 AnswersParanormal Phenomena1 decade ago
  • People who believe in ghosts...?

    Do you believe in the grim reaper or the angel of death or anything like that? I could see believing in ghosts if you believe you have had an encounter with them, but does anyone claim to have an encounter with these more specific kind of apparitions?

    14 AnswersOther - Alternative1 decade ago
  • history education in the south?

    I have heard several times from different sources over the years, that in the South, they don't think that the South lost the Civil War. Is this accurate? How can they think that? Don't they notice that there is a conspicuous lack of slavery?

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Waving at other motorcyclists?

    So, soon after I bought a motorcycle (about a year ago), I noticed other bikers waving at me on the road, so I started waving when I saw bikers. (not really waving, just kinda sticking my hand out there) I imagine it's something lots of people do, and I was wondering, do people extend the same courtesy to people on scooters?

    17 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this TAPS quote?

    I have never watched Ghost Hunters on TV, it's on a cable channel, and I refuse to pay for cable. I waste enough time for free, I don't need to pay for it. Anyway, I have only seen clips of the show people have posted on here, where it seems very popular. The clip I just saw had one of the guys saying that 95 percent of the people they met who claimed to be sensitives or mediums were frauds. A lot of the people on here claim to be these things. How do you feel that they are calling you a fraud, even though they believe in paranormal phenomena? (I am sure everyone would include themselves in the other five percent, but that can't include everyone on this website)

    12 AnswersParapsychology1 decade ago
  • How can Hilary Clinton unite the democratic party?

    This question was asked in a morning news show today in a report about Hilary Clinton campaigning for Barack Obama, and now I am asking it to you.

    My answer was she pay back the millions of dollars he gave her to pay off the debt from her campaign, so we know that she really supports him and isn't just whoring herself out. What do you think?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Regarding the Georgia Bigfoot, claims and media coverage?

    The bigfoot has been confirmed to be a hoax.

    Anyone want to publicly apologize for claims posted on here that you were positive that is wasn't, and gain some credibility back? Or are you going to persist despite all evidence to the contrary and fall back on conspiracy theories and delusions of persecution?

    This event was covered by major media outlets, CNN, Fox News, etc. Does this make it seem less likely that there is all this credible evidence out there to support ESP, telekinesis, etc. and it's just that no one is talking about it? Why would they cover the possibility of this bigfoot and not other paranormal phenomena evidence that was presented?

    14 AnswersOther - Alternative1 decade ago
  • Did they change CNN to mean celebrity news network?

    I don't get cable, but I work out every morning and one of the tvs at the gym is usually on CNN. All I ever seem to see on it is celebrity gossip. This morning in what should have been in the middle of their morning news cycle they talked for over 20 minutes about how Brittany, Paris, and Lindsay were turning their acts around and how Clay Akin had a son. How can anyone give a news station that gives so much airtime and focus to this inane blather any credibility?

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Were you interested in the paranormal beforehand?

    To those who believe they have had paranormal experiences, were you interested in the paranormal beforehand?

    16 AnswersParanormal Phenomena1 decade ago
  • Was the world destroyed last night?

    They turned on the LHC yesterday. Was the earth destroyed? Seems like the kind of thing I should be keeping an eye on.

    Crackpot theories:3

    Science: 1,927,349,279,462,973,294,629,010,823,616,548,320

    17 AnswersOther - Alternative1 decade ago
  • Do you think people unfairly manipulate YA through multiple accounts?

    I checked this answer this morning, it said I had 5 votes and another had 6, and there were two hours left to vote. I went to the gym. When I got home the screen was still up on my monitor. I refreshed it, it said that there were 2 minutes left, and I had six votes and the other had 10. I thought this was somewhat suspicious, but didn't think much of it. I just checked my email, and somehow I had won the vote. I have a hard time believing so many different people got in to vote in the last two minutes and all voted for me. The logical explanation is some people manipulate this kind of thing by voting multiple times with different accounts. This is childish and wrong. I am sure people on both sides of the issue claim they do it because people on the other side do it, but that only perpetuates dishonesty. An eye for an eye and the whole world is blind. Please do not involve me in this kind of thing. I detest it. I am sure this will be reported for being in the wrong category, solicitation, and chatting. I hope the responsible parties see it before it gets removed.

    15 AnswersOther - Alternative1 decade ago
  • Is there any evidence that crop circles occur more frequently during winter months?

    If it's pranksters, they would probably take advantage of the longer nights during the winter. Do you have any information on this? Has this been looked into?

    5 AnswersParanormal Phenomena1 decade ago
  • Do you think I am a physic?

    The other day I was listening to Colin Cowherd (sports radio talk show) and he was talking about Canadians, and I said "hosers", finishing his sentence for him, and about half way through me saying the word he said it. I could be listening to the show on a tape delay, so it could be that instead of seeing the future that he was going to use this word, I subconsciously read his mind when he originally recorded the show. Also, I have weird dreams sometimes, and can usually tell what my friends are thinking just by looking at them, without speaking.

    12 AnswersParapsychology1 decade ago
  • What's up with the bees?

    I didn't know whether to put this in biology or zoology. A while back eveyone was like "The bee's are dying, the bee's are dying, without them to pollinate crops we will all die!" No one know why it was happening. They had a name for it that I can't think of right now, something like Hive Death Syndrome or something like that. I haven't heard anything about it for a while. Have the bees made a comeback?

    6 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • a moment if you will?

    Say that you believe you have a paranormal experience that unbeknownst to you has a totally natural explanation. For an example, say you are seeing the Northern Lights, but you don't realize that is what it is and you think you're seeing the earth's aura. Would you want to know the truth or would you want to believe you had this magical experience, even if it wasn't true?

    12 AnswersOther - Alternative1 decade ago