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  • Moving in a month, should I even bother?

    I recently excepted a promotion in my company that will have me relocated 3 hours away from where I currently live. About 2 weeks ago I met a girl and we had an instant mutual attraction towards each other. We have been on a handful of dates and I can already tell there is definite potential that we could have a relationship. I've been single for a couple years now but have been out with plenty of other woman in the mean time. By far I like this girl more then anyone else I've been out with over the last few years. She knows I'm moving soon but she still wants to spend a lot of time with me. I'm hesitant in becoming emotionally attached because we would really only be able to see each other on the weekends. Probably not even every weekend, every other would be more likely. I always told myself I'd never do a long distance relationship but I really feel like I could be missing out on something if I don't.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How should I proceed?

    I'm 24 and this weekend I bumped into a girl from high school that I haven't seen, heard from, or even have thought about in years. 6 or 7 years ago I had a crush on her and tried to make a move but was turned down a few times before ultimately realizing she would never be interested. In high school she was kind of known for being big into partying and that she had "been around". I was more of quite fat kid that got along well with nearly everyone but not many girls were interested in me the way I wanted. SInce High School, I've lost over 100lbs and have embraced healthy living. This girl has since settled down and had a kid with someone she was with for 2 years but he bailed on her while she was pregnant. (kids 3 years old now) So this weekend we see each other and talk for about 10 minutes. When I get home I have a friend request from her on FB. We then exchange messages for about an hour. It's clear to me this girl would absolutely like to see me again. I on the other hand would like to see her but I'm a little turned off from the fact she has a kid. I would like to see her again just not a date at this time. If things go well on a meet up then maybe I would ask her out. Is meeting for lunch sometime casual enough without leader her on that it's a date? How can I ask her out without actually asking her out on a date? If I do end up wanting to date this girl, any suggestions on dating a single mom? My main concern would be her wanting me to be the step in dad. My best friend is dating a woman with kids and he ended up being the step in dad with in a month. That's definitely something I'm not looking to do. I don't really even want to know her kid unless we were together for at least a few months.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Stay quite or say something.?

    I went out Tuesday night with some friends. All of us were pretty significantly drunk. Most of us ended up crashing at one of our friends house. Me, my best friend, and my best friends fiance slept on the floor of the living room. At some point in the middle of the night my best friend decided to sleep in a recliner instead. After a while the fiance told me she was cold and asked if we could cuddle. With no intentions of doing anything more I said ok. Then as I'm almost asleep she grabs my hand and places it on her breast and tries to guide it down her shirt. After a second I pull my hand away and put it to my side. Then a little later she grabs my hand again and tries to guide my hand down her pants. I let that go for longer then I'm proud to say. After a couple seconds I come to my senses and pull my hand back and roll away as far away as possible. Then she gets right up against me again and tries to put her hand down my pants. Before she could I got up and used the bathroom. When I got back she was asleep so again I slept as war away as possible. In the morning She was saying how she blacked out last night and didn't ever remember leaving the bar. To try to avoid confronting what had happened last night, I lied and said that I couldn't remember much of last night either. I'm feeling really bad about this. I know it's mostly her fault but I did put myself in this position and I'm not completely Innocent. Is it better to just pretend this didn't happen or should I talk to my friend or the fiance. Most of me is thinking I should just take this to my grave while part of me is thinking my friend deserves to know.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should I just pretend it never happend?

    I went out Tuesday night with some friends. All of us were pretty significantly drunk. Most of us ended up crashing at one of our friends house. Me, my best friend, and my best friends fiance slept on the floor of the living room. At some point in the middle of the night my best friend decided to sleep in a recliner instead. After a while the fiance told me she was cold and asked if we could cuddle. With no intentions of doing anything more I said ok. Then as I'm almost asleep she grabs my hand and places it on her breast and tries to guide it down her shirt. After a second I pull my hand away and put it to my side. Then a little later she grabs my hand again and tries to guide my hand down her pants. I let that go for longer then I'm proud to say. After a couple seconds I come to my senses and pull my hand back and roll away as far away as possible. Then she gets right up against me again and tries to put her hand down my pants. Before she could I got up and used the bathroom. When I got back she was asleep so again I slept as war away as possible. In the morning She was saying how she blacked out last night and didn't ever remember leaving the bar. To try to avoid confronting what had happened last night, I lied and said that I couldn't remember much of last night either. I'm feeling really bad about this. I know it's mostly her fault but I did put myself in this position and I'm not completely Innocent. Is it better to just pretend this didn't happen or should I talk to my friend or the fiance.

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • In your opinion is the National Guard right for me.?

    Sorry for this being so long, I think most of it is necessary to explain my situation.

    After High School I went directly to a Community College and in 3 years got my Associates degree in Engineering Science. At that point I knew I was pretty burnt out but convinced myself that I could power through the last 2 years to get a my bachelor's degree . May I also mention that I worked 20-30 hours a week. What a mistake, Looking back, I should have taken a year off to save more money and to give my brain a brake. I was able to get loans and grants to take care of half my education. My dad cut me off after I got my associates degree so I had to come up with $5,500 every semester. By the second semester I realized I wouldn't make it through the 2 years financially, at some time I would have to get more hours or some how get more loans, then with about 4 weeks to go in the second semester my car had had it so commuting was near impossible (20 mile commute). At that point I stopped going and ended up flunking every class that semester. I wasn't officially kicked out of school but because of my last semester, going back to the same school is looking unrealistic. I actually really lucked out with finding a good paying job but the thing is it's a dead end job that will never have me making much more then I am right now. With this job I've been able to payback all my student loans. This past summer I started to think maybe it was time to think about what to do next. I thought maybe some branch of the Military might be good for me. I like the Idea of the National Guard, part time and they will teach you a field. Then later in the Summer I got busted for a DUI. I was drinking heavily one night with some friends. Stopped drinking around midnight. Slept it off until 6:30am. Starting the drive home but was pulled over after only a couple minutes of driving for having a light out. Cop smelled alcohol, asked me if I would do "road side olympics", I refused, he arrested me, I blow a .11 at the station. So now I'm on one year probation, from what I understand I can't join any military branch while on probation. So either way I've got about 10 months to think this over. Like I said before I'm very fortunate for my job, it pays well, I enjoy it, and my 45 days with out a license hasn't effected my job. But it is a dead end job and at some point I'm going to have to move on and explore other things.

    Why I'm interested in the National Guard.

    -Part time

    -Trains me for a field of work

    -Serve my community and Country

    Why I'm hesitant to commit 3-8 years

    -It's a long commitment

    -I'm not sure what field I want to go into

    -Being deployed is always an option

    I realize a deployment in a 3 year commitment is quite likely, well I'm not thrilled about going, I think I can deal with it as long as I can get into the a good program. What I would want to get out of The National Guard is a Career, not just a job. What I mean is a job skill that can get me onto the right path to being successfully. I have only taken practice ASFAB tests but my general results are as follows

    General Science- Way above average

    Arithmetic Reasoning- Way above average

    Word Knowledge- average to maybe a little above average

    Paragraph Comprehension- average

    Mathematics Knowledge- way above average

    Electronics Information- a little above average

    Auto and Shop Information- above average

    Mechanical Comprehension- above average

    So to some it up I'm a 23 year old witha useless associates degree that dropped out of college and I have a DUI CWOF (not technically a conviction). It seems bad but In my mind I'm a smart individual that made a couple of mistakes. I'm just looking at my options to get back on track. If it matters my current job pays $35,000 a year plus health care and some perks. Not bad pay, but I would like to be in a field that offers more.

    Looking to get opinions from people that have served but will listen to any one that wants to voice their opinion.

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Closing a Simple IRA?

    I have about $7,000 in a Simple IRA account that my former employer started for my. I've been away from this company for over a year now. I'm starting to wonder what I should do with it. It is my understanding that I can no longer contribute to the account on my own because I have left the company. I also have about $6,500 in another account, that is a Roth, that I started on my own when I turned 18. I'm now 23 and will be looking to buy my first home in about a year. I will use about $5,000-$10,000 of my retirement funds towards buying the home. What would you suggest I do with the Simple IRA? Please don't reply if you have no idea what your talking about. I know I should told to a financial ad visor before doing anything, I'm just wondering what my choices are.

    6 AnswersInvesting9 years ago
  • I need some help controlling my Alcohal consumption?

    I would like to just start out by saying that I don't believe that I'm an alcoholic and I don't intend to give up alcohol all together. I'm 23 and will generally only drink one sometimes two nights a week. Over the last year I've noticed that I have been blacking out and over drinking a lot more often. From the age of 16-22 I probably only blacked out 2-3 times but over the last year I've blacked out 4-5 times. Every time I do black out I don't intend to let it get that far but for some reason it's become more difficult to know when I've had enough. Should I be concerned about my health? Do you guys have any strategies to know when you've had enough? When I'm out drinking, I'm pretty much just going for a buzz not to get trashed.

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits9 years ago
  • Is my window closing?

    I met an interesting girl at a party about a month ago and because I felt she was out of my league I didn't call her or ask her out or anything. About a week ago over facebook she starts talking to me. She explains that she was going on vacation but when she gets back she would like to get together sometime. I said, "That sounds great, let me know when you get back so we can figure something out." I'm pretty sure she's been back for a couple of days now and I haven't heard a thing yet. Should I continue to wait or would most woman after giving such a strong hint expect the guy to initiate the next contact. I don't want to screw this up because I like her and at least before she left she was at least interested in me. I don't want to be too pushy but also feel that if I sit back and wait she will lose interest if she she hasn't already. Guys what would you do? Ladies what would you expect a guy to do in my situation?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I feel like a tool asking but...?

    I met this attractive girl at a party last month and she seemed interesting. At the party I ended up drinking a little too much and felt like I made an a## of myself. A couple of days later I get a friend request on fb from her. So like most new friends I look through their page and see we have similar interests, she's a nurse, and she's 2 years older then me. (I'm 23 she's 25) So now not only was I feeling I made an a## of myself but she also makes more then I do, and is older. So I just assume she was out my league and just forget about it for awhile. Now 4 days ago I get a late night message from her asking how I was(She wasn't drunk ). So we message back and forth for a little bit and she eventually reveals some pretty personal things with me and then says she's going on vacation for a few days but "would like to do something when she gets back". So here is the part I need help with. by something she does mean going out on a date right? Also something I've learned is she was going to a friends wedding next weekend. Is it possible she is just desperate to find a date but not really looking for a relationship.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Should I call off this date?

    So I've been single for almost 2 years and haven't been on a date in more then 6 months. Not that I didn't want to, I was just kind of in a dry spell. Last Thursday I met a girl that seamed interesting so I asked for her number and got it. A couple of days ago I asked her out to dinner and a movie(the date is today) I was looking forward to the date until last night when another girl that I've known and liked for months asked my out. (going out sometime next week). So now all I'm thinking about is the second date and it seems unfair to the first date that I'm no longer interested in her. It's probably too late to call off to nights date but but should I?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How can I get +700 credit score in 6 months?

    I'm 23 years old, just out of college and I'm starting to look into buying a place within the next 6-12 months. I just looked up my credit reports and scores and for the most part was exactly what I was expecting. It just said I have a car loan and some student loans and that I've always payed on time. I payed my first 2 years of college with cash, only the last 2 years I applied for student loans so my credit history isn't even 2 years old. Also my student loans will be completely paid off in a couple of months. My credit scores were 671, 681, and 652. So my question is, what can I do over the next 6 months to get the scores over 700? Would getting a credit card and being responsible with it help?

    6 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • Healthy or unhealthy weight loss?

    I started working out and going on a diet 5 weeks ago and so far have lost 22 lbs. Before I started working out I eat a 3500+ cal diet (just guessing, I didn't count) and weighed 276lbs. I'm a 6' 1" 23 year old male. I have a big frame, my doctor told me 210lbs would be a healthy weight for me. My diet the last five weeks has been a strict balanced 2500 calories a day. For my work out I walk 3 miles after work every day, Sit ups on the AB Lounge every day, and lift every other day. So by doing these things I'm loosing almost 4.5lbs a week. I went into this now life style expecting to loose about 1-2 lbs a week. Is what I'm doing healthy weight loss? Should I increase my calorie intake? I don't feel overly tired, in fact I feel less tired and over all feel much better then before.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Can some body help me get started?

    I've been trying to change my eating and exercise habits since last June when I stepped on the scale and weighed 304lbs. By just cutting out Sodas, candies, and eating less I was able to get down to about 270lbs last December. Since then I've pretty much stayed in the 270 range. I've come to realize that to loose more weight I'm going to have to start exercising more and that diet alone isn't going to get me to my goals. So I'm looking for some help at what to start me out doing. I'm a 23 year old male and am 6'1". I haven't done any real organized work out since high school during football season. Back then my weight was excepted and kind of required. Now that football is behind me, my target weight is to be a muscular 220lbs. I realize this isn't going to happen over night but I think it's a Realistic goal. I guess for right now I want to focus on loosing weight and strength training second. Should I just go out and Walk a few miles a day until I'm capable of other programs. right now I can't do a pull up, can only do knee pushups, and am winded after a 10:30 mile. Suggestions please.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Has any body tried Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey yet?

    there's an ad for it on ESPN and I'm a bit curious as to what people think, is it worth trying? Do you drink it strait?

    4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Would you start Mohamed Massaquoi?

    Would you start Mohamed Massaquoi tonight? last time he played the steelers he got me 9 points. As of now I have Brandon Marshall, Hines Ward, Sidney Rice, Chris Chambers,and Andre Johnson all starting in a spot i could him. by the way Hines Ward is starting.

    1 AnswerFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • When is Boondock Saints 2 going to be in theaters every where?

    it says it is released on Oct. 30 in select areas. In my area there are no theaters that are showing it on the 30th. when and where can i watch it in theaters in western Massachusetts.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • What is the average amount of alcohol consumed at a party?

    I'm having a party. I would say that the average age will be around 22-23. There will be about 15 people there. How much should I buy?

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • That is Alcohol Tolerance?

    what i mean is, if you have a high alcohol tolerance does that mean your body can metabolize it better or does it mean that you are able hide the affects better. In other words, say there is a set of twins. Same height, weight, same every thing. one is an experienced drinker one has never had a sip in there life. they both down 8 beers in the same time. Do they have the same Blood alcohol content?

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Has there ever been a bock to end an MLB game?

    meaning the game was tied and a man at 3rd and the pitcher bocks.

    5 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Should I release Eddie Royal?

    he had nearly 1000 yards last year but only has 58 yard this year in 4 games. I don't really need another WR until week 7. should I release him or do you think I might be able to get something in a trade.

    3 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago