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Lv 2656 points

Kyle C

Favorite Answers22%
  • When an officer and I know there QUITE a few of you on here . . . ?

    When an officer runs your I.D. what comes up either via dispatch or their in car computer? I know obviously that contact info shows up, previous traffic and criminal charges, and outstanding warrants. I'm curious to know if how many times you are pulled over show? I know that on your credit report it shows up who's looked into it as well. If your on probation and/or parole. Could you tell me what comes up besides contact information and be as thorough as possible.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • I was a caregiver for my mother and my my aunt fraudulently recieved compensation?

    I have an appointment with my mom's case manager through the insurance company and an auditor. She called me back today and informed me that she wouldn't know until the investigation is closed. I have a feeling shes leading me on to get the information out of me for many acts of insurance (all of which I have commited nothing illegal but have just the knowledge of). Could I still recive the compensation?

    Were not talking a few hundreds bucks were talking THOUSANDS of dollars. I worked for 16 hours a day for almost three months straight. WHen she fied the paperwork she recieved a check for 5,600 AFTER

    taxes and only claimed a portion of the proper time just to give you a hint.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What does the Area Agency on Aging B-1 in michigan pay?

    My fiance became paralyzed with a mrsa infection causing paralysis. I currently get paid from the state through department of human services but they only pay me for 133 hrs./month. This program I guess is for more of a full time thing which for our case it is because with me she can't even go to the bathroom and it's hard for her to function due tothe fact that our apartment is not handicap Accesible. Does anyone have any experience working with this Agency and can anyone tell me what they pay???

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • My employer wants me to pay before I can recieve my paycheck. Is this legal in the state of michigan.?

    I work at the subway in Saline,Mi and my employer wants me to split a $4.00 shortage in the cash change box(I'd have to pay $2.00) and also a $15.00 shortage in the till ( again I'd have to $7.50). Is this legal in the state of michigan in Washtenaw County and does anyone know a site where A can print off a law that that states this is illegal?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago