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  • What kind of exercise & how many reps/sets?

    To tone abs & thighs (both inner & outer) and eliminate the looser skin after weight loss? It's not rolls, but lose enough to bother me. Someone told me that with the right exercise and amount, it can be toned and firm again. Also, the thighs - don't want to have bulging muscles - just sleek and toned.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Need remote connection to my server for when I am away from the office. Can anyone tell me how to set it up?

    I know it's possible to set up a shortcut on my desk top to get into my server, but I don't know the details as to how to make it happen. Please help, my boss will give me a raise if I am able to do this!!!!

    7 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • I live near The Woodlands, tx and am looking for a good stylist, anyone know one?

    I am not sure what type of cut that would look good on me, and I would like to find a stylist that offers opinions based on face shape, etc. The ones that I have seen just do exactly what you tell them & nothing else. If you aren't sure, they make you look at magazines and pick out one they can copy! Someone please help.

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Need idea to save daughter's birthday - we had to cancel the party!?

    My daughter is turning 13 and we had planned a birthday party - but had to cancel due to bad weather & alot of people were saying they weren't going to be able to make it. Now, I need ideas on what we can do to save her day! (*I already have a nice restaurant picked out - but we need entertainment) Movies and skating aren't an option - she's bored with the same ole' stuff (bad party about 2 years ago and did the movie thing).

    12 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Is it true that guys sexual drive drops off?

    At what age does this usually happen? Is there anything that can be done to increase their desire besides taking pills when this happens?

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What is the best way (without going overboard) to make a husband more interested?

    Is it to make him jealous? I don't mean make him think that I'm having an affair - he knows better than that. He is VERY comfortable because we have been together for 18 years, and he knows I am a good woman. I understand that after you have been together for a long time things can get comfortable - but I know things can still be intense too! He gets really into his work and I just want him to get really into me again - even if it's just for a night every now & then. I'm very happy - just want to break up the same old routine we are stuck in!

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Any ideas for a night out in Houston area for anniversary?

    It will be our 10 year wedding anniversary ~ but we met when we were 15 & 16 years old (18 yrs ago). We work together (growing a small business) and we have 2 children. Things are great - we are just real busy and have a lot of stress. Is there anything to do in the Houston / Woodlands area that is fun & different? We don't really have time to get out and do anything, so if we do I want him to have a great time, and be entertained.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How do you get a lien lifted off property when the company is no longer in business?

    Around 10 years ago or so, I was living at my mom's and had vinyl siding financed in my name for her. They transferred the land & home into my name for financing purposes. This debt was paid off years ago - we never even knew they had put a lien on it. The company is out of business, and my mom is trying to sell that home & move another one on her property. We do not have any documentation, and cannot find anything on my credit report to prove it was paid. The salesman is telling us it is a 14 year lien and we have 4 years to go. We are in Texas. Is there anything we can do - my mom & aunt live with me - there is no way I can wait 4 years for them to move. They are on a fixed income and this is their only option because they already have land. Please help!

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • I have a question regarding purchasing a brand new truck.?

    We just bought a brand new truck (over 40k) less than 2 weeks ago. 6 days after we bought it, it broke down, and had to be towed back to the dealership. Now, 2 days after we picked it back up - my husband is on the side of the road again. My question is, do we have an legal options to get out of this truck and demand a different one since we have already signed the papers?

    8 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Can anyone refer me to an accountant with financial planning experience for a small contract company?

    We are a growing small contract company with subcontractor's who work for us in the Houston, Texas area. We are in the cable tv / communications field. Need a certified accountant with verifiable references that have extensive experience in our field, as well as experience in dealing with the IRS. I appreciate anyone who can be of assistance.

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Is there anything that helps prevent gas?

    When I was on a diet last year I had a problem with gas the first 2 months. I guess it's from the changes in what I was eating. I want to get healthy and lose my holiday pounds, but I don't want the gas. Anything over the counter that I could take to off-set it while my body adjusts??? (it's not that I have to go to the bathroom either - it's just gas and it went away after about 6 weeks or so - but i can't stay away from everyone including my husband for 6 weeks)

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How do I get my husband to pay attention OUTSIDE of the bedroom?

    My husband works alot - we actually work together. We have a business that we run from home. He is always busy with work. But, our love life is great except for the "no foreplay" and afterwards it's straight to sleep. By foreplay - I mean there is no flirting - nothing leading up to the bedroom. I don't want to talk to him - I'd rather try other methods to make him want to be more intimate. He already has a lot of pressure and stress from work. Any ideas???? I don't want him to think that I am not satisfied - I am just greedy - I want more. He isn't a very affectionate person - in public or private. We don't hardly go anywhere together, and when we do, I have to take his hand. Help! After 18 years (I am only 34) I need him to notice me again - outside of the bedroom!

    20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What do I do that will make everyone (including me) happy - this is a sticky situation!?

    Me, my husband, and my two kids all live in our home. About a year & a half ago, we moved my mother in with us. Her home was in bad condition and she couldn't afford the repairs. She has since taken full advantage of living with us, and not pitched in or done anything to help. She is on Social Security, and has blown all of her money. My mother has very selfish tendencies. I tried to talk to her, nicely, and also at times firmly, but she never changed. It was decided that she was moving back to her place, and she would try to have repairs done. Then, my aunt ended up with no where to live, we allowed her to move in after my mom begged. They are both in the middle of getting a place of their own on my mom's lot, but now my aunt is upset and doesn't know what to do. My mom is being selfish, and wanting it to be all hers, even though my aunt would pay half of everything. The land is my mom's, but the home would be in both of their names. My mom acts like a child - what do I do

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to find an accountant who specializes in our field of business?

    We are a small texas business (independent contractor) who needs help with tax issues and day to day finance. We don't want to get ripped off again. We are currently operating under a DBA, but want to grow and move forward. We have made mistakes in the past, like most people, but need someone we can trust. Friends and family are no help - either don't have the same needs or are looking for the same thing.

    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Why does my friend lie to her parents about me sometimes?

    I am 12 yrs old, and we have been friends for 4 yrs. My mom and her mom are good friends too. Sometimes she will tell her mom lies about things that I had said or done. It makes me look bad, and they confront me about it - usually when my mom isn't there. When I try to confront her about things that she has done - they either deny it or sugar coat it with an excuse. Most of the time she and I get along really good, but when we get into an argument or disagree - she exaggerates what I do and say. Not saying I am perfect, and like having her as a friend. I have spoken to her about other things, but not about lying about me. I think she'll just deny it. What does it mean when she does this and what should I do?

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I need unique ideas for a 13 yr old girl b-day party. She's into guitars & rock - but her friends aren't. Help

    I thought of getting a hotel room for girl fun - but some parents aren't going for it. She's not into the girly-girl stuff, but a few of her friends are. Our home isn't that big - would rather go elsewhere if possible and still make it a great day. Her birthday falls on a Saturday which is perfect!

    8 AnswersFriends1 decade ago