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I'm Happy...Great Person...I am a wife Now
Why AM I dreaming this dream?
I keep dreaming about My Baby Girl, ( I Have No Children) I keep Dreaming about her, myself and My Husband..My Husband Has Gone Back Overseas To Take care of some stuff...I don't Know Does This Mean anything or am I just dreaming a normal dream?
5 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years agoWhat am I to do about this one?
SO I had a falling out with My Step Mother, About a Month or so ago, 4 Days ago I sent My Blood sister some gifts for her children's Birthdays, I did Not Put a Return Address Because, The Family is not to know where My Husband and I are (for good reasons) So My Guess is she called My Step Mother to ask if she knew where we were, Well No she dose not Know, some how she got to the point to tell my sister I said so Negative Stuff about my sister and her Parenting skills and so My sister will Not speak to me, But I did Not say anything in such Matter. All of Me wants to call this Whore of a step mother and Gripe her out...Yet the other side says....Do Not Stoop to their Level...
What should I do? Let it ride its way out or Confront the *****?
2 AnswersFamily10 years agoWhich Do you think is best?
So My Sister is Having a Home Birth, For those who do not know about that Midwifery is a health care profession in which providers offer care to childbearing women during pregnancy, labour and birth, and during the postpartum period. They also care for the newborn and assist the mother with breastfeeding. and much more
I prefer a Hospital birth I would be just scared some thing would happen to my baby, (I have no kids yet) When I have a child I would rather a Doctor do it...
But what do you think? Which do you think is better?
14 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years agoI am wondering if this is possible?
Is it possible for a woman to keep a father from seeing its unborn child? the baby will be born in 7 weeks...the dad and mother are not together right now...Can this woman really keep the father from seeing it when she is born? some one let me know?
7 AnswersPsychology10 years agoI really want to know why this is?
Okay I am not being mean what so ever, I just really want to know why it is that religious women are Very Unattractive? I mean they are just plain, I Have seen women who do not wear make up just because and they are still Beautiful but its some thing about Religion that gets them I guess. can some one give me a clue on this?
4 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender10 years agoSo I have this little issue?
With a Person whom Is Religious and really Rude? I am talking about my mother, she is very very out spoken about her God, and when I ask Questions she gets really mad and loud about her answer. some one tell me how to let her know she is NOT getting through..maybe even a better way to say it, without me Being rude
3 AnswersFamily10 years agoHow long do we have to wait?
My husband and I are in Zurich, our 3 month visa is up in 10 days, we are leaving....can anyone tell me how long it will be before we can come back into the country? 2 months or 3 or how long? Please help?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoName of that movie where?
This couples kid dies, his name was Adam, On his birthday his mother took him to buy whatever he wanted, she buys him a basket ball..he plays with it in the store, he drops goes into the street...the street is crossed off with that yellow tape, a bike goes in front of a car...the car swerves to miss the bike rider and hits the kid.After his death they go to a doctor who recreates Adam in the mothers womb but this Adam is evil and starts to kill his classmates....What is the name of this movie? ANYONE?
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoNew at the Army Wife?
Ive been Married to my husband almost 4 months..he is in the Air Force, How can I pass My days? We are together but he is gone a lot. 12hrs a day and half the night. Were we are Stationed I cannot work. Women are not allowed to do does anyone have Any advice on what to do? How can I make it through with out Me loosing touch with him?
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoI have this brownish stuff coming from my Vag what is it?
Ive already had my period, its been like almost a week since the last one...I just now discovered the brownish stuff..there is no smell. ive missed 3 days on my birth control. could it be a possible pregnancy or is it "Just now" cleaning out my Vag? My husband and I are not ready for a kid,someone help?
3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agowhy do i get the blue screen?
Why am i getting the blue screen of death on my computer if my if the computer is only a year old? can anyone help me figure it out
5 AnswersMonitors1 decade agoshould i tell him what she has shared with me?
so after 21 years i got it out of my birth mother that the father i knew to be my in fact not the my dad has had his doubts about it but he never knew for sure...should i tell him what she has told me?
13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agohow do i cope and how do i get him to be ok?
Yes i was prego but i lost the baby. im so crushed i cant go to anyone
my whole family are christians and they dont believe in Sex before Marriage. The Father to be is crushed as well he has taken in to solitude
im afraid this has destroyed us, any advice on what to do?
2 AnswersParenting1 decade agohow long to i have to wait?
i think i may be pregnant how long do i have to wait to take a test?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agohow do i tell them I'm into girls?
my parents do not accept people like me..they are constantly downing my sister for being gay..they are against it 100%..what will they say when i tell them im Gay? any advice on how to tell them?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agowhy do they hate?
my aunt is a Beautiful woman,. she has not had the best past, she tires her hardest to appeal to her husbands side of the family, she has problems (she is bipolor) and she gets mad alot but i want stand by her and let her know im here 4 her... but when i did here came the hate from my family and they claim to be christians..why them do they hate?
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoshould agree to meet with them?
a week ago my family got mad at me for something i did..which was take up for my aunt ( she is not my blood aunt) and sta by her side when she needed someone. my friend came down to vist and he is my aunt kellis friend too, my uncle found out he was there and came to my aunts dads house to get me, ( my aunt is staying there also) he took me away and put me in his truck and drove away not letting me out, he says i took her side and turned on him...that was not my intention, but since that happend a friend i was staying with called my gradmother to tell her what my uncle did..she said she did not care,,,and the whole family cut me OFF from week later they want to talk about it with me....i dont know if i should...what do you think can anyone help out here????
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoshe hates he mom?
awhile back my aunt ran away, and she left her 4 yr old and her 1 yr old behind. she came back a week later, last saturday her 4 yr old looked at me and told me she wanted to know if her mom loved her? i told her of corse she does., emily ( the 4 yr old) said no she dont thats whyshe left me and not tell me goodbye. this broke my heart, i really did not know what to tell her? even my aunts 1yr old cries and screams when her mom holds her? they used to be so close emily adored her mom, but this in not the 1st time she ran away
i think emily has grown disapointed in her? what do i tell her how to i let her know i am here for her and will never leave her?.
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agonot a step daughter but the slave?
she is not my real mother nor a stepmom, i live with her mu parents live far away and the school i go to is a boarding school. her mom treats me just as fair, it just seems i do all of the work, she always has an excuse. i dont mind it at all well i did not until now, it finally got out and i have been but have never said anything. why do i feel this?
2 AnswersFamily1 decade agoam i overreacting?
my "sister" is one who will get to do anything she wants, she can go out and hang with her friends and do the things friends do, and i have to stay home and clean the house and do eveything she wakes up at noon gets dressed and goes out. (she is not really my sister i just live with her) i stay at the house to do thew work. i am 2 years oleder than she. and this girl gets all the fun...she does nothing around the house. yet her mom praises her, she never does anything! do i have a right to be mad? or am i over reacting?
10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago